I shrug. “I dunno. A club or something. Anything’s better than drinking ‘round here like a couple of bums. You look like someone killed your puppy.”
She rolls her eyes. “Let me text Abbi. Maybe she’s around.”
I pour her a glass of water and hand it to her while she texts Abbi. Her phone rings as soon as she sends the text, and she answers. Immediately, I hear screeching on the other line.
“Okay. Abbi, stop yelling, I can hear you fine.” She pauses. “Alright, just text me the name.” She hangs up. “You’re in luck, big boy. Abbi’s already out with Shane.”
I crinkle my forehead. “Big boy?”
She chuckles, and a blush spreads across her cheeks. “Oh, shut up.”
When we get to the club, Whitney drags me to the front of the line and throws her arms around a tiny redhead in the highest heels I’ve ever seen. They are both squealing and giggling and talking at a pace that is unintelligible to human ears. Behind them, a ripped guy with dark hair gives me a nod and reaches out for a bro-shake.
“Hey, I’m Shane,” he says.
“Liam,” I reply.
“So, this is the British brute.” Abbi’s eyes scan me up and down in judgement. He’s hotter than you said.”
“He’s standing right here,” I mutter.
Shane clasps my shoulder. “You’ll get used to it,” he chuckles. We flash our IDs to the bouncer and he lets us in. The club is insanely loud and packed with people. Abbi grabs Whitney’s arm and drags her towards the dance floor while Shane and I head to the bar for drinks.
We push our way to the front, and I get a beer for myself and a tequila soda for Whitney. Shane catches a table off to the side and grabs it while I settle our tabs. I carry our drinks, eyeing the crowd for Whitney. I spot her and Abbi in the middle of the dance floor as I settle into the booth. They’re laughing and grinding on each other in a way that has me gripping my glass harder than necessary.
I down half of my beer in one gulp, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand as my eyes follow Whitney in the crowd. She looks so fucking sexy in that tiny pink dress and thigh-high platform boots. She throws her hands in the air, shimmying her hips and moving her body to the music. My throat feels suddenly dry.
“You wanna dance?” Shane yells from his side. “I can guard the fort.”
I grip my beer tighter. Do I want to go over there and grind against Whitney until she’s sweaty and panting and begging me to take her home? Fuck yes.
Should I?
Definitely not.
“I’m alright,” I say to Shane and force my gaze away from Whitney. Staring down at my beer, I try to calm my racing mind. This was a huge mistake. My self-control is slipping away with every moment I spend watching her.
“Whoa, man. You might wanna reconsider that.” Shane bumps my shoulder, jutting his chin towards where the girls are. I follow his gaze to see some guy grinding on Whitney, his hands around her waist.
I see red.
Before I even know what I’m doing, I push through the crowd and cross the room to where they’re standing. I grab the guy’s shoulder and yank him back, shoving him backwards.
“Get your hands off my wife,” I growl.
“Your wife?” He stumbles, clearly wasted. “Didn’t know she was taken, man.”
Whitney is staring at me in shock. I grab her left hand and flash it in his direction. “Check the ring, arsehole. Now fuck off before I put my fist through your jaw,” I tell him.
“Alright, jeez. Chill out,” he says before stumbling away, muttering under his breath.
Abbi has disappeared, and it’s just me, Whitney, and the sea of bodies that surrounds us. I turn towards Whitney, seething. “What the hell was that?” I growl down at her.
“Me? You’re the one who went completely caveman on me. Since when do you get jealous?”
“I’m not jealous,” I argue.
She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, right. There was basically steam coming out of your ears.”