“That’s all you did today?” She sighed, staring at the now empty Jell-O cup.

“Really?” I smirked, shaking my head. “You’re not killing my high today, wife. I’m having a son and about to get the White House.”

She laughed, as she rubbed her stomach fondly. “First, I’m sorry, it’s the hunger speaking. Second, we’re having a son.”

Sitting next to her, I kissed her forehead, taking her hands into mine.

“We’re having a son,” I whispered down to her.

“Are you nervous?” she whispered back.

“I think I will be at some point. But like I said, I’m numb with happiness. Are you nervous?”

“Yeah.” Leaning back against the pillow, she took a deep breath.

“You’re going to be a great mother. So, what do you want to eat?” I asked, dialing Adriana.

She grinned widely. “French Onion Soup with stuffed Artichokes on the side and a large chocolate milkshake?”

“Is that all?”

She smacked my arm.

“Sir?” Adriana said on the other line.

“I want a bowl of French Onion Soup with stuffed Artichokes and a chocolate milkshake—”

“Large,” Mel stated, biting her spoon.

“A large chocolate milkshake.”

“I’ll have it brought over in half an hour,” she replied.

“Hurry, before she bites off my arm for a snack,” I said quickly before hanging up. She reached over to smack me again, but I grabbed her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist instead.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she snapped.

“Like what?”

“Like…” She was interrupted by the second phone in my pocket. “Isn’t that my phone?”

“It is,” I told her, answering, “Callahan.”

“Sir? This is Officer Beau Brooks and I believe we may have a problem.”

Rising to my feet, I placed the phone on speaker. “You believe we have a problem or you know we have a problem?”

The smile on Mel’s face dropped as she glared at the phone in my hands.

“Sir, there is a maid here who says she overheard the conversation with the First Lady and Aviela when she returned to your home to get her belongings after being terminated. She also claims she’s seen a lot more within the Callahan household. But that’s all she says, she isn’t speaking in detail until immigration gives her a visa. The FBI is trying to make this a double whammy and pull charges up on you also. She’s under twenty-four hour protection”

“Shit. Fucking Olivia,” Mel hissed. “Brooks, hold on and make sure she can’t talk until we call you back.”

“How does this involve Olivia?” I asked her when he was gone.

Shaking her head, she took a deep breath. “She fired all the illegals working for us for the charity shit. Whoever this woman is, she’s probably sharpening her axe for us, wanting revenge for what your idiot brother’s dumb bitch of a wife did. Damn it. This is the last motherfucking time we leave Olivia or him in charge of anything!”

“Love, relax. The baby.”

She froze, placing her hand over her belly before turning to me. “We have to move quickly.”

“Beau can’t kill her,” I thought aloud. “There is just too much focused in and around her right now since she knows enough about us to use it as a bargaining chip. Shouldn’t she be more afraid?”

“I don’t think the maids were that bright to begin with.” She sighed, trying her best to keep calm, but she was raging. I could see it.

“Even an idiot knows when to be afraid.”

Fear was human nature. People instinctively knew when to stay away. It’s what kept the human race alive.

Mel froze, looking up at me. “Not unless she’s more afraid of what will happen if she didn’t talk. Her visa, Liam. For whatever reason she needs a visa and she needs it now.”

“Relax.” I kissed her forehead. “I will bring you up to speed after it’s dealt with.”


“Mel, no.”

The last thing I needed was her stressing out over this. It wasn’t worth it. Thankfully, before she could call me a sexist asshole, Adriana walked in with a tray of her food.

“Feed her, I’ll be back soon,” I said, already dialing as I walked towards the door.

“I’m not a dog, you chauvinistic asshole, and we aren’t done here. Who…”

Closing the door, I yelled a quick, “I love you too!”

Stepping into the hall, I was met with a bunch of nosy nurses all staring at the door. “What are you all looking at? Don’t you people have lives to save or something?”

They looked away immediately, pretending to be otherwise occupied.

“Declan, this is my ninth call to you. You better be dead or dying somewhere.” This family was starting to tick me the fuck off.

“Liam, is Mel alright?” My mother glided on over to me with an array of bright sunflowers in one hand and Olivia standing by the other. She held her head high and rolled her manicured hand over those stupid fucking pearls she always wore.

I didn’t bother answering my mother. Instead, I snatched Olivia’s arm and pulled.

“What the hell are you doing? Let go of me this instant!” she screamed like the hideous banshee she was.

Pushing her into the stairwell, I grasped on to her neck, forcing her against the wall. “Do you know what I get to do today? I get to clean up your shit. Do I look like a shit cleaning type of person?”

“I…can’t…breathe…” she gasped, clawing at my hands so harshly her fake nails popped off.

“If you can’t breathe, you can’t speak. I’m seconds away from popping your ugly head off of your shoulders—”

“Get the fuck off my wife!” Neal pulled me back, his fist quickly colliding with my jaw.

Falling to the ground, Olivia gasped for air, her hands around her throat, as Neal hovered over her.

“Have you lost your fucking mind?” he shouted.

Brushing the side of my lip, I stared at the red stain on my sleeve. I could feel the sadistic smile tugging on my lips as I stared at my brother.

“This is your final warning, Neal. Control your wife or I swear to God I will kill her.”

“I should control my wife? How about not letting your wife fucking control you? Everything is about her! What has she done? Did she not agree with Mel’s shoes?”

“The drama between my wife and yours does not concern me. You of all people should know Mel does not need me to fight those battles for her.” I again wiped my bruised lip, staring at the jackass in front of me. “However, the moment your sniveling breallóg of a wife fired the maids in my house without speaking to me or fully explaining to them what would happen if they spoke to the police, your wife became my enemy.”

He froze as if he was encased in ice.

“I didn’t think any of them would…” she said weakly.

“You didn’t think!” I roared at her, causing her to jump back. “The drama you’ve created in this family I can, and have, overlooked. The drama you create in my work—my way of my life—you’re lucky you’re still alive! Breathe in the wrong direction and you will not live long enough to regret it.”