“And what about you? Do you think about it?” He threw my question back at me.

Of course, I had thought about it. It felt like it was non-stop replaying in my head, reminding me how good it felt to have him against me and how stupid and reckless it was when Nate had only been in the other room. But just as much as I replayed that kiss, his words that came after and how they struck me like a lightning bolt through my heart was also been on repeat.

With a deep breath, I turned my gaze back to him, letting myself be absorbed in his fire with all my restraint burning along with it.

“All the damn time,” I breathed.

He reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear before he whispered in the space between us. “I can’t risk Nate or Liam finding out about this. But you. God, you make me want to be selfish and take the only thing that’s ever made me feel alive. You’ve been the only person who has made me feel that way. You make me feel whole.”

If there was any bit of restraint in me holding to the ledge between friendship and this here with him, well, it just disintegrated at my feet.

“Then take me,” I whispered, the space between us disappearing by the minute as I leaned closer.

He leaned his forehead against mine as his eyes fluttered closed, his hands coming to rest on either side of my hips. “I don’t know how to be anything close to good for you. But I’m too selfish now to let you go.”

“You are, though,” I told him, combing my fingers through his hair, and his eyes fluttered open to connect with mine. “You are good enough for anything in this world. What makes you think you’re not good for me?”

A bolt of pain shot through his eyes before he closed his eyes again, squeezing them. I lifted my hands to cup his face, and he leaned further into them.

“I just need you,” he whispered. “Like this or how we were before. I don’t care. But I’ll let you make that decision. I won’t do anything unless you really want to.”

He’s giving me the option. To turn back now or give each other what we both want and need.

Like it was even an option before to turn back. Because the moment his head was between my thighs, we shattered whatever line that was between us that we called just friendship. I tossed every warning I’d told myself out the window and said fuck it.

I kissed him.

My arms wrapped around his neck as I spun around out of the chair and stood between his legs, his hands wrapping around my thighs to pull me into his lap, thighs straddling his. His groan only spurred me on at the sudden contact of our lips.

He met my kiss just as fiercely as I gave back. We were completely caught up with each other, breathing in each other's lust and need. I untangled my hands from behind his neck to hold either side of his jaw as he slid up from my thighs to my back, holding me closer like I couldn’t be close enough.

His lips parted from mine just for a moment, just for him to whisper my name against my lips before coming back to take them between his teeth, sucking it before letting it go with a pop.

Just as his hands gripped my hips to grind me against him, I heard my name being shouted from downstairs.

“Yo, Dakota. Where are you? Come downstairs. I have something to show you.”

My eyes shot wide at the same time Reece did at the sound of my brother’s voice.

I tossed myself immediately out of his lap and almost tripped over my desk chair.

“I thought you said he was out for the day?” Reece whispered to me as I grabbed his phone from the floor and shoved it into his chest.

He stood from the bed as I spoke in a hushed panic. “Yeah, that’s what he told me, but apparently not.”

He swore under his breath as he looked around in a panic, looking for how to escape without my brother knowing he was there.

I pushed him towards the window. “Go out the window.”

He looked at me wide-eyed, like I was crazy. “We’re two stories up. Are you crazy?”

“Do you have another choice?” I said, footsteps sounding as Nate ascended the stairs.

“Dakota, are you here?” Nate yelled.

Reece swore again before I yelled back. “Yeah, just a minute, I’m getting dressed.”

Reece headed for the window and popped out the old frame as quietly as he could before turning back to me, leaning in to kiss me with so much yearning, I wanted to hold on and savour it.