“You both are spoiling him. He can’t sleep without you.” Sedric smiled as we walked into the living room of our D.C. home. Walking over to him, I took Ethan into my arms. He sucked on his pacifier before he rested his head against my chest.

“My father said you came to see him today?” Olivia said as she stepped into the living with Neal.

“Yes we did. Did he tell you why?” Liam asked, as he took off his jacket and placed it on the couch.

Olivia shook her head as Evelyn came into the living room with a tray of drinks.

“Why didn’t you say you were going to see him? I would’ve liked to have seen my father and not be stuck here waiting for your orders,” Olivia snapped.

“Olivia,” Neal whispered, as he pulled her arm.

“No. We were dragged across the country, kept completely in the dark, watching your child as you both—”

“Olivia, enough, now,” Neal snapped. But she didn’t listen. Instead she pulled her hand from his and stomped back to what I could only guess was her room. Neal looked hurt and tired. He was on the edge…but why? Was Liam right? Was he the mole or was he just losing it?

“What’s wrong with her?” Sedric asked.

Neal didn’t answer him, instead he looked to Liam. “Do you need anything?”

“Yes, you and I will be going for a run in the morning,” Liam answered.

I wasn’t sure what he was thinking.

Neal nodded, wished us all a good night, and then turned to follow his wife.

“Well, do we get to know what you both have been doing all day? We just got here and you disappeared,” Evelyn said as she sipped on her margarita.

Taking Ethan away from the alcohol, I walked around the teal and white couch and turned on the flat screen. Sitting with Ethan, I rocked him in my arms as the breaking news came on.

“Good evening, I’m Andrea Salvia. At this hour, district police have ascended on the Nomad Inn here at 1325 New York Ave just miles away from the capitol. WPLA is coming to you first with this breaking news. Our sources tell us that senior Agent Timothy Wilson of the FBI has been taken into custody for the murder of an unknown woman who was stabbed several times. Also found in the room; over five hundred thousand dollars worth of cocaine and heroin. Our sources also tell us that Agent Timothy Wilson has been undercover for the last six years, trying to cut off the supply of drugs from Mexico. However, it looks like he, as so many other undercover agents, got lost in the life. This is a developing story and we will continue to keep you updated as we get more information.”

“I take that back, I don’t want to know what you’ve been up to. Good night,” Evelyn said with half a smile before she stood up and turned in.

“I’ll be right up.” Sedric kissed her cheek before he took a seat in the armchair opposite me.

Ethan’s eyes closed while he lay in my arms. He looked so peaceful.

“You’re poking a hornet’s nest,” Sedric said.

“What else can we do when a stick is placed in our hands and a hornet’s nest is kicked into our face?” Liam asked him, as he took a seat beside me.

“Just make sure you’re—”

“Sedric, we just need you to look after our son while we’re gone and show up for photos. That’s it. We’re not speaking about what we are going to do. Just keep an eye on the news if you’re interested.” I told him, not caring if it was rude or not.

“I’m getting too old for this shit,” he sighed. “When you’re both ready to share your plans, know that I will be here.”

Liam nodded, as he watched Ethan sleeping in my arms. Sedric got up and walked up the stairs leaving us alone.

“I knew retiring was never going to work for him,” Liam sighed, as he sat in the chair and relaxed.

“If the Pope can do it, so can your father. We just have to give him a bone to chew,” I replied.

“Our son isn’t a big enough job?”

Rolling my eyes at him, I shifted Ethan in my arms as I rose and headed towards our new room. Tomorrow we had another agent to take down. We intended to keep picking them off until the FBI crumbled from the inside out.


“Insanity is relative. It depends on who has who locked in what cage.”

—Ray Bradbury


Stepping out of the closet, I watched while she gazed at the rising sun. She held herself tightly as if she were trying to hold herself together. She hadn’t even bothered to get dressed or fix her hair. She just stood there, staring. It was like we were mourning and I didn’t even know why.

“Olivia,” I called out to her.

She turned around, and looked me over with no emotion on her face.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“Liam wants to go for a run.”

She shook her head before she turned back to face the window. “He calls and you go running like his dog.”


“You make me sick sometimes, bending over for your little brother, hoping that he’ll finally bring you into the fold. When will you get it? He hates you. He will never love you. He only puts up with you, with us, because we are ‘family.’ Sometimes I wish you would be a man. Why is that so hard for you to even attempt?”

My first instinct was to wrap my hands around her neck and twist it off. Instead, I took a deep breath. “Why is it so hard for you to understand that you are not important?” I calmly asked her as I put on my watch.

“Excuse me?” She turned back to me.

“You. Are. Not. Important,” I said slowly. “You want me to be a man? From the very moment Mel came into this family, you’ve been jealous. No, this is beyond jealousy. This is insanity. No matter what you do, you will never be on that level. When will you understand? Why is that so hard for you to get?”

“Screw you and Mel!” she snapped before she stormed off into the bathroom.

Without a word, I walked out the door to find Liam waiting. He looked at me, but said nothing and I wasn’t sure whether or not he’d heard us. If he did, he didn’t make it obvious. Setting the timer on his watch, we began our silent run outside the door with Monte following close behind.

I had no idea where we were going, but for some reason I wasn’t worried. If he was going to kill me, he would’ve thought of something much more fucked up and intricate than going for a run. Ten minutes later I finally understood; he wanted to race.

“I don’t even fucking know where we’re going!” I yelled as he sped up.

“Not my fucking problem,” he shouted in reply, running faster.

Just as I was about to pass him, the son of a bitch turned the fucking corner and ran on towards the bridge. Unless he planned on jumping off, I knew I could pass him and I did, but he easily came up next me and matched my speed.

From somewhere behind us, Monte passed us both, which caused us to pause for a moment, though we keep jogging in place to keep our legs from tensing up.

“Isn’t he your bodyguard?” I asked him.

“Bloody Italians. All of them are out to piss me off,” he replied before he sprinted forward, and caught up to Monte. As he passed by, he looked back and glared at Monte, causing the dark haired man to smirk.

Finally we reached the Arlington National Cemetery and Monte fell back. We ran on until Liam stopped at the base of two of the white graves.