Page 5 of Wolf Promise

Regina raised her eyebrows. “Aren’t we obligated to tell them?”

Her grandfather patted her hand. “Eventually, we must. But I’m guessing Mr. Varg wants to rule out each of the board members as a suspect before we do.”

Arek nodded.

“They’re going to catch on that something unusual is going on if I show up with an entourage of bodyguards at each event. Especially if they’re built like you.” Regina gestured toward Bolt and Arek with one eyebrow quirked.

Bolt looked down at his body and then exchanged a look with Arek. What was wrong with the way they were built? Maybe they carried a little more muscle than the average human male, and okay, since they were both an inch or two over six feet, they were a little on the tall side, but other than that, he could pass for an average man any day of the week. He did pass as a human male.

A smile played in the corner of Arek’s mouth. “Don’t worry. I have a plan that will keep you under constant protection while nobody notices.”

Bolt sat up a little straighter. That was new. Why hadn’t his boss mentioned this on the ride over?

Arek’s security plans were impressive and innovative, but even for him, a completely undetected surveillance team would be a feat.

“How?” Tore Lansford asked.

“Bolt will pose as Ms. Lansford’s fiancé.” Arek grinned.

Both his inner wolf and Bolt jerked to full attention.

What the fuck did his boss just say?


Regie jumped when the man across the table growled out, "No," at the same time as her grandfather said, "Out of the question."

Even without the shouting, she’d have struggled to remain composed. Mr. Varg's words completely discombobulated her brain functions. She had to rewind the conversation in her head and review the sentences again. Had he really suggested that the brooding man who worked for him would pose as her fiancé? She couldn't think of anyone less suited.

Not that she couldn't see how some people would be attracted to all that muscle and brawn. The guy had the type of body you only saw on movie stars in superhero movies after they’d spent months on a low-carb diet and worked out for hours per day. And still wore a body suit that simulated ripped abs.

She could see the aesthetics of his sex appeal, maybe even wonder what he would look like without his shirt on, but he was definitely not her type.

She preferred more refined men.

That sounded snooty.

She preferred less growly men, then. Yes, that’s what it was.

And she definitely preferred men who didn't silently stare at her through an entire meeting. She'd felt his judgmental eyes on her from the very beginning and had to stop herself from staring back more than once. She was used to the look. Men less macho than him often had problems with women in authority. But in no way was she going to pretend she was engaged to someone who was threatened by her success.

She threw him a glance. His eyelids had been lowered for most of the meeting as he glowered at her from across the table. But now they were wide open, and his hazel eyes flashed as he rubbed a hand across his close-cropped dark hair. The gesture showed off impressive forearms, as revealed by his rolled-up shirtsleeves. Tattoos decorated his bronze skin, but they disappeared under his sleeves, and she couldn’t make out the design.

"Come up with a different plan," he demanded in a gruff voice. "This one is not feasible." He glanced over at Regina. "No offense."

Oh, she was offended, alright. Not that she'd let him know. She opened her mouth to respond, but before she could get a word out, Grandfather interrupted.

"I agree." He gestured toward the man. Was his name Bolt? What kind of name was that? "My granddaughter wouldn't date someone like that."

Regina put a hand on her grandfather's arm. "Calm down," she said. He was going to say something offensive. She just knew it. Grandfather was an elitist and didn’t always know to guard his words when he was upset.

"Someone like what?" Bolt leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed, which made his shirt stretch across his shoulders. Regie hoped he had a good tailor because the seams of that garment were getting a workout. "What's wrong with me? Is it my dark hair that clashes with your granddaughter’s blonde strands?" His eyes flashed dangerously again. "Or is it my dark skin that doesn’t match?" He revealed white teeth in what was probably supposed to be a smile, but looked more like a predatory snarl.

Regina looked at Arek Varg for help. Thanks to his ludicrous suggestion, the testosterone level in the room had risen and oozed way too thick. This verbal showdown between her grandfather and Bolt would only get worse. Arek needed to defuse the situation before it got out of hand, but the blond man just returned her look with an enigmatic half-smile, mirth glittering in his eyes.

Great. No help from the instigator of this impossible situation, then.

Regina shook her head. "There's nothing wrong with you," she said to Bolt. She kept the sigh that had built up inside her from escaping. As usual, it was up to her to diffuse a situation caused by fragile male egos.