“What are youtalking about?” Caine asks.

“He smells likeher,” I say, nodding in Marc’s direction. “My mate’s scent clingsto him.”

“What the hell?”Peyton asks. “You just got here, and you’ve already found a mate?”She turns her sharp gaze toward the young man. “Where have youbeen, Marc?”

Marc lowers hishead, looking at the floor. “Sapphire said I need to keep my trapshut.”

“Unless you want meto let this Alpha loose on your ass to get the answers, you betterstart talking now,” Caine counters. “And I can assure you he won’tbe using his words to get what he wants.”

Marc’s gaze swingsfrom Caine to me and back again.

“Fine,” he sighs.“But if she kicks me out, I’m moving in here.”

“Spill,” Peytondemands.

“It’s April. Shecame over in a daze saying her fated mate was here.”

“Where is she now?”I ask.

“With my mate. She’ssafe,” he says. “But she is freaked out.”

“Why?” Both Peytonand I ask at the same time.

“Because of you,”Talon explains, looking directly at my daughter. “He’s your dad andyou just found out he’s alive. Plus, she’s twenty and he’s what,fifty-five? I can totally understand why she is spinning right now.To be honest, I would be too, and I’ve known you for years.”

“I’m onlyforty-eight,” I mumble but neither of them is listening to me.

“I know better thananyone that we don’t get to pick our mates,” Peyton snaps, foldingher arms over her chest.

“My moon,” Cainecuts in. “You can talk this out with her later, explain you aren’taverse to them being mates. For now, we need to figure out what todo.”

“I’m going to findand claim my mate,” I announce before standing.

“Sit down, Dad,”Peyton snaps. “This isn’t your pack. We need to talk to her firstbefore you run off like some damn caveman.”

“What is there totalk about?” I ask angrily, leaning into her space. “She is mymate, and I am hers. We belong together.”

I feel Caine’spresence behind me but Peyton waves him off.

“I am happy to haveyou here, it’s my greatest dream come true, to be honest,” she sayswith a smile. “But none of our females are forced into mating. Shewill have a choice in this and if she decides she doesn’t want tobe your mate, that’s it. You can accept our way of life, or you canleave. But know this—I will not endangermy pack members to have my long-lost father around. No matter howhappy I am to see you.”

“Shit,” Caine sayslowly, watching the two of us carefully.

“Now sit down. Marc,please bring April here so we can all talk about this.”



I finally feel likeI can breathe again. Sapphire has put me to work making a differentbatch of cookie dough to keep my hands busy. I know this isn’t apermanent solution but it’s good enough for now. My mind slips intothe rhythm of rolling out the dough and cutting the various shapesbefore placing them on a tray and sticking them in the oven.

“What did you do,Marc?” Sapphire calls out before he even opens the kitchen door toenter.


“Bullshit. You’vebeen pacing outside for the better part of five minutes.”

His gaze swings tome. “Peyton wants to see you.”