Page 16 of Playing My Rivals

She faces me with apathy in her eyes. “Yes, Hunter. Now that I’m looking at you, how can I help you?”

“For starters, you can show me some respect. If I did to you what you did to me last night, you would have my balls in a grinder.”

She considers what I’ve said, and then her expression softens. “You’re right. I would be livid with you. I’m sorry.”

Relief mixes in with my irritation, helping me instantly calm down. “Thank you. Now, would you like to tell me what I did that had you running away from me last night?”

When is she going to understand?

I hate it when she runs away from me.

“Hunter, I don’t like it when people make a decision for me and you did that. If you had waited for me to finish my sentence when Melanie asked me out, you would’ve heard me tell her no. I was looking forward to being with you last night. Instead, you interrupted and decided for me.”

She moves to the cabinet and pulls out a mug. Glancing at me, she gestures to the cups.

I nod, accepting one. “If you wanted to be with me, why go with them just out of spite? It doesn’t help anything.”

“It helps get the message across to you that you don’t get to run my life.”

“I’m not trying to run your life, but I thought we had plans.”

“We did, but then you put your hands on Melanie and me. Then you told her I couldn’t go out, so my plans changed.” She pours a cup of coffee and hands it to me.

I dip my head to show her my thanks. “I didn’t put my hands on you. I’m making an effort not to manhandle you, so I know I didn’t.”

She stops and glowers at me. “Yes, you did. You grabbed her wrists off of my arms and separated us. Then you proceeded to tell her I couldn’t go out with them. If you want to piss me off, that’s the way to do it.”

“I see your point. I’m sorry for removing her from you and taking your independence away. You’re the only one who can decide what you’re going to do. Next time, I’ll stay out of it.”

“Thank you for seeing it my way.” She steps forward and glides her arms around my waist, snuggling into my chest.

My body relaxes as I put down my drink and take her in my arms. “If you’d let me back into your bed, I’d be a lot less irritating.”

She peeks up at me. “We’ve spent many nights together, and you refuse to stay in my bed because it’s too small for us both.”

“You know what I mean.”

“If you hadn’t done what you did last night, our sex life would’ve been a different story this morning.” She steps out of my arms, teasing me with a gleam in her eyes.

“That’s enough. Quit torturing me for one bad mistake.” I get behind her and slide my arms around her waist. I move her hair over her shoulder and kiss her neck near her ear. “If you were going to let me have you last night, does that mean you will right now?”

“Not right now. First, I need coffee, a shower, and to brush my teeth.”

“Are you going for a record to see how long you can hold me back?”

“Not at all. I’m trying to build a solid foundation with you. And so you know, it’s as hard for me to stop as it is for you.” She steps out of my arms.

“I highly doubt that. If I don’t feel you soon, I think I’m going to die.”

She laughs as she grabs her drink and takes my hand, leading me to her living room. We get to the couch and she pulls me down to sit next to her.

“Patience, Hunter. Patience.”

“We’ve done everything else, so why keep pushing me away when it comes to sex?”

“We’re building a foundation and that’s how a normal relationship would progress.” She places her coffee down and faces me. “I’m beginning to think you don’t like my mouth very much.”

“I love your mouth. It’s just that I’ve experienced other parts of you I enjoy more.”