“I’m never allowed to miss church.”
“Yes, well, I think it’s probably best if you follow your parents, not someone like me.”
Effie started down the steps. “Josephine, let’s not pester Mister Oliver about church.”
“Fine,” Josephine sighed with a slight roll of her eyes.
“Where’s Floyd?” Oliver asked as Effie approached.
“Napping. He couldn’t sleep much last night for some reason.”
“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that,” Oliver said, trying not to sound too bothered by the news.
“He fell asleep sitting in the pew this morning. Snored and everything ’til I woke him up.”
Oliver wished he had witnessed the scene.
“I may have had something to do with it,” Oliver admitted. “I’m sorry.”
“Did something happen last night? I was surprised that he came back so early.”
“I’m not really sure. I think I must have upset him somehow.”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll fix things soon enough.”
“I hope so.” Oliver cleared his throat. “I should probably head back home, then, if Floyd is asleep.”
“You can stay if you want.”
“Why not? I was thinking of making a skillet cake.”
“Oh, but, uhm, I’m not sure I’d be much help with that. I haven’t ever tried to make one before.”
“All the better. I can teach you.”
Her kindness was already helping him feel a bit better about the situation with Floyd. Surely Effie wouldn’t want him to stay if Floyd had hinted that something was wrong with their relationship.
“I’d love that,” Oliver said, a wonderful warmth spreading through his chest. He was so touched that she wanted to spend time with him.
Effie bent down to talk to Josephine. “I think enough time has passed since you tried to find the circus. If you’d like, you can play with William today.”
Josephine’s face lit up. “Really?!”
Josephine made a funny squealing sound and started running off.
“Bye, Mama! Bye, Mister Oliver!”
“Bye, Josephine!” Oliver hollered back, now smiling again. He looked back at Effie. “Well, let’s cook, then.”
Together, Oliver and Effie walked back to the house. Then Effie took out everything they’d need—a skillet, a mixing bowl, a whisk, and a bunch of ingredients from the cupboards.
“Have you ever had applesauce cake before?” Effie asked, setting the applesauce on the counter.
“Can’t say that I have.”