Bao looked confident to her. He was tall, strong, and muscular. With long dark hair and just a touch of beard scruff, he was physically stunning. Some would say the Andaran was handsome. But he was rotten to the core.
Bao had a way of moving, of talking, that made her feel cared for. And she hadn’t asked him to do anything yet. So, her hopes were high that he’d help her.
Cat was mesmerized by the rich, vibrant green color of his skin. On his right bicep, the arm closest to her, she noticed markings that reminded her of tribal tattoos. It triggered thoughts of a stylized star or compass. The north and south points swooped up and down. They were the longest rays. While east and west were half the size and looked like small, curly anvils. There were small, tiny lines shadowing each line of ink.
Shaking her head, Cat explained why he wouldn’t find what he needed at the market. “Re-breathers are illegal. The Andaran forbids them unless you have a role to play that demands a clear head. If anyone sees you with a re-breather, his many and varied spies will turn you in. I was given one several years ago because I kept track of all his money and interests. Not by choice, but that is another story. The ones like mine fit deep inside the nose. You would need to be examined for them to be discovered. The longer you stay in the city, the more the air will affect your thought process. I can tell you where you can get several of the kind that can’t be seen.”
Frowning, Bao turned to face her and the streetlight bathed his face in enough light for her to see the serious look in his dark brown eyes. She knew he wanted to ask so much more of her, and there just wasn’t time. Not tonight.
Tonight, before she moved forward with the second part of the plan, she needed to ask him some questions. To decide if she could trust him. When all was said and done, she had to go back across the street and climb through the window and into bed before her guards figured out she was gone.
Cat knew she probably wouldn’t get a better chance to seek revenge, but she still had to ask. “Before I tell you where to get the re-breathers, I need you to explain why you believe you can help me?”
Baby got points for not asking questions. “I am one of twenty clone brothers. Our creator father holds a prominent position within the Galactic Alliance. He created our Band of Brothers when he needed help… righting what he considered wrong. For instance, we are often sent out to verify the anti-slaving policies of the Alliance are being upheld. Obviously, Viant is no longer complying with that law.”
Cat rolled her eyes at him. “That isn’t the only issue here.”
Bao grinned his agreement and continued. “Sometimes, my brothers and I act as mercenaries for a good cause. We’ve also been couriers or delivery boys. But our main charter is to right the wrongs we find in the universe. We fight inequality. Assist the downtrodden and oppressed. First and foremost, we rescue any soul who needs saving. Our creator fashioned the brothers for just that purpose.”
Closing her eyes, Cat knew Baby believed what he said. He was a fucking knight in shining armor… who had nineteen brothers and high-level contact within the Alliance. If it were all true, she’d never find better help. And she didn’t have the time or means to research his claims. So she’d move on to the third part of her plan.
“I’ll tell you where you can get the internal re-breathers. While you are there… I need you to collect something else.”
Chapter Three
“You’re sure about this, Captain?” The voice was pitched low, barely a whisper of sound.
BaOBy eyed the street. They were on a main road. There were both hover-type vehicles and beast-drawn wagons on the paved thoroughfare. On both sides of the street were dozens of additional pathways winding around buildings of all shapes and sizes. Many were built with the common purple brick. Some were created with wood, painted in a rainbow of colors. And others were more modern, using manufactured materials instead of natural resources. A few of the yards and common areas were clear of foliage, and others were overgrown with flowering plants and small trees. There was a riot of color everywhere he looked. If all he paid attention to were the buildings, Viant looked prosperous. Healthy.
But there was no laughter. No children playing in the bits of yard. Once you looked at the people, you questioned that prosperity. Several different species walked down the roadway or gathered in the shops. Many obviously had money. Just as many were poor. Overwhelmingly, Bao noticed signs they were nervous. Unhappy. Demoralized.
Bao partnered with his fuchsia-toned brother, BOlaBe. As the Master of Destruction, Bol’s abilities focused on blowing things up. From the creation of smoke to the demolition of an entire planet, this brother might embrace his explosive calling, but he was one of the most levelheaded of his crew.
Bol asked if he was sure?
Last night, Catalina had left him rather abruptly. Bao sighed. Once she explained where the re-breathers were located and described the other items she wanted him to retrieve, she returned to her prison. Leaving him with restless mating bands and a strong feeling that his mate had given him a test.
Bao was pretty sure he and his brothers were on a quest to not only test their abilities, but their loyalty to a cause. Would they go against the Andaran? Would they stand for the people of Viant and help them gain their freedom?
Most importantly, would they put themselves at risk to save Catalina?
There was no hesitation. “I’m sure, Bol. Not only sure that the female is my mate, but that she’s sent us on a mission to prove we can save the people of Viant.”
He couldn’t see his brother’s face. They were walking through the market, dressed in the multi-colored robes his mate suggested they wear. Cat explained how the Viant nobility kept themselves covered from head to toe, making sure the Andaran’s spies and technology wouldn’t recognize them. Her knowledge of all the unwritten rules of this planet would keep them from being challenged while carrying out the task she’d given them. Long ago, the Andaran passed laws that made it a crime to accost a noble.
“Not to save her, but to save the planet?” Bol asked, wanting his answer clarified.
“She believes herself to be beyond saving. So, we prove our worth and rescue both.” Bao was certain his woman was prepared to die. He didn’t understand why, but he knew her intent. He and his men would get the re-breathers, the bag she stashed under the floorboards of her bed, and if they felt it was possible… break into the Andaran’s office to get the second bag.
When she came to him tonight, he would demand more of her. But first, Bao and his brothers needed to prove their worth.
Walking through the market, Bao kept his breathing shallow. More and more, he felt the effects of the air. As Master of All—his ability to look at something, anything, and know the chemical composition—had provided their first clue that something was wrong on Viant. Well, second clue. The first had been a screaming Earther female.
But the very definite, sweet smell in the air had been unexpected. The concentrated floral scent was light enough that it took some time before most would feel the side effects. And because it was so mild, they might blame the lethargy or sexual interest on something else. Cat ran through how the essence of the native flower—the Viant Violeta—had been mixed with chemicals designed to override a being’s natural purification abilities. He and his brothers had air filtration built into their respiratory systems. Yet, it wasn’t enough to combat what the Andaran was pumping into Viant’s air. The longer they were on the planet, the less their lungs helped.
The very air they breathed had taken over Viant’s population. They knew they should care about their circumstances, but were too tired to do anything about it. And because of the aroma’s aphrodisiacal properties, their minds turned to sex anytime they had enough energy.