She bit her lip. “No, I could definitely tell that you were into me.”
“Then what is it you’re trying to tell me?”
She wouldn’t meet his eyes.
He waited for her to respond. For being such a straightforward and smart CEO, she sure beat around the bush in this conversation.
Finally, she sighed and looked up at him. Her eyes were as clear as a summer evening sky. “I’m not very experienced when it comes to relationships. I’ve dated before, but when it comes to intimacy and emotions, I kind of suck at it.”
He had no idea where this conversation headed. “Okay?” he hedged, waiting for her to continue.
“I know we don’t have a relationship, but the more we pretend to be in love, the more confused my emotions get. The intimacy feels too real.” She moved closer. Her head tucked away so he no longer could see her eyes.
He edged a knuckle under her chin, tilting her head back so he could look straight into those beautiful eyes. “There’s nothing fake about our intimacy. These sparks that fly between us whenever we touch? They’re real. Trust me.” It scared him how right that sounded.
He hoped she heard the truth in his voice. He wished he could explain everything about wolf shifters and true mates, but the priority right now had to be catching the stalker.
“I hear you,” she finally said after a long pause. But he hated how vulnerable she sounded.
“Do you? And do you feel the heat that sizzles between us?” His wolf rose to the surface, and he knew his hazel eyes had turned an intense bottle green.
“Yes,” she answered. “I feel those sparks, that heat.”
He let his gaze roam her face. “And do you trust it?” he growled. “Words can lie, but the truth of chemistry like ours is real.” His voice rumbled several octaves lower than normal. He felt it vibrate in his chest, and the wolf added his hum to the sound.
Regie tried to nod, but the gentle pressure of his knuckle under her chin kept her face still. He kept his gaze on her eyes. “Yes,” she whispered, her voice hoarse. “I trust it.”
He felt a lazy grin stretch across his lips. “That’s all that matters then. We may not know each other intellectually yet, but our bodies have already figured out that we fit perfectly together. Whatever this is between us, I want to explore it.” He moved his hand from under her chin and caressed her jawline. “But for now, we have to focus on finding your stalker.” He wished he could take the time to show her how much he meant to him. “The idea of someone hurting you, scaring you, is too much.”
She leaned her face into his palm. “We have a lot to talk about. There are some things you don’t know about me that might change how you feel about being with me.”
He brushed his lips across hers. “Unless you’re a closeted serial killer, there’s not much that can keep me away from you. But we’ll talk about all the things. Just not right now.”
An emotion flashed in her eyes, but it disappeared before he recognized it. Whatever she worried about, it couldn’t be half as bad as the secrets he had to tell her. He just hoped she could handle all that came with being with someone like him.
All the furry baggage with sharp teeth.
Mate, the wolf whispered.
Yeah, that, too. They needed to discuss being bonded for life to his furriness with the sharp teeth.
Regie relaxed further into Bolt’s hold. It felt natural to trust this man, to let him protect her. But obviously, Laney hadn’t told him that Regie had powers. If they became a true couple, would he accept her, or would she have to keep her darker side hidden?
His intense gaze searched her face. Once again, she lost herself in the bright green of his eyes. Some wild and untamed emotion flashed in their depths, and she knew his wolf peered out at her. It thrilled her. She lost herself in his gaze. How had she become so involved with this man so quickly? She could deny it all she wanted, but she’d fallen for this man and knew nothing about him. That wasn’t true, though. She knew him as decent and protective.
She knew she could trust him.
“Are you okay?” His voice sounded gruffer than usual. The words reverberated through her own body. They heated her from the inside, melting her bones and limbs. For once, she told her brain to shut the hell up. For just one night, she wanted to just feel. For now, she’d forget about the make-believe part of their relationship and just concentrate on what she knew as truth: her feelings.
She stepped closer into his embrace and rested her head on his chest, just below his shoulder. “I’m shook up. But you make me feel safe. I mean…you and the team.”
“I’m glad you trust us.” He leaned cheek against the top of her head. “We won’t let anything happen to you.”
They continued dancing for a while. At five-foot-seven, and with heels on, she usually looked most dance partners in the eye. Bolt’s height topped six feet and made her feel tiny. And some weird part of her lizard brain made that a turn on.
The song ended and Bolt pulled away, his eyes scanning the room. She missed the comfort of his arms and the heat of his body.