She rolls her eyes. “Since we have new players to game day, I thought a get to know you game might be fun. How about Never Have I Ever?”
With Alice in her lap, Francesca picks an apple slice off her plate and says, “I like that, Care. Good choice.”
“Okay!” Caroline claps her hands together. “I know it’s hard because we’re eating, but everyone puts up five fingers. We’ll go around the circle and say one thing you haven’t done and if you have done it, put a finger down.”
I squish my barbecue sandwich in one hand and hold up the other.
Caroline says, “I’ll go first.” She glances around thoughtfully. “Never have I ever…been on a cruise.”
I throw Francesca a nasty look that she’s oblivious to as her thumb closes and she calls back, “This game is easy. I’m a woman of the world.”
David scoffs and straightens his back. “Oh really?” With an air of intensity, he calls out, “It’s my turn. Never have I ever been to Disney World.”
Grayson gasps.
Francesca whips her head around and growls, “Really, Dave? You’re even saying those words in front of him?”
Grayson jumps to his feet and screams, “Are we going to Disney World?!”
“No.” David looks around, confused. “Why would you think that? How did you get that from what I said? This is just a game!”
Grayson sinks back into the floor with a pout.
Diego holds up a finger while he finishes swallowing and then starts, “Never have I ever…” He pauses. “Oh! Been skydiving.”
Adam makes a sound with his teeth.
Maggie laughs. “Put it down Adsy.”
I wait to hear the next question, but instead spit my food and jolt alive when skin makes contact with my outstretched hand. Hot hands meld into mine.
“Oh, sorry,” Adam pretends, leaning over his plate. I meet him nose for nose. His hand folds over my fingers. “You were wiggling all five fingers over there, I thought you wanted a high five.”
I wipe my chin with my other hand, and I sneer, “One more reckless stunt and you’re going to be flipping us the bird.” I hinge toward him, taking our joined hands with me to my shoulder. “That’s a whole dollar in the swear jar.”
He drags his eyes down my face, too close for comfort, and glances at our hands, which I’ve managed to settle against my chest. His wrist bone touches my now flaming hot nipple. He releases his hold.
“I’ve got a one,” Maggie sings. “Never have I ever sang a duet with Taylor Swift.”
The group laughs, and Adam whines, “Well now you’re just ganging up on me.”
I assume it’s my turn, but before I can speak, Kate scoots to the edge of her chair. “Oh, if that’s how we’re going to play, then never have I ever been engaged.” She shoots a laugh and begins to tick with her finger those that should come down.
It shouldn’t, but my skin goes cold. I hold my five open fingers low on the coffee table, munching my food, Adam looming large behind me. I feel sweaty. Only he and his sister know I’m lying, but I still feel caught out. That’s only if – after the cloud of lust dissipated, now that we’re in the cold light of day – if he considers his question and my answer to be an engagement.
“Adam!” Francesca’s jaw drops.
Oh no. He didn’t.
Adam emits a breathy laugh behind me and the sound of it scratches my skin. As though right into my ear, he admits, “Five fingers down. I guess I win. Or lose.”
I stare at the swirling wood grain on the table.
“Who?” Kate demands. Her blurry image burns with jealousy. Her head cocks confrontationally. “When?”
His leg shifts, pressing lightly into my straight, nervous spine.
“Years ago,” he answers, his voice heady. He continues, “When you ask someone to marry you and they say yes, that makes you engaged, right? There wasn’t a ring or anything. I mean, there would have been, if I had the chance.”