Locking both vaults behind me, I headed upstairs.


Biting into an apple, I stared at her while she slept. She was curled into a fetal position on the bed, her face stained with dried tears. As I kicked her thigh, I took another bite from my apple, and without waiting for her response, I dragged a chair over to the bed and planted it front of her.

“Wakey wakey, Olivia,” I said to her as I took a seat.

She couldn’t even pick herself up, and as she opened her eyes to look at me, she began to sob uncontrollably. Rolling my eyes, I waited for her to calm down.


“Please, just —”

“Are you about to give me an order?” I asked before I took another bite.

She didn’t reply.

“Evelyn asked me to kill you. She was quite cold about it actually. Note to self; never betray family…though you’d think that goes without saying.”

Again, she sobbed, and her entire body shook.

“We’re almost done, Olivia. It’s almost over and you will be gone. So weep, pray, do whatever you need to do.” It was to be her punishment and his test.

I headed back up the stars just in time to find Sedric, with Ethan in his arms, talking with Liam and Neal. Noticing me, Liam broke away and I already knew what he wanted.

“It’s ready and Avian is having a press conference in the morning. We’ll stream it then. Get ready for an earthquake,” I said to him.

He pulled me closer to him. “We better hold steady.”

“Who’s ready for dinner?” Evelyn called from the dining room.

“Irish Lamb Stew and Soda bread? You spoil me,” Sedric said with a grin as he walked into the room while bouncing Ethan in his arms.

Both Liam and Neal perked up.

The Irish.

Heading to the dining table, we all sat around as Evelyn served us dinner. She seemed quite peppy.

“Evelyn, are you on something?” I asked her.

“Can’t I make food for my boys?” She glared at me.

“Of course,” Neal, Sedric, and Liam all said at once.

Jesus fuck, it was like she’d hijacked their brains. It almost made me want to cook…almost, but not really.

I reached over to take a piece of the bread, but Liam stopped me and looked at his mother oddly.

“It’s the first Monday in June.”

“So?” I asked.

“It’s Lá Saoire i mí Mheitheamh.” Neal grinned.

What? In all my studies of Irish history I’d barely heard about it. It was a traditional holiday known as Pentecost Monday or the June Bank. But it wasn’t that big of a deal…was it?

Evelyn smiled. “I remember when your father and I took you to Ireland to celebrate. With all this foolishness going on, it only seemed fitting that we celebrate it. I’ve sent Coraline the recipe so that she and Declan can have it as well. We’re family and people who go against that—well, let’s keep things pleasant,” Evelyn said and Sedric kissed her cheek.

This felt oddly normal. As I looked over to Ethan who sat in his highchair, I wondered if I’d be like Evelyn one day…the thought made me shiver. I really hoped that I was beyond Evelyn. This mothering thing was like a double-edged sword. I felt the need to be soft near Ethan, but feeling this soft made me feel…on edge.

Would I ever figure out this whole balancing thing? Would I figure out how to be Bloody Melody while still being able to make dinner for Ethan and his future wife or girlfriend? But I was getting way over my head. I needed to not only ensure that Avian was gone forever, but that this situation would never happen again.

As if he could read my mind, Liam placed his hand on my thigh. Leaning over to me, he whispered, “Just for a moment, stop thinking about Avian. He will get his.”

Didn’t he know by now that I’d never stop thinking? With a smile, I focused on Sedric as he spoke about ‘the good ole days’…and he wasn’t even that damn old! But the way he spoke, you would have thought he lived in a black and white gangster movie.

“Plus your mother couldn’t look away from me!” Sedric spoke between bites.

“It was your fedora. You can’t ignore a man in a fedora.” She laughed as she rolled her eyes at him. Grinning at Ethan, she leaned over her food and asked, “For Father’s Day, you should buy one for your daddy.”

Was I supposed to help him with that?

“And hide this good head of hair? Blasphemy,” Liam snickered. “Plus I fuc—”

“Liam,” Evelyn and I both said at the same time.

“Dada. Dada. Da.” Ethan laughed as he flapped his arms.

Liam and I froze.

“Did you all hear that?” Neal grinned.

“Say it again, I think your Mommy and Daddy are in shock.” Sedric gave his fingers to Ethan to play with.

Ethan smiled, clearly enjoying the attention. “Dada. Dada!”

All of us, even myself, to my own surprise, cheered. Liam stood and picked him up before kissing his chubby cheek.

“Dadaaaaaa!” Ethan said again.

“Best gift I’ve ever gotten,” Liam said, as he sat back down with Ethan in his arms.

Why did I feel a sudden desperation for him to say 'Mama?’


“You only live twice: Once when you're born and once when you look death in the face.”

—Ian Fleming


This was my plan and I wanted it to be perfect. I could feel the coolness of the brandy snifter as it sat nestled in my hand. I stared out the window of our study, and from our position, I could see the capitol, the city on the hill, everything that was good about America was filled with nothing but snakes and rats.

“He’s speaking,” Mel said, as she leaned into the chair behind the desk.

Turning around, she increased the volume. Avian’s image filled the screen, as he stood in front of the podium with his head held high and proud.

Not for long, bastard.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming. As I said at the last press conference, an internal investigation is still being conducted. But I do want the nation to be assured that the FBI is removing anyone from our employment who does not hold to the standards of our office. Over the last few weeks we’ve had numerous arrests, including those of notorious drug rings and small time bosses.”

Our motherfucking drugs.

“Agent Rebecca Pierce is not missing as was previously rumored, but is currently on leave due to an injury she sustained, and unfortunately, she will not be open for questioning for another few weeks—”

“Now.” Mel said with a grin.

“Breaking news,” a news anchor reported, as the screen away from Avian. “During the hour we’ve received video footage from a group called Rsamas; the Republic Soldiers Against More American Savagism, with missing FBI agent, Rebecca Pierce. We warn our viewers, the video contains material not suitable for children.”

The feed switched to our little home video, and I allowed a grin to spread across my face. Rebecca Pierce sat up on her knees in front of the red Rsamas flag; her dark hair was matted together, and she was dressed in nothing but old rags. As the camera focused on her face, we could see that it was streaked with dirt and tears. Suddenly a pair of hands held up a recent newspaper up to the lens. Two men, whose feet were the only visible evidence to their presence, were seen holding AR-15’s to her head.