As if the server heard her, she comes to the table and takes our drink order. We throw in some appetizers since we’re all hungry and don’t think we can wait for dinner. Once it’s all delivered, our focus is on the food.
“These avocado egg rolls are to die for. I think I could eat all of them.” Mel takes a bite.
“Yeah, but one of those has enough fat and calories to add five pounds to my ass.” I reach over and dip my carrot in the ranch dressing.
“Why are you worrying about gaining weight? You have an amazing body.” Jami picks up one of the avocado rolls.
My cheeks heat, and I glance at Mel. A smile appears on her face and she turns to him.
“I tell her that all the time. But you know what she does if she eats one of those?” She nods like she’s already told him.
“Don’t tell me she throws it up.” He eyes me in horror.
“No, she’s not bulimic. At least she better not be. I think I’d know if she was.” She considers it for a second. “Yeah, she’s not. She’s an exercise freak, though.
“She’ll do two spin classes in a row and only drink water and eat vegetables all day the following day. It’s downright blasphemous. If you’re going to enjoy life, it’s okay to eat a little grease here and there.”
“Come on, Dori. Live a little.” He puts the egg roll near my mouth. “It’s so much better than that little carrot you have on your plate.”
I inch back, resisting it. “I’ll have to do two spin classes if I do.”
“There are other ways to burn it off.” His eyes hook with mine.
Instantly, the spark pops and ignites between us. Butterflies take flight in my chest. I don’t know if he meant it sexually, but my reaction went there immediately.
What does that say about me?
He holds my stare with a white-hot heat that melts his blue eyes and lights them on fire. I blink and my body takes over. My urge to touch him magnetizes me to him.
I lean forward and bite his egg roll like I want to work it off with him. The sexual tension between us spikes as my lips brush against his fingers. He watches my mouth and time stands still. I pull away and chew, never looking away.
“You two should get a room.” Melanie fans herself.
I spin to her and swallow fast. “Melanie, stop it.”
“I’m just saying I’m getting hot and bothered watching you two. That reminds me, where did that beautiful man go?” She peeks over her shoulder.
I close my eyes and shake my head. There’s no way I can face Jamison after her comment.
I might really hurt her this time.
He reaches over. “Dori, it’s okay. Something tells me she’s doing this just to make you…”
My eyes pop open. “What’s the word you’re looking for? Uncomfortable, embarrassed, or something else? I’m sure there are a few others I could think of if I tried.”
“Oh, you’re fine, sweet pea. You know I’m kidding.” She reaches for another egg roll. “They’re delicious, aren’t they?”
“Yes, they are.” He shifts and reaches for another.
It seems I’m the only one bothered by her statement, so I take a sip of my vodka soda and chill out. We finish our meal and drinks, and Jami insists on paying for everything. He’s always been generous, so it doesn’t surprise me.
Melanie finds her way into the guy’s arms. She decides to stay with him when Jami and I leave.
We stand, and he waits for me to join him. “Maybe next time we can do this alone. How would you feel about that?”