Page 123 of Playing My Rivals

“Now what?” He sits back on his knees.

“It’s my stomach. It’s been upset all day and you lying on top of me will make it worse.”

“Beauty, I need you. I can’t take it much longer.”

“We need time to ease back to where we were. I can’t just jump back to how it was before all this. I need time.”

“You promised me your friendship with him wouldn’t come between us. I’m trying my hardest here and I’m getting the sense I’m the only one who is when it comes to us.”

“I appreciate that you’re trying to better your relationship with Jami. It means the world to me and it isn’t going unnoticed. That said, we have a lot more to discuss before we get back in bed together. And our issues have nothing to do with him, so leave him out of it.”

“It’s been well over a month since we’ve been intimate. You seem to always have an excuse. Just answer me honestly. Do you even want to have sex with me anymore?” Hunter studies me with heartbreak showing through a window in his eyes.

Melanie’s right. I need to get back into therapy because when he looks at me like that, I want to soothe away all his pain.

My gaze travels to my belly. “Hunter, you know I love being with you that way. I just don’t think we’re there yet.”

“What’s it going to take to get us there? Because I don’t think I’ve gone this long without sex since I was in my early twenties.” He pushes off the couch and shuffles away.

“I’m sorry I’m making you wait, but I think it’ll be worth it in the end.”

“Great. Here I thought our relationship was already worth it.” He goes to the window and gazes out to the city below.

“That’s not what I meant.” I stand and move to the bar area. “I’m just saying once we have everything ironed out, there won’t be anything hanging in the background that could cause problems for us.”

“What are these things that need ironing out? I’d like to get them resolved so we can move forward. You holding me at arm’s length is getting old.”

“I’m not trying to keep you at arm’s length. I just think we have some big hurdles to overcome.”

“Such as?” He turns to me.

“How are you coming along with the clause in my contract?”

“It’s been more difficult than I thought. We haven’t found a way around it other than you marrying me and since you won’t do that…” He rolls his eyes in frustration.

“So our relationship stays in a bubble. How can you even want this so much when you don’t know how we are as a normal couple?”

“We’re never going to be a normal couple. You might as well get that illusion out of your head.”

My phone dings in my purse, signaling a message is coming through. He glances at the counter where my stuff is.

“Who would be texting you this late?” He pegs me with an accusatory glare.

“I don’t know.” I go to get my purse.

Hunter stays standing in the middle of the room, watching me. I pray it’s not from Jami or else this situation could return to where it was before. I grab my phone from my bag as I try to hide my shaking hand.

Jami: We need to talk when you’re done with Hunter.

I type out a response with my fingers trembling.

Me: It will need to be later.

I stare at my phone, wanting to lie to Hunter, but he’ll see right through me as soon as we make eye contact. God, I hate hurting him. He’s trying so hard and I keep playing this emotional ping-pong game with him.

“Who was it?” He steps toward me.

I shake my head. “Um…it was Jamison.”