“Olivia,” I groaned looking into her eyes. “I had my ass kicked by a woman—a very small woman—and I just want to forget the whole thing. Can we do that? Can you help me forget?”

She brushed my hair back and eased onto her hands. “Get on your back.”

Smirking, I rolled over, allowing her to ease onto my waist. Slowly, she began to unbutton her shirt.

“Damn you’re beautiful,” I whispered as I held her by the waist.

Before she could speak, the door opened and my father walked in.

“For the love of fuck, Pop!” I yelled as Olivia grabbed for the sheet.

“Oh, did I cock block you?” Sedric smirked. “My apologies, I just wanted to check on my first son.”

“Get out!” I tried to adjust myself as Olivia held her laughter.

Sedric grinned. “Your mother wants to see you, don’t keep her waiting.”

I drew in a deep breath. “I will see her in the…”

“Rule Nineteen: Never—”

“Never keep mother waiting,” I finished for him. “I know, but I don’t want to see her with a hard on! So get out before I decide to move out.” This house was huge and yet felt so fucking small all the time.

“Really?” Olivia laughed. I loved hearing her laugh, “Where do you want to go?”

“Doesn’t matter. Family stays together. Rule Five: One family, one roof.” Sedric winked at her before closing the door. Grabbing a pillow, I threw it at the wood before lying back. I just wanted my wife.

Olivia said to me, as she kissed my lips softly. “Go see your mother. I’ll always be here. Always.”

Ever since she’d had her first kill, Olivia had changed. Or better yet, healed. She smiled and laughed without caring who saw. She was happy, and seeing her so happy made me happy. It made me grateful to Mel. God only knew how long Olivia would have held onto her anger. We still hadn’t found Harvey, but when we did, so help me God, he would pay.

Taking her hand, I kissed it softly before pulling her closer to me.

“My mother can wait,” I whispered.

“She’s going to kick my ass if I keep you from her,” she whispered back, but she never stopped kissing me.


“Where is he?” my wife asked as she paced in our bedroom. I continued to flip through my book.

“Most likely enjoying his evening with his wife. Something I wish I could be doing,” I told her. If Neal was busy with Olivia, I could be busy with her. However my wife hated when the family was separated.

“How can he be having sex when Mel was gunned down?” she asked. “Not to mention how close he came to losing his life. We should be having a family meeting, or at the very least, we should be at the hospital with them! We could—”

“Sweetheart, Liam didn’t want us there…”

“Liam is an emotional wreck. His wife was just shot, why in the hell are you letting him make choices?” she snapped.

It was times like this that proved God chose a special type of woman to drive the men of our family crazy.

Dropping my book on the bedside table, I sighed just watching her.

“Don’t look at me like that, Sedric Callahan! Our daughter was shot three times by some stupid bitch pretending to be a mother, and I can’t even see her. Not to mention we don’t even know how Liam is dealing with this. We should be at the hospital!” She was beautiful, even though she was crazy.

“Sweetheart, lie down next to me,” I demanded and she glared. I felt like I was having a staring contest with her, until she finally gave up and climbed into bed next to me.

“Liam is the head of this family, and if he thinks he and his wife need a moment, then we do as he says. I know you want to become the mama bear, but give them a moment,” I whispered, holding on to her.

“I’m worried about Mel. It was her mother—I can’t call that bitch a mother. Who shoots their kids? What kind of sick, fucking, two bit—”

“Language.” I snickered, causing her to flip over and smack me.

“I’m serious, Sedric.” She frowned.

“I know, sweetheart. I know.” Sighing, I tried my best not to think about it.

Someone had attacked my family; they had harmed my son and my daughter. I wanted to set their blood on fire. I wanted to rip them limb for limb, but it wasn’t my place anymore. It was Liam’s, and if I thought about it, it made me want to… it made me want to kill.

Liam needed to kill this bitch quickly or I would snap.


“My boss doesn’t like the deal you made,” I said into the phone. This was so going to end badly.

“Too fucking bad. Are you people going back on your word? Your boss gave his word…”

“My boss gave his word when we were working at twenty, and you screwed us over for thirty. We’re not pleased, and bad things tend to happen when we’re not pleased,” I hissed into the phone.

“You paid, the deal is done. Go fuck yourselves.” And with that, they hung up. Frustrated, I gripped onto the phone, ready to throw it when Coraline appeared before me. She stared at me wide eyed.

“I’m a recovering shopaholic, you can’t break your shit. It makes me want to buy new things.” She smiled, walking up beside me.

“Sorry. Mel’s being unreasonable.” I sighed, placing the phone in my pocket.

“So, she’s being Mel?” she asked, and I smirked.

“Yeah, which I guess is a good sign.” It could be worse. She could be in bed, staring at me with dead eyes as we all tried to get her to function.

Coraline looked over to the wall where Monte, Duncan, and Antonio,—who was sporting a cast on his arm—stood outside of Mel’s room. They looked like those British guards who didn’t smile, blink, or freaking breathe. They just stood there, waiting for a moment to shoot down any motherfucker who tried to enter that room.

“What does she want you to do?” Coraline whispered. I just stared at her and she rolled her eyes. “You know guys tell their wives shit like this.”

“Yeah, but that’s usually after the wife’s tricked it out of them with sex.” I hadn’t even thought about that when I said it.

I expected her to snap at me, but she just grinned. “Noted. Too bad you’re on the clock. All these beds. Neal’s at home having his way with Olivia. Liam and Mel will be at it the moment she’s better. It seems as though you like having blue balls, Declan.”

I watched as she winked at me, then walked away.

Mel and Liam were going to kill me, but if I had a chance of having Coraline one last time before I died, I had to take it.

I followed like a puppy, watching her ass as she walked towards a back room. Grabbing her arm, I pulled her in quickly before pushing her up against the door.

“Don’t fuck with me, woman. I’m at my wit’s end.” I gasped when she pulled back and allowed her coat to fall.

“But I want to fuck with you, Declan,” she moaned, and I almost came in my pants. There my tiny wife stood, naked and waiting for me.

“Jesus Christ, Coraline,” I said before grabbing hold of her.

Pushing me back, I thanked God for this moment. I would book my room in hell for this.