This guy may have been with her in the past and the thought makes my insides turn into stone.
“Dorothy, please reconsider this.” Hunter’s jaw twitches as he waits for her to respond.
She faces Hunter. “My friends and I are going to my apartment so I can change. Please, don’t make a scene. We wouldn’t want to draw any unnecessary attention our way. Right?”
His eyes spew hot lava as he stares into hers. I could’ve warned him, but watching this is too much fun.
It’s good to see the asshole in me is alive and well.
He clears his throat as his face turns red. “Right.”
“Great. In that case, come on, guys. It’s time to blow off some steam.” She grabs Melanie's wrist and practically skips off toward her apartment.
We watch as they continue down the street.
He growls. “Who the fuck were those douchebags?”
“I don’t know, but I’ve seen her with them before.”
“When and where?” His eyes shoot in my direction.
Fuck. I’ve got to watch what I say.
“A while back. I ran into them in front of a club.”
“What were they doing?” He pulls his phone out of his pocket.
“Standing on the sidewalk talking.”
He huffs. “What are you doing tonight?”
I shrug. “I was planning on relaxing on my couch. Why?”
“In that case, let’s grab some dinner in the complex restaurant. You can tell me all about that night.” He gestures to his car service. “Jump in.”
The driver opens the door and Hunter slides in. I have nothing better to do, so I join him. Once I’m in and we’re on our way, he types out a message and sends it. I can be sure it was to Dori. The tight expression on his face says it all.
“I shouldn’t be worried they went to her loft because there’s no privacy in that shithole.” He stares at his phone like he’s waiting for her response.
“She lives in a shithole?” I ask, truly shocked.
“Compared to where we live, yes. She has a hangup about not needing much space, which is why you’re sharing an office with her.”
I nod. “Sounds just like her.”
“How so?”
Fuck. I did it again.
I look him square in his eyes and try to hide my slip-up. “She’s always talking about the offices in the building. She thinks they’re on the extravagant side.”
“She thinks anything over five hundred square feet is extravagant.”
“Some people are like that. You can’t hold it against her.”
He shrugs and changes the topic to the app. I couldn’t be more thankful.
Later, we’re in the restaurant eating. All is going well until Matt and Jerry come to join us. I haven’t seen them in a while.