I watched as his eyes glistened. “I do wish to handle them. But sadly I can’t deal with them in the same manner we handled Scooter,” he said seriously.

He was right. If all the people who testified against him suddenly went missing or turned up dead, suspicion would surely follow…it would’ve sent a clear message though.

“Oh what a shame.” I sighed. “Because here comes Dr. Lewis now.” I pointed to the woman with short blonde hair. On her arm was an attractive looking man…who possessed the same hair and eye color as Liam. He kept her distracted by making out with her and grabbing onto her ass. He covered her eyes with a laugh as he led her into a back booth.

“Did you know she would be here? You picked the diner?” Liam grinned at me.

“Who me? Really now Liam, I can’t control everything.”

He looked as though he didn’t believe me. However, when the mystery man stood up to join her, so did I.

“I’ll be right back.”


I raised my hand and placed it over my heart. “I’ll be good, I promise.”

“Fine. But you sure as hell don't get the warden too,” he muttered, as he rose and followed me.

“What do you think she values more than her life?” I asked Liam as we walked through the maze of white tables and chairs that led to the bathroom in the back.

“Her career,” he grinned, as he listened to the sounds that seemed to echo in the empty space.


We silently entered the bathroom and watched as she sucked on his small, naked mole rat dick while her breasts hung out of her tight blue dress. The sight made me want to bleach my eyes; it was like a bad amateur porno.

“Hello, Doc,” Liam snickered.

Her eyes went wide as she pulled away. “Oh my God!” she screamed, and as her eyes began to water, she looked up at us as though we were some ghosts of mafia past.

“Oh my God already?” I sneered in disgust as I sat on the white and yellow couch in the bathroom.

“What the fuck are you doing here?!” she yelled as she tried her best to stuff her breasts back into her bra. “Daniel! You told me you were closed!”

“I’m going to take a wild guess and say he lied,” Liam said, unable to keep the grin off his face as he leaned back against the wall.

“Daniel,” I said to him and he nodded as he walked out and left her in fear.

“Daniel? Daniel!”

“You just have the worst luck with men, don’t you?” I said to her.

“Wait,” Dr. Lewis whispered her brain slowly catching on. “He’s been working for you this whole time? No. I can’t be. We’ve been dating for—”

“Two and a half months, I know. While Liam was in jail, and right after you gave your first testimony to the police. Just so you know, he was paid handsomely for your time together. He didn’t have a penny to his name…but then again, you didn't know that. You thought he was a rich doctor who happened to own a few restaurants on the side. Wouldn’t that have been amazing? Shame,” I laughed. It was pathetic how easy it was to predict some people’s actions.

She was shaking badly and we could tell that she was going into shock as reality crept in.

“Wow, you must have truly believed that you were falling in love,” Liam gasped mockingly. “This must be embarrassing.”

“What do you want?” She spat, not realizing how kind we were truly being.

“You know all those rumors you spread about me? About my family? How we take out anyone who crosses us. How we control this city to the point where you could run into the police department right now and still not be safe? What if I told you they were true, Doc? What if I told you half of the people you treat were sent to you by us?” Liam replied stalking up to her.

“You’re lying,” she stuttered. “You're the Callahans—you feed the inner city kids and…”

“And cut off fingers and bash in heads…which makes me wonder what will happen to you,” Liam finished for her.


“Oh no, we are well past begging.” He walked closer to her and stared into her scared mouse-like face that was now streaked with tears. “Now you’re going to go to the media and you’re going to tell them that you were forced to testify against me. Are we clear?”


He took her by the neck forcing her to stand on the tiptoes. “Don't be stupid here. I wanted to crack your skull open. But it’s been a busy morning for us. So take this gift and know that if you ever speak about us other than what we tell you to do, your sweet boyfriend knows all about you by now, and believe me, Daniel won’t be so gentle with you this time around.”

He said nothing else to her before he turned towards the door. However, before we left I glanced at her and tilted my head to the side as I took in her shaking frame.

“Have a nice day, Dr. Lewis. Daniel will stick around for a while just in case you have any doubts.”

We walked towards the cars and I noticed that both Monte and Fedel were drinking coffees and eating muffins whilst Kain stood there glaring at them. I smiled; Monte and Fedel didn’t take kindly to new people.

Liam opened the door on the passenger side of the truck for me and I entered without argument. However, I moved across until I was in the driver’s seat.

“I’m driving,” I said.

“Only because you were so good,” he mocked before he slid in beside me and handed me the keys.

“All that’s left is Dr. Alden and the prosecutor. I’m sure we can think of something. They won’t be too much trouble. And we still have Avian to deal with,” I whispered, as I pulled out onto the road.

I wanted Avian dead. I didn’t want him to suffer, and I didn’t want some fancy, elaborate plan. I just wanted his head separated from his neck. The end.

“The mess our ‘scandal’ has created must be keeping him busy. But I doubt that will last any longer than another week,” Liam said, as he clenched his jaw and leaned back into the truck’s seat. “You’d think he would just stop.”

“Would we?” I wouldn't. “Before this was just business, but now we’ve fought back. We’ve embarrassed him and taken out his daughter, all while looking as clean as ever. He’s Italian. Questo è l'orgoglio.”

“Pride? Well that’s comforting,” he said as understanding dawned. “I don’t want to be taken by surprise from that motherfucker ever again. We’ve been two steps behind up until now.”

“Yes, and I’m positive that we have at least one more rat in the house.” I had no clue who it was, but I would peel the skin from their flesh with salt filled nails the moment I found out.

He sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Of course we do. I’ll have Declan go through the phone logs—”

“I did it while I was away. I couldn’t find anything suspicious, but I know there’s still a mole. I think it’s someone as close to us as Adriana was. If my mother could get to her, then I can only imagine who Avian could get to.” Thinking about Adriana only pissed me off.

He tensed as he looked at me. “On three, we say who we think it is.”