“Yes. I do.”
She waited for him to say more, but he didn’t. What was he trying to tell her? This couldn’t be real, right? “How do you know this works?”
“I know how happy my brother is with your sister, how well-matched they are. I also know the bands healed your sister of injuries she sustained during her capture, as well as they removed something called lung cancer from her body.”
Cammy started. Her sister had uterine cancer when she was young. Not lung cancer. Unless… Casey had been extremely tired for the last several months. They’d always known the cancer could come back and attack a different part of her body.
Her headache returned. It hurt, considering all the possibilities. Cam had finished all of Reb’s tea, so there wasn’t anything to help her. Unless… “If I don’t accept you as my mate, accept the bands… I’ll die?”
Reb shook his head. “No. Although the other options will all take time and you’ll get worse before you get better. I wouldn’t allow you to die. So, that will mean taking you back to the medical center for treatment. Or contacting the ship to pick us up.”
“I’ve already said no to both.”
“Yes. But if you don’t choose me, if those are my only options… I will choose life for you.” Reb assured her.
“We don’t know each other very well. How can you be okay with this?”
His smile made her pulse speed up. “I was told the bands don’t make mistakes. You know my name is ReBOrB. That I would never do anything to harm you. You simply need to give this a chance.”
She sighed. “You told me your name was Reb. I didn’t know it was… ReBOrB. And you know nothing about me. I’ve already chosen the wrong man once. He abused me mentally and physically. I just barely escaped him the night the Siloth kidnapped me. My luck with men is horrible.”
“I’m sorry about that. I wish we had more time so that I could reassure you. But know I will cherish our union. Keep in mind the mating bands are one-for-one. I don’t believe I’ll get another chance at the perfect mate. I planned to court you once we returned to the ship. To get to know you before I said anything. I wanted you to see that the bands chose Casey for BrOdByc, and both are thrilled. I planned to be very persuasive.” He grinned. “I will do everything in my power to be the man you need. Just say yes, Cammy. Give us time to discover if the mating bands are right again.”
Cammy closed her eyes for a moment. Thinking. She could choose Reb and live. Or say no and hope one of the unacceptable options worked. She could say yes and see her sister again. Her sister had evidently mated with one of Reb’s brothers. Something else she couldn’t deal with until she felt better.
Her headache was getting worse. Cam could feel herself slipping away. She didn’t want to die. She wanted to see her sister. And if she were perfectly honest with herself, she wanted more time with ReBOrB. Opening her eyes, Cammy studied the worried look on Reb’s face for a few moments. Finally, holding out her hand, she asked, “How do we do this?”
A genuinely happy smile filled his eyes. Reb stood and helped Cammy sit up straighter. Then he sat on the bed and took her hand in his. Kissing her fingertips, he moved her palm to his bicep. Just under the mating marks. “All you have to do is touch me.”
Cammy felt the warmth of his skin. She trailed her fingers up and over his flesh, closer to those dark ink markings. Taking a deep breath, filling her lungs with his scent, she tried to decide what it reminded her of. It was spicy, dark... reminiscent of aromatics like cedar and musk on Earth. Pulling the aroma deep into her lungs, she shuddered. Wanting more. Except she didn’t feel well enough to take part in more. If she lived through this, it was something to look forward to.
In a pain-filled daze, she watched those small pieces break away from the main tattoo and slither down Reb’s arm. She frowned, blinked, and they were next to her hand. Another slow blink and she felt them crawl into her skin. Cam opened her eye to see the marks disappear.
Before she could ask questions, Reb pulled her into his arms. “There might be more pain. But my brother said one of the band’s benefits is we can use them as pain relief for our mates.” Taking her hand, he placed it over the mating bands on his arm.
Immediately, Cam let out a soft breath. “No pain,” she sighed and settled into sleep. Reb stayed right beside her.
Chapter Ten
She woke to darkness. Laying there for several moments, Cam assessed her body. There was no pain. Her head didn’t hurt. She didn’t feel weak. She felt… warm. Safe. That’s when she realized Reb was in bed beside her. Her nose was against his chest. His arm was around her waist. She sighed happily. He smelled… amazing. The spicy scent always made her smile.
Cammy moved just a little, and his arm pulled her closer.
“How do you feel?” he whispered.
“Good. Healed. How long was I asleep?”
“It’s been almost a full day. There is something I need to tell you.”
Her breath hitched. That didn’t sound good. What if she was still sick? Or he didn’t want her as a mate? Or something was wrong with Casey? She wiggled again, wanting to sit up.
But the hard strength of his arm prevented it. “Hold on. It’s something about the mating bands.”
She stilled. “They didn’t work?”
Reb chuckled. “Oh, they worked. I scanned you a few hours ago. The bleeding stopped. Your brain is back where it belongs and there’s no blood. But I forgot to explain something.”