Page 98 of Playing My Rivals

“Bullshit. Tell me the real reason. I’m not leaving here until you do.” Jonah places his hands on my desk and lowers his face to my level.

I’ve pushed him too far. Maybe I should’ve consulted him, but I snapped after Dorothy told me she spent the night with Jamison.

“I made an executive decision. That’s my job. It’s in my title. In case you forgot, I’m the Chief Executive Officer.”

I’m reaching on that explanation, but who knows, Jonah might buy it.

“And I’m the Chief Operations Officer. What goes on daily in the office is considered operations. Now drop the shit, Hunter, and get to the point.”

Yeah, I’d say I’m at the end of the line with him.

“Jonah, I did what I did based on my gut. It’s never steered us in the wrong direction, so trust me on this.”

“You didn’t base this on your gut. You based it on your dick.”

There’s a gasp, a thud, and a crash near the door. Jonah and I turn our heads to see what happened.

Dorothy’s standing in my doorway. Her face is pale, her fingers are on her lips, and she’s staring down at the broken coffee mug on my floor.

“I’m so sorry. I dropped my coffee, and now it’s all over your floor.” She kneels to clean it up. “Can you get me some water and a rag?”

Jonah glares at me, then shakes his head. “I’ll get it. When I get back?—”

“I’ve got a conference call in five minutes. It’ll have to wait,” I lie. I need to speak to Dorothy alone before Jonah can be any part of our conversations.

He points to me and mouths, “Fuck you, Hunter. Fuck you.”

He’s out the door seconds later. I center myself and prepare for the fiery woman who’s going to let me have it in about three, two?—

She rises to her feet and glares an emerald-heated stare. “You and I have a lot to talk about. Once I get this cleaned up, cancel your call and meet me in my office.”

Goddamn, she’s sexy when she takes charge.

“Whatever you say.”

She’s too beautiful to stay angry with. No, it’s not that. I mean, it is, but it’s not. She just does things to me that don’t make sense.

Hailey comes in and tells Dorothy she’ll clean it up. Dorothy reluctantly leaves, but not before she glares at me again. Normally I hate it when we fight, but I haven’t had time alone with her in two weeks. I’m looking forward to the privacy.

I stall for a few minutes and then make my way to her office, rushing past Jonah’s door on my way. Hopefully, he didn’t see me. His back was turned to the door, so I think I’m good.

Dorothy’s standing, chewing on her thumbnail with the other arm around her waist. Her eyes find mine and she straightens her shirt. Her cheeks turn pink.

Damn, I’ve missed that.

I’m going to turn on the charm because I want her back. I don’t care that she lied to me about knowing Jamison before he started working here. The second she came clean with me, I let it go.

“Hunter, please close the door.” She moves around her desk and makes her way to the chairs.

“It’s good to see you, too.” I close the door and join her.

“Sorry. It’s good to see you.” She sits with her eyes on me.

I sit next to her. “How’s your brother?”

“He’s doing better. He’s still hospitalized, but should be out in a few days. My parents are with him. Whatever good that will do.”

“It all sounds positive from where I’m sitting.”