Page 78 of Claiming Charlotte

“Strawberries are as moist as your lips.” His tongue poked and prodded the inside of his cheek and his mouth hung open in laughter.

“And I’m not talking about the ones on your face.”

I rolled off the bed and headed for the door. “I’m done with you.”

“You love it, now get your ass back in bed, I'm cold.”



“I’d like to say that our first event went well, Charlotte,” Thomas said. “All the art was sold and the money is waiting to be moved, you will see the correct amount is available minus the cut of the artist.”

“And did everyone play nice?” She asked cautiously. “I couldn't be there, but I heard something about weapons being drawn.”

“Just a schoolyard my cock is bigger than yours, nothing to worry about; I took care of it.” Thomas sighed.

For the first time, I didn't fully believe him, there was something off about his tone, and I could tell by looking at Lottie she felt the same. We were all in a high stress situation right now so it was understandable. And knowing her, she would push it later.

“Thank you for letting me know, anything else?” She looked around the room when Charlie’s voice rose.

“The lacing of the contraband has been aborted, and with your orders all families of the deceased have been fully compensated. It won’t give them back what they lost, but you did a good thing.”

She nodded his way curtly.

“Where's Arthur? “She asked.

“A few of his guys hit a snag so he is tying up?—”

At that moment the doors flew open, and I made eye contact with Arthur who nodded before looking at Lottie. Don’t do it.

“Congrats guys, sorry I missed the announcement.” He looked around the room and was met with confused glances that shifted back to Charlotte.

“I’m sorry,” Thomas interjected. “What news? And why wasn’t I aware?”

I could tell she was having a hard time, I wouldn't be offended if she wanted to wait, we were used to keeping things under wraps. I stood from my leaned position on the bookshelf?and walked over, taking her hand gently in mine, giving her reassurance if she wanted it.

“I’m sorry Arthur, but there was no announcement, we were going to wait until after the meeting at the docks.” She looked at me nervously and I gave her an approving nod. She is going to do it.

“Rowan and I…well…Rowan proposed. And before anyone asks, no plans have not been made, while we are taking a big step, we have bigger fish to fry right now.”

I looked around the room at a whole load of mixed emotions. But some glances worried me, the envious ones. I wouldn't want people to think I got where I am because I was with the boss. Most of them had no idea of our complete history, or what we had been through to get here.

“For the meeting today at the docks, after being awake most of the night, Rowan and I may have found Walker's angle. It won't matter to most of you, the rest will understand. Rowan can you please grab the folders and circulate them?” She urged on.

Personally, I didn't want anyone in my business, but privacy was a rare thing within these walls, and the more information these kids knew, the better. Running my thumb along Charlotte's hand in an attempt to calm my own anxiety I watched closely, falling on those whose files and the atrocities done to their families sat right in their hands. Charlie took one look at the file before slamming it down.

“I'm sorry, I just need to step away for a minute.”

He sped toward the door, closing it behind him. And Charlotte spoke, her assertive and confident voice filling the room.

“We think that Josh might be trying to get us all in the area to ambush us, and wipe us out, but we don’t know; it’s just a possible angle.” She said, “So, today I need each and every one of you on high alert. Before I dismiss everyone today, I have one more piece of business.”

Slipping my hand from hers, I took the small basket she handed me and set it in the middle of the table, before slipping my ring off and tossing it in.

“Please follow Rowan's suit and place your rings in the basket. While Bennett is the family name, a name we are all loyal to, without each and every one of you we would have never risen from the ashes. With that being said, we will be known as the Cardinals going forward. It is a bird that is close to my family; it stands for renewal and transformation, among others.”

Her lips formed a tight line, maybe she was thinking about her father, nonetheless she was stunning right now. Charlotte faced hell, yet, here she stood flawless, taking her role, and crushing it. Her confidence radiated and I couldn't be prouder. My eyes grew wet at the sight of her this way. She's perfect.