“Did he write you one?”

“Yes. But I’m not ready to read it yet.” She smiled sadly before grabbing another batch of photos.

“Will you read this one with me?”

She shook her head and kissed my cheek. “Go read it with your wife and son, Liam.”

“Mom, can you promise me that you won’t—”

“Kill myself?” She raised an eyebrow at me and frowned. “I couldn’t, even if I wanted to. Your father made me promise that I would never do it no matter how bad I felt…what an asshole.”

The tears built in her eyes again. “He will probably say that again in his letter and with my luck, I’m going to make it until I’m hundred and two.”

Kissing her temple, I pulled her into a one-armed hug. “Ethan’s going to need his grandmother. He has no other grandparents left…no pressure.”

She laughed and squeezed me back before letting me go. “Okay, go. I don’t want to break down again right now.”

She wiped her tears and went back to looking at her photos.

“I love you so much, Mom,” I told her when I stood up.

“I know. I love you too,” she replied as I moved to the front door.

Stepping out, I closed the door and came across two maids.

“Have someone listen in on her every hour until the lights are off or you no longer hear anything, then check on her,” I directed.

I trusted my mother, just not in this state, and I wasn’t burying her too. She could be pissed off at me if she wanted, but I would rather be safe than sorry.

Heading to my room, I entered in time to watch Mel feeding Ethan his applesauce while she listened to the news. She had changed into one of my shirts and looked absolutely beautiful.

“Hey.” She smiled at me as Ethan stretched to take a bite of the applesauce. Moving to them, I took a seat beside her.

“Can you read this while I finish feeding him?”

She nodded as we exchanged; the applesauce for the letter.

“What is it?” she asked while opening it.

“A letter from my father,” I said, smiling at Ethan.

She said nothing else as she pulled the folded sheet of paper out of its envelope.

“Liam, if you’ve killed me I’m going to haunt for the rest of your life.”

I laughed. Of course he would start off like that. “Ass.”

“And don’t call me an ass, that’s disrespectful.”

I froze as I looked over her shoulder, and sure enough there it was. Even in death, he knew my next move…I wasn’t sure if I should’ve been pissed or in awe.

“Everyone else’s letters have always come easy to me with the exception of you and your mother. Maybe it’s because I can put myself in both of your shoes. I understand the pressure that you feel is now on your shoulders, how heavy you think every step is, and I understand how it feels to not have a father to turn to. I’ve made it my life to be there for you, and to give you the tools you need to make it without me.

“One of those tools was in fact Melody…and yes I am calling her a tool, a weapon, your leg to stand on when you need help. I knew who she was, I knew that she was the one running her family, I knew that Orlando was dying. It was one of the reasons why I pushed so hard for you two to marry. As nice as it would have been to have peace with the Italians, I cared more about having you both matched up equally. That really is the secret to making it; having someone at your side to willing fight for you, die for you, kill for you…so I’m not sorry I lied to you both. I’ve watched the both of you in sheer awe and wonder. Never have I seen a pair so matched, so loved, and so insane. This is the best letter I have ever written because I know now, without a doubt, that you no longer need me.”

That wasn't true.

“I take comfort in knowing that I leave this world with no regrets. I’ve seen my son grow from a boy to a man, and have a son of his very own. I know it hurts, or at least it better hurt you a little, you brat, because it hurts me too. I’m proud of you. I love you dearly, and I want you to check up on your mother. I want you to stop and breathe, have a moment for yourself every day, God knows you will need it. I want you to remember to laugh, remember that it’s okay to be happy without me.

“Remember your wife and son, and the lives that you want them to have. But all of that happens after you take care of Avian. Wipe that motherfucker off the face of the Earth and then make sure that nothing like this ever happens again. I’m sorry that this letter isn’t longer. But your letters were never long. I never want you to dwell on me. Goodbye, son. Stand firm and know that there is nothing you can’t do. I hope these will help you if you ever need my advice in the future. Love you always, your father.”

I looked over to see what else there was and laughed. He had, for the first time ever, written out his rules for me.

She folded the letter and I stared at Ethan as he licked his lips. As I brushed his hair back, and he grabbed onto my hands. The pain was still there, but the rage eclipsed it.

“Tomorrow we start again,” I told her.

“Tomorrow,” she agreed.


“Heroes don't exist. And if they did, I wouldn't be one of them.”

—Brodi Ashton


I wanted to hate them, but how could I when I’d sold my soul? Every time I entered my office, the office of all offices, I saw their faces, I heard their voices.

Puppet. They’d called me, and it was true. For months, I had almost forgotten how I’d gotten here. It was simple enough with one of them locked away in jail and the other God only knew where. Now that they were back, my life’s purpose seemed to require me to honor them and smile for them. What was worse was the fact that people truly believed in them. They were the like the Kennedys, the Vanderbilts, or the Rockefellers.

The Constitution stated that “no title of nobility shall be granted by the United States,” and yet the Callahans were a family like no other. They were a dynasty, and while historians will tell you that that doesn’t last, they are wrong. Dynasties had a way of fading into the darkness, making you believe they aren’t there until they came back with a vengeance.

I had always believed the Callahans were like roaches. Their money was stained with blood and drugs…but it was money all the same. And when my Olivia met Neal, I just knew that there would be a price to pay. But I also knew that she, and our family, would be taken care of. I hated the Callahans, but I hated the fact that I needed them more. Being “the most powerful man in the world” came at a price, and it when this ended, I would be able to relax again.

“Mr. President,” Mina said as she strutted in as usual, smartphone in hand.

“No more press conferences.” I groaned as I leaned back into my chair.

“Actually, the Director of the FBI is here. He wishes to have a word with you,” she answered.

I knew the Callahans had some kind of vendetta against the man, but I had no idea why. The poor schmuck was probably clueless as to why the whole world was spiraling out of control and was now worried about his job.

“I thought I told him to go to Turkey?” I questioned.

She nodded. “I’ll send him in.”

Sighing, I stood up behind my desk and straightened my tie as he came in with his hands in his pockets. His head was held high, and he seemed to command an air of importance.