“I commented on him being dismissive with you this past couple of weeks. He said he was trying to send you a message by keeping you at a distance. Maybe he’s trying to set a clear boundary with you so you know it’s over with him.”
Hunter stops rubbing my feet. “You’re okay I told him I knew he had been treating you that way, aren’t you?”
“I didn’t expect you to tell him how I was feeling, but I guess it’s fine.” I pull my knees to my chest and hug them.
But Jami told me tonight he loved me. Why would he tell Hunter that?
Knowing Jamison kept his distance from me to send me a message makes me believe he’s done with me. Melanie even said that he was at that point or close to it. I thought he just needed some time to think.
If I’m not pregnant, he won’t have any reason to speak to me anymore. Panic rises in my chest. Before this, I missed him. Now I’m terrified I’m going to lose him forever. I’ve got to hold it together or else Hunter will blow a gasket, but I’m about to burst out in tears.
Good God, I’ve made a mess of everything.
“I won’t discuss your feelings with him again. Whatever you tell me will stay between us. I think he told me he doesn’t want anything with you because he wants me to feel comfortable about mending our friendship. To his credit, it helps to know. I see there’s room for us to be friends again.” Hunter moves up to kiss me.
“Not now, Hunter. I still don’t feel well.” It’s a true statement. I feel like I’m going to throw up.
He pushes back and releases a frustrated sigh. “I can’t even kiss you now. Why are you pretending to be working it out?”
“I’m not pretending. I truly don’t feel well. Maybe I just need some sleep.” I get up to get my shoes.
“Where are you going?” Hunter follows me.
“I need to rest. We’re not getting anywhere, so it’s best if I go home. We can pick this up when I’m feeling better.” I step into the foyer.
“Beauty, please don’t go. Stay the night with me and let me pamper you. I’ll draw a nice hot bath for you and massage you afterward. Please. I just need a little part of what we used to have to give me hope we can make it back there.” His eyes soften and I see the sincerity in them.
“That sounds wonderful, but?—”
“But say yes. I want to take care of you.” He takes my hands into his.
“Hunter, I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I’ll be naked in your bathtub and then you’ll rub me down with lotions. That doesn’t sound like a smart thing to do when we’re taking our time getting back to where we were before.”
“I promise I won’t do anything other than take care of you. If you want to reward me with a goodnight kiss after we get into bed, I’ll take it and stop there. If you remember, we did this once before and it worked out well. So you know I’m capable.” Hope sparks in his eyes.
I consider it for a moment. I’m so confused by how I feel about these two men. It’s going to kill me if I don’t figure it out.
Hunter is trying, so I’ll give him this because he’s been extremely patient with me. Plus, a bath sounds like heaven. Not a bath like the one I have in my loft, but a luxurious one.
“A bath sounds nice. And I am tired, so maybe it won’t be all that bad.”
“It’ll be a thousand times better than bad. I’ll make sure you finally get some sleep. My massage will do you wonders.” He leans down and unexpectedly cradles me in his arms.
I squeal as he carries me to his bathroom. He sets me down and runs the water. I grab a few oils and some bubbles off the shelf.
“Thank you. This is a very nice gesture.” I untuck my shirt from my skirt.
He pauses what he’s doing, and his gaze falls to my breast. Desire flicks in his eyes and zaps unexpectedly between my thighs. I stop undressing because I’m responding to him. If I undress anymore, there’s no telling what will happen.
He steps to me with hooded eyes. “Beauty, I know that look. It seems there’s something you want. Say the word and I’ll do whatever you need.”
My body yearns for his touch. I swallow hard and step toward him, knowing everything I’m about to do is wrong.
The outcome of our relationship hinges on Dorothy's response. We’ve been strained for well over a month now. I need to see if we still have a chance.