Declan shrugged before smiling back. “He hung up on me after I called for our money.”

“Say it ain’t so, Chuck.” I frowned at him before turning back to the rest of his men. “If he were to die, who takes over?”

They looked confused.

“We ain’t got a system,” one of them said. “Whoever got the most power—”

“I take over,” the very same nicely dressed man said, just as I thought. He was young…older than me, but young. He wasn’t muscle, but he had brains and those with brains hated to be second.

“Take a good look at Chuck,” I said, turning back to the man whose blood was now running across the table like spilled wine. “This is me being nice. In fact, this is me in a good mood. Chuck thought he was untouchable. Chuck thought he fucked us over, not only once, but twice. But Chuck was wrong.”

To prove my point, Declan reached for the cup of pens, but it was empty. Smirking, he pulled a knife and slammed it down, right in Chuck’s thumb.

“Lesson four?” I asked him.

“Motherfucker was getting his cock sucked in a lady’s presence,” he snapped angrily, staring at the girl who sat frozen in shock on the ground. Her blue eyes were wide as she just stared, taking in the screams. She should have left when I told her to.

“What’s your name?” I asked the man.

“Roy, ma’am,” he said quickly.

“Roy, Declan is the man who will be setting up all of our business. We will now be buying at fifteen. You should know, at some point, you will care for someone or something deeply. If you ever stand against the family again, I will take that thing and destroy it in front of you.” I nodded at Declan, who, picked up the redhead and pushed her over to one of Chuck’s former, men.

“Take care of both of them.” Declan told them.

Roy’s eyes widened slightly but nodded. We didn’t kill in front of others unless they also would lose their lives.

“Anyone have a problem with that?” I asked around the room, but no one answered. Nodding, I rose, stumbling just a bit, but Declan walked over to my side and took my arm. We left Chuck pinned to the table, sobbing like a child.

“I think we’ve made our point. Good evening, gentlemen.” I started walking towards the door when Declan turned and handed one of them a gun. When one of them shot Chuck through the eyes he spoke again.

“Lesson five; never piss off a Callahan. It’s a hazard to your health.”

“I hope my presence here is enough to haunt you for a lifetime, because I will not be back at this shithole anytime in the foreseeable future. And none of you have any ever met me.” I stated as we walked out.

I was only a few steps away from the exit when one of the strobe lights illuminated the corner of a man’s face.

“Declan, do you see who I see?” I asked him when we were back with the rest of the sexually frustrated lovers of rope and chains.

He scanned the dimly lit club, and once again I saw that darkness creep into his eyes.

“Call everyone,” I told him, making my way over to the bar. I couldn’t drink anything, but my leg was killing me, and by the time Declan got off the phone, all of the family would be on their way. Even Evelyn.

It made me laugh and cringe at the thought of Evelyn at a bondage club. But what could I do? Vermin liked to hide in the dark.

“So we wait?” he asked.

I simply nodded.

He was a silent for a moment before whispering; “Why didn’t you tell me you had flipped his men?”

“Because I shouldn’t have to, Declan. I’m not sure why you keep underestimating me. Or why you seem to think I’m some silly little girl trying to play mafia. I’m neither an idiot, nor would I willingly put the family, the business or myself in danger. If you weren’t family, you wouldn’t be here.” In fact the second time he doubted me, I would have cut off his hands.

“My apologies, I’m still not used to all of this,” he replied.

“Your wife seems to be getting there.” Despite the fact that I hadn’t really had time to spend with the woman.

He simply snickered. “Coraline has changed, but she’s still my Coraline. No matter how much she trains, no matter how badass she becomes, she’s still my sweet Coraline. She’s the sun and you’re Pluto.”

“A cold, dead, floating rock?” My eyes narrowed at him. “Is that what you say to all the girls at bondage clubs?”

His eyes went wide as he tried to figure out what to say, however, he wisely realized it was just best to keep his mouth shut.

Facing the crowd again, I fought the urge to rub my stomach. It was like I was checking to see if it was still there. But under my loose fitting shirt, I could feel the bump. The kid was fucking with my emotions, and not in the way I would like. I was either happy, horny or hungry. Sometimes all three at the same time! It was driving me insane and making it hard to concentrate.

“They’re here,” Declan said, looking towards the door.

And sure enough, there was my husband, dressed in all black, and though he didn’t look pleased, he still looked sexy.

His green eyes scanned the club before they landed on me.

He looked at me as though he wanted to wring my neck. And if he did, he was in the right place to do it.

“He’s going to kill me.” Declan sighed.

“Possibly.” I said, watching the way everyone seemed to hover around Liam as he walked toward me. I could feel my lust for him grow with each step he took. By the time he got to me, I just wanted to jump him.

“Wife,” he hissed at me.

“Come here often, husband?” I smirked.

“I’m going to find Neal before he loses it,” Declan said, leaving us quickly.

Liam pinched the bridge of his nose before turning to the bartender.

“Your best Scotch,” he demanded.

“Scotch? Someone’s uptight.”

“Maybe because my wife is in a bondage club in downtown Chicago, with only one man beside her. Melody…”

“I may be carrying your child, but I am not one. Breathe and celebrate. Not only are we now buying at fifteen, but Chuck’s dead, and we just spotted Harvey King. Today is a good day. Drink and be Irish, Liam.” I turned to watch as Fedel and Dylan pulled a very drunk Harvey away from the women who surrounded him.

Liam stepped in front of my face. “You and I, wife, are going to have a chat later.”

“Code for you fucking me angrily?” I smiled and he took a deep breath before kissing me hard, pulling me off the chair.

“Shut up and let me be pissed at you,” he said when he broke away.


How could one woman drive me so insane? There she was, sitting at the bar as men got whipped, and women were chained to walls. She looked completely out of place, but she wasn’t even bothered, she just sat there sipping on what I hopped was cranberry juice.

“Stop being pissed at me so we can handle this and go home,” she added before smiling.

She was doing that a lot. Smiling and laughing…in public. I knew it was the hormones; it was beautiful, but I didn’t want to get used it. With all the shit going on, I was happy that she was happy. I could never be pissed with her for longer than a few seconds before she completely disarmed me with that smile. In my mind, I knew this was God’s doing. It had to be. She got pregnant at the worst possible times.