Page 33 of Broken Pact

“What do you mean I can’t? Do you know who I am?” her voice does that incredulous thing again.

Fuckin’ weird that it gets my dick hard. Must be some kind of Coraline kink.

I can’t see who she’s talking to, but I did tell the prospects on the gate this morning not to let her inside the compound until I’m back. Can’t have her snatching her car before I tell her what happened. I make a mental note to send whoever she’s snapping at a coffee on me.

“I don’t give a shit what he told you. I’m telling you that if you don’t let me in and give me my car right this second, I’m calling the Sheriff!”

“C’mon, baby, you don’t need to bother them,” I drawl. “Monday mornings are tough on everyone, yeah?”

She whips around so fast, her hair slaps her in the face. “You,” she growls.

“You lookin’ for me, baby?”

“Cut the shit, Jagger. You wanted me here. So here I am.” She throws her hands out and lets them fall to her thighs with a slap. My gaze zeroes in on her bare thighs, a hint of a tattoo peeking out from underneath the frayed hem of her dress.

“No shortcakes today?” I grin at her.

“Where is my car.” It’s not exactly a question, accusation bleeding from her gaze.

I nod toward the prospect, Rocks. “I’ll take care of it from here, man. C’mon, Cora, this way.”

“I know the way,” she grumbles, stomping around me and stalking toward RGRC.

I drink the rest of my coffee, excitement sparking my body to life as I follow behind her. She stalks into the small office in the front of the garage, whirling around to face me the second my feet cross the threshold.

“You wanna tell me why I looked like a complete idiot this morning after I bargained with my brothers to pick up my car and surprise, it wasn’t there?” She jerks her arm out wide, as if she’s showcasing the car. “And it’s somehow here.”

I lean against the doorframe, crossing one booted foot over the other and look at her. God she looks fucking magnificent like this. All amped up, ready to breathe fire down on anyone who gets in her way. Wearing a white summer dress with her hair wild around her face like some kind of mane, black and white checkered Vans on her feet.

She’s fucking perfect.

For this ruse I’ve cooked up, I mean.

“Why.” She lets her hand drop to her side, curling into a fist. “Are you smiling like that.”

I push off the doorframe and cross the office without answering her. Tipping the coffee cup back, I swallow the last few drops and toss it. It lands inside the garbage can with a thud.

“Where are you going?” She sounds exasperated.

“I want to show you something.”

“If this is some kind of joke, just know that I’m going to march up to my cousin’s house and rat you out faster than you can blink.”

Her cousin’s house, she says, I think with a chuckle. What she really means is my Prez’s house. Since they’re married. But it makes her feel good to lob a threat at me, so I give it to her.

Her car sits in the middle of the first bay with the hood open and some tools scattered around. Sleep wouldn’t come easy this morning, so I decided to be productive instead. I gave up around five and decided to get to work. I’m almost done, but I’m not ready to give it back to her. Not until she hears my proposal.

“Wanted to show you that I’m working on your car.”

Some of the wind leaves her sails as she deflates a little. “You don’t have to do that. I didn’t ask you to.”

I dip my chin toward my chest. “I know. But it’s the boyfriend thing to do.”

“Jagger . . .” she hedges.

“Jasper,” I correct.

She shakes her head, her eyes squinting. “What?”