“I hope you likeit,” she says nervously. “If you want something else, I can whip itup.”

I chuckle. “I’m sureit will be delicious. What I want is for you to sit with me. Tellme about your life and your pack. Where is Slade? And the Hatcherpack?”

An uncomfortablesilence descends on us. Caine and Peyton share a glance while theother female looks at her feet. She seems familiar but I can’tquite place her. Taking a bite of the food, I moan as the tangytastes explode across my senses. Peyton smiles brightly at myreaction before speaking.

“There are things Ineed to tell you, things you won’t like,” Peyton explains. “A lothappened after you left.”

“What happened to mypack?” I ask. I’m already tense just hearing her words. She’sworried and I can sense her nerves from where I sit.

“James,” Caine cutsin before Peyton can reply. “I need you to calm down. I don’t carewhether you are her father or not, if you endanger my mate, I willtake you out.”

My gaze cuts to himbut he isn’t looking at me. He is staring at my hands where theyare curled around the edge of the wooden tabletop. Looking down, Isee what has him reacting protectively. My talons have extended andare digging into the sturdy top.

Taking a deepbreath, I fight to control my animal, forcing him into submission.He doesn’t want to allow me to control him but eventually I gainthe upper hand.

“I’m calm,” I sayslowly. “But I want—no, Ineed—to know what happened to mypack.”

“Talon, why don’tyou join us? This is going to be a long conversation and you canfill in some of the blanks,” Peyton sighs. “We will tell youeverything, but you need to eat.”

I nod, waiting untileveryone sits. I am finally able to place the other female, Talon.Her father was my Beta for many years before he passed. I am gladto know our girls are still friends, that they have each other inthis life.

Everyone stares atme, waiting until I return to the delicious food that has beenprepared. The moment I resume eating, Peyton launches into herstory.

“Six months afteryou left, Slade took control of the pack,” Peyton starts. “Therewas a power vacuum and he stepped up. No one questioned it. He wasthe most powerful shifter left, even if he wasn’t an Alpha, andeveryone simply fell in line.” She frowns, remembering her past.“He moved into our house and restructured everything. He chose anew Beta, started treating his friends like royalty, and the otherpack members like slaves. He was nothing like you, and the packsuffered for it. Slade kept me around to take care of him and hislieutenants.”

A low growl buildsin my chest after I swallow my food. “Take care?” I ask lowly.

She shakes her head,dispelling my worst fears. “Cooking, cleaning, stuff like that.Until I turned eighteen, I was nothing more than a servant in hispack. But then the mate bond kicked in and Slade was my fatedmate.”

A tear tracks downher cheek, her gaze locked on the table as her fingers trace thegrain. Caine reaches for her, entwining their fingers and offeringhis support.

“He refused me,” shewhispers. Her pain is palpable, tangible in the air around us. Mywolf howls in the corners of my mind, rage enveloping both of us.He could have killed her, and I never would have known. “I thoughtI was going to die but the moment I could stand, I wasrunning.”

“I’m going to killhim.” My voice is menacing as the words slip out.

“You’re a couple ofyears too late for that. Peyton already took care of him,” Talonsays. “After she left, he figured out that all the power he wantedlay with her. He came here to bring her home, but she was alreadymated to Caine.”

“He attacked us,”Caine adds. “Challenged me for Peyton. I won the fight, but hestabbed me in the back. By the time I woke up again, he wasdead.”

I stare at mydaughter in dismay. A strange surge of pride flows through meknowing she killed the monster that hurt and mistreated her.

“And the Hatcherpack?” I ask.

I need to know if Ihave somewhere to go and if my pack still needs me.

“Most of the membersjoined us here,” Peyton explains. “Caine opened the pack to anyonewilling to pull their weight. Some stayed behind and tried to makeit work but soon enough no one was left.”

I nod, relieved thatmost of my pack found a new home but sad at the same time, becausemy home no longer exists.



I know this is goingto be an emotional day for Peyton. As far as I knew, she thoughther father was dead. To find out he is still alive and waitingoutside is amazing, albeit a major shock to the system. I can’timagine what she is going through right now, but she is going toneed privacy and time alone with her father.

Without a word, Islip out the back door and walk around the outside of the house,leaving my friends alone in Caine’s house. I am almost in theforest when the smell of freshly baked bread hits me. My knees giveout and I fall to the green meadow grass.

This is more thanjust a scent I love, this is a scent that reaches into my soul andbegs me to go back to Caine’s house. It can only mean one thing. Myfated mate.