Page 8 of Claiming Charlotte

Most of all, I felt frustrated for being so helpless. The Walker’s had infiltrated the house without warning and gathered all my men, killing them in cold blood for not accepting to follow such a dark, evil family.

They’d taken Rowan away and I couldn't get the image out of my mind.

After what they would do to you, death would be a sweet release… His words echoed in my head as I realized my clothes had been stripped away, and when I was finally able to gather the strength to lift my head, I saw that my legs were spread open, offering a clear view of myself to the door that gaped open.

Lacey Walker was standing in the doorway picking at her perfectly manicured fingernails.

“Glad to see you’ve finally woken up,” she said, stepping into the room. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

I pulled at my restraints again, unable to contain the urge to punch her square in the nose. The numbness spread from my wrists down to my shoulders as I fought against the thick material. If I wasn't gagged, Lacey would get way worse than what she got in Hawaii.

“I wouldn’t even try,” she said, stepping closer. “Those restraints are tighter than they should be, and you’re not going anywhere. Now, I’d like to talk a little bit, woman to woman.”

She reached her hand out to touch me, and I shied away. She ran her fingers over my abdomen, gently scraping her fingernails over my skin, causing goosebumps to form and giggled.

“I just came from seeing my father. Rowan looks so good now, doesn’t he? Now that he’s not a junkie, I mean. It's nice to see him tied up for a change, at someone's mercy,” she said, licking her lips. “I can’t wait until Daddy lets me have my turn to have fun. I promise I'll make him feel so good.”

Junkie, I fucking hate that word. He needed help, and they kept hurting him. I bucked against her, trying to tell her to get her filthy hands off of me, but she only continued her stroking.

“You really bruised me up in Hawaii, you know.”

Good… I thought venomously. “And I’m going to make you pay for it. And then I’m going to let you hang here and listen to Rowan’s groans of pleasure as I ride his cock, bringing him to climax over and over again.” She giggled. “Well, you know, during that little bit of time he has to breathe after my Daddy tortures him.”

My body went limp at the thought and a frustrated screech erupted from my throat. I wished I could escape and free us both. As I looked around, desperate for any clues on escape, two men walked through the door and flanked Lacey, waiting for her command.

She pointed at something that I couldn’t see, and they set to work. I turned my head to watch them, which proved difficult given the position I was in. It looked like they were preparing something in a needle and my mind flashed back to what happened to Roe in my father’s study.

As they approached me with it, I screamed through my gag and tried to pull away, but one of them grabbed me, and held my swinging body steady, while the other jabbed the needle into my neck without remorse for the pain being caused as it pierced my skin.

Lacey grinned. “Relax, Charlotte. What they’re giving you is going to make you feel good,” she said.

She circled?around me as her men took their place against the wall and waited.? Through my mind was in a panic, I felt my heartbeat begin to slow and my whole body felt heavy. Lacey was right; whatever I was given made my panicked, tense muscles relax and I became groggy, my hands relaxing and dropping painfully against the ropes.

“She's ready,” she said, motioning for the men to approach once more.

In the blink of an eye they handled me, each one grabbing hold of a leg and spreading me open wider. I didn’t struggle, and I chalked that up to whatever they injected me with. Feeling drowsy, I let my eyelids droop, not caring about whatever was going to happen. It’s not like I could stop it.

Just as I was about to succumb to heavenly sleep, I heard something vibrate and it touched my clitoris, massaging gently. My eyes shot open, and I pushed against the men holding me, trying to get away. But Lacey stayed with me, standing between my legs with a devilish grin on her face.

“You like that?” she asked, rubbing circles over my clit. I stifled a moan and squeezed my eyes shut. “Let’s turn this up a notch then.”

Shaking my head denying the pleasure, she ignored me and turned up the volume, and the sudden increase in intensity sent the most delicious sensation coursing through my body. This isn't right.

I couldn’t stop myself from grinding against the object she pressed into me, and I felt my face heat as I realized she was going to make me come. I could feel the heat run across my abdomen, my wetness coating the vibrator, and I groaned loudly against the gag in my mouth, embarrassed that my body was betraying me like this. I don't want it, yet my body craves more.

“This is getting interesting,” Lacey said, amused at the humiliation she was causing me. “I think you need more.”

She ran her free hand down the inside of my thigh toward my opening, and I tried to object once more, my body writhing and fighting against the men who held me, begging her to stop. She slid two fingers inside me and fucked them into me resting the vibrator on her palm, allowing it to press against me every time her fingers moved.

Giving up a losing battle, I lost control letting the orgasm build within me. My head dropped back onto the chest of one of the men who was grinning back at me, and I couldn't help but moan at the combination of her fingers and the vibrator as they sent me careening over the edge.

But Lacey didn’t let up, and I knew what was coming, only one person being able to pull it from me until now. She continued her onslaught of pleasure and tears streamed down my face as she forced the buildup of another that crashed harder than the others. I felt something wet course down my ass as my cunt pulsed feeling empty, hearing it drip onto the floor as she brought me to a third orgasm.

“Wow, Charlotte. I didn’t know you had that in you. No wonder Rowan fell in love with you,” Lacey commented, and suddenly her touch was gone, and the vibrating stopped.

I sucked in breath after breath, trying to regain myself as the men released me with a grunt or whistle. My eyelids drooped again, and my body relaxed, still in its drug induced state. I allowed myself to drift off, the feel of hanging from the ceiling becoming desirable.

I could hear Lacey and her men moving around the room. Though I didn’t know what they were up to now, I didn’t really care. After what she had done, I figured humiliation was her endgame, but the jokes on her; I quite enjoyed it, the factor of fighting against it bringing a new type of pleasure. Wait what am I saying? What's happening to me?