“Can I tell you the sex now?” Dr. Lewis asked Mel directly.

She didn’t say anything, just took a deep breath, grabbed my hand and nodded.

“Well then, your son is going to be fine, as long as mommy here takes it easy.”

“A boy?” I whispered with a grin so wide my face felt as though it would break in half.

Nodding, she showed us the tiny boy, who was seemingly exposing himself to the world with pride.

“Just like his father.” Mel smiled.

I kissed her forehead, her nose, and her cheeks before kissing her lips. All I could think to say was, “Thank you.”

“Another young Master Callahan. I can’t wait to help with his nursery!” My mother, almost jumped out of her skin.

“I bet you I can get him to love golf early on,” added my father.

To which my mother could only shake her head. “Sedric, dear, you’re the only man in this family who thinks that’s a real sport!”

“Son, don’t listen to her. Now your father wasn’t any good, but with your mother’s genes, there’s hope for you,” he spoke to Mel’s stomach.

Mel simply looked at me.

“And you thought this was going to calm them down?”


“Actions are the first tragedy in life, words are the second. Words are perhaps the worst. Words are merciless...”

—Oscar Wilde


I used to hate hospitals. Everyone was either dying or dead. Yet, right now I felt like I was going to die from excitement. Or nervousness.

“What has you looking like a megawatt light bulb?” Olivia asked, sitting across from me and calmly checking her phone.


“Your face. You look like you’re about to break out into a show tune. Which is a little twisted seeing as Mel is losing her baby again.”

She was such a bitch.

“Olivia, you don’t know that,” Neal whispered, sitting up in his plastic chair.

“She was bleeding, and curled up in a ball, I’m sure every news outlet is talking by now…”

“Unless you’ve magically gone to medical school in the last two hours, shut up, Olivia. You don’t know shit,” I couldn’t help but snap at her.

She drove me insane.

Rolling her blue eyes at me, she frowned. “I forgot, you’re her little lackey. I wonder how long that will last when she plans to kill your father.”

“Olivia, enough.” Neal grabbed her arm.

She looked him dead in the eyes. “You were going to kill him, weren’t you? From wherever you were hiding, you were going to kill him at the end of the night.”

“This is not the time or the place for this,” he hissed at her.

“For what? To discuss your loyalty? Because apparently you can’t even stand up for me, your wife. Other men would move heaven and earth. You on the other hand, don’t give a damn. It’s all about twisted fucking Mel, and now karma is biting her in the ass. So let go of me,” she yelled, pulling her arm away and forcing him to let go. She went to rise, but before she could leave, Declan made his way over.

He smiled, running his hands through his hair. “She’s fine. So is their son.”

“A boy?” I jumped up into his arms. “Evelyn must be in overdrive right now.”

“Who says God doesn’t have favorites?” Olivia sneered before walking off to some random part of the hospital.

“Tell Liam I said congrats,” Neal said, shaking Declan’s hand before following his wife.

“Olivia is driving me up the wall,” I whispered, holding onto him.

Kissing my nose, he just smiled.


“Mel is fine. We’re in a hospital with all types of devices that can find out whether or not you’re pregnant,” he whispered.

Biting my lip, I nodded as he led me to the front desk.

“Is there anyway we can get a pregnancy test done now?” He winked at the woman who could only smile and nod.

“If I am, Evelyn is going to have a heart attack if we tell her now.” I could just see her face; not able to process the information we were telling her before she jumped me.

“Then we’ll tell her later and make it our little secret for now.” He grinned, kissing my cheek.


It’s not fair. I was always the one being shit on. I was always the one watching as everyone else moved forward while I was pulled back. Mel was a evil bitch! She broke every law; every commandment under God, yet still, her life was perfect. Her life was just the way she wanted it to be.

“You suck, you know!” I yelled up at the sky. “I’m not sure what you do all day, but it isn’t working! Life is shit and you know it.”

“Are you yelling at me or God?” Neal called out behind me.

“Go away, Neal!” He disgusted me.

He touched my shoulder softly and I was tempted to lean into him. “Olivia…”

“Were you or were you not going to kill my father tonight?” I turned to stare into his eyes, but he couldn’t meet my gaze. “I can’t believe you.”

“Olivia…” he tried pulling me to him

“NO!” I snapped, pulling out of his arms. “Ever since that woman has come into our lives, shit has gone to hell! What happen to the rules? We killed for family, we die for family? Yet nobody is safe! God forbid you even blink in their direction. Family used to be important to you and everyone else. But now, fuck it. It’s every person for themselves, and you don’t even have my back. No one has my back but me. So fuck you, fuck Melody Giovanni, and fuck everything you pretend to stand for.”

I tried to leave, but he grabbed onto my arms, shoving me against the door and leading back into the hospital.

“Let go of me!” I pushed. “Neal—”

“No! You’ve spoken, now it’s my turn!” he yelled, grabbing my hands. “First of all, I’ve had your back. I’ve had your back the moment you came into my life. I’ve had your back even after you couldn’t trust me with your secret. Even after the family told me not to marry you. I’ve always had your back because for some stupid reason I love you. I wasn’t going to kill your father tonight.”


He frowned. “I sat on top of that roof, my rifle pointed at the First Lady. I spoke to your father, he was supposed to push her out of the way and take a bullet to the arm. I’m always on your side. So fuck you for not trusting me again.”

Letting go of me, he reached for the door handle at my side.

“Move, Olivia.”

“No,” I whispered, as I jumped up into his arms, trying to kiss him. “I’m sorry.”


“What’s taking so long?” Coraline sighed, kicking her legs back and forth on the edge of the bed.

The nurse had left with her blood samples over two hours ago. If I knew it took this long to take a pregnancy test, I’m sure Coraline would’ve rather we waited and done this in the comfortable privacy of our own home.

“Baby, I’m sure they are going as fast as they can.” I tried to hide my skepticism. She was excited. She was trying so hard not to be, but she couldn’t help it. Her whole body was shaking and in return, so was mine.