Page 23 of Something Forever

A million dollars.

That’s a lot of money.

No, correction: that’s a fuck ton of money. Enough money to get started on Luke’s foundation. To make his dreams a reality, even if he’s not here to see it. Selfishly, there’s part of me that hopes that if I can see this through, I’ll finally be able to move on.

Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I check my piece of paper again, making sure I’m at the right room.


I shouldn’t be so bloody nervous. It’s just a roommate. It’ll be awkward at first, yeah, but then we’ll just be normal. Pushing the door forward, I walk in and see a tall, Black guy with braids laying in the bed on the right, reading a book.

“Hey,” I greet him.

His head shoots up and he tosses the book to the side, sitting up. “Hey! You my new roomie?”

“Yeah, I’m Liam.”

“Whoa. You British?”

I chuckle. “Apparently.”

He smiles widely. “Awesome. First day of college and I’ve already got a cool British roommate. I’m Luke.” He slips his hand into mine in a bro-shake. Shit. He’s a fucking cool guy, isn’t he?

“Where are you from?” I ask him.

“Long Island.” He sits back down on his bed. “I hope it’s cool I took the right side. You wouldn’t have liked me on the left, trust me.”

I’m not sure what that means, so I just drop my bag on the other bed and roll my suitcase over to the corner. I take in the room, which isn’t huge, but it’s not terrible, either. Luke has a TV set up on his side and what looks like a video game console.

“What’s your major?” Luke asks from beside me.

“Biological sciences. You?”

“Chemistry. I bet we’ll have classes together,” he replies. “I don’t know if you like gaming, but I set up my PS5 and I’ve got tons of stuff: Skyrim, 2K, Elden Ring, GTA. We could play together, or you’re free to use it whenever.”

“Thanks, mate. That’s golden.”

“Yeah.” He rubs the back of his head and smiles ruefully.

“I’m just gonna unpack.” I gesture towards my stuff, and he nods, looking slightly disappointed.

It’s quiet for a while as I start putting my clothes into the dresser. After a few minutes, Luke pipes up again. “Sorry if I’m being annoying as shit. To be honest, I’m really excited about college. I’m the first in my family to go, and I’m just… yeah. It’s a lot of pressure and excitement, but you know, if you ever want me to shut up, just say it. You can definitely be straight with me.”

“You’re not annoying. If you’re bothering me, I’ll just tell you to fuck off, won’t I?”

He smiles, wide and clear. “Dude. You rock.”

Blinking back tears, I refocus. I need to get started on Luke’s plan. Already it feels like everyone else from school has forgotten him. Somehow, they can go on with their studies and their jobs and not feel this crippling sense of… wrongness.

One million dollars. Is that much money worth getting married for? To Chore Wheel Girl?

I have to think about this rationally. Pros and cons.

I already live with her, and we’d only be married on paper. From her lips, after three years we could cut each other loose. It’s not like I’m getting into a relationship anytime soon. So, really, my life wouldn’t change at all, I’d just be half-a-million richer. I could honor Luke and find some way to fill this emptiness that exists inside me, do something that Luke would be proud of.

Just do… something.

All I have to do is get Whitney to marry me, and I can finally figure out some way to stop this endless sense that I failed Luke, that I’m the one responsible.