Page 119 of Again, In Autumn

“Daddy, a cat!” Alice shouts.

“Shh!” He puts a finger to his mouth.

She points to a stray cat prowling by the window. “I want to see, I want to see.”

“Okay.” He takes her hand. “Fran, order me the chicken.”

After they’ve gone to the window, Grayson says, “Mom, I need to go to the bathroom.”

Francesca takes a sip of wine and studies her menu. “Auntie Vee will take you,” she says.

Grayson hops off his chair.

I widen my eyes, waiting for her to look up or ask me to take him. There’s no reason she can’t take him herself, but the least she could do is ask me. When she doesn’t move and Grayson stands by my chair waiting to go, I push my chair back.

“I got it,” Adam calls out.

Francesca shakes her head, “Don’t worry, Adam, Vienna can take him.”

He pushes in his chair, a stiff smile plastered on his face. “I’m going to boys’ room anyway. Come on, Grayson.”

I focus on my hands when he passes my chair. I’m only ever embarrassed about conceding to Francesca when other people see it happening. I should call her out for it. What age does one have to be when they finally stand up to their sisters?

The waiter comes up beside me. “Can I get you another wine?”

With another glance at Francesca and Adam’s napkin printed with red lipstick, I say, “Yes, please.”

Chapter Thirty-Three

Mackenzie comes by to ask us about the food.

“Delicious,” Francesca answers, leaning in her chair, rubbing her stomach. “Ten out of ten.”

He laughs and responds, “Excellent! I’m glad. Well, if you have any suggestions, please let me know. Enjoy the night. The lights in the garden are beautiful.”

Adam comes around and claps his friend on the back. “Mac, let’s chat about when you want me to play.” He drops his voice. “Also, I’ve thought of how you can make it up to me about the room situation.”

They head out of the door and David announces, “We’ve got to get these kids changed so they can run off a little bit of energy before bed.”

Caroline says, “I’m excited to listen to Adam play! I love Should’ve, it’s one of my favorite songs.”

“Do you think Mackenzie will get to come out and listen?” Kate squeals.

“Oh my God,” Francesca groans. She sets her napkin on the table. “I’m going to go up and change, too. Are you coming, Vienna?”

I focus back on the hallway, searching for a sign of my roommate. “I’ll finish my dessert. You guys go ahead, I’m fine here on my own.”

I’m finished with my pumpkin cheesecake, I don’t touch it again. I just want to know where Adam is, how we’re going to handle the rest of the night, and how drunk or sober I should be when the lights finally go off.

There is a fire pit outside with long metal benches in a circle. In front of it will be Adam, in his element, so far from mine. I’m about to hear my first ever Adam Kent song, and I’m both terrified and hopeful that he’s asking Mackenzie to put sheets on the kitchen counter so he can steer clear of more mistletoe mishaps.

When he returns to the dining room, he searches for everyone else, smiling when he sees they’ve gone.

“What’s that look for?” I wonder.

He says, “I’m glad you’re all alone. I have a surprise for you.”

I’m guided out of my chair and into the hallway. Adam pushes open the door to the kitchen, and waves at the cooks and cleaning staff who don’t seem surprised to see us. He opens a second door, and we stand in a smaller kitchen, with subway tiled walls and a metal island. We’re completely alone.