He looks to either side of me before asking, “Are you here with anyone?”
“Just me.”
“Then you should sit with me and my girlfriend. We have some friends joining us, too.”
“Thank you,” I tell him. While I’m not looking for friends, per se, it’ll be nice to know someone other than my cranky neighbor. Although, I’m not complaining about that development. If nothing else, Trina Rockwell will add greatly to the visual enjoyment of my summer.
Leading the way to a large round table, Tim says, “We’re sitting here. I’ve just got a few more things to take care of and then I’ll meet up with you.”
Instead of getting settled right away, I walk over to the bar and order a drink. There’s something about summer that makes consuming my body weight in lemonade a requirement. Once I have my beverage, I walk back to Tim’s table. I’m happy to discover others have shown up.
I smile at the woman from the bakery before recognizing her husband. “Teddy Helms?” I ask, somewhat surprised.
He smiles. “That’s me.”
“Hey,” his wife interjects. “You’re the guy from this afternoon. How are you?”
“Good,” I tell her. Not wanting them to think I’m a star-gazing stalker, I add, “I met the owner of the club when I got here, and he asked me to join you all.”
“Nice,” Faith says. Then she smiles at her husband and tells him, “Heath came here as a kid just like you did.”
“Heath Fox,” I interject.
“The real estate developer?” Teddy wants to know.
“You know him?” His wife sounds surprised.
“By reputation only.” He explains, “I understand Mr. Fox here is in the process of trying to change the Chicago skyline.”
“How nice.” Faith doesn’t even seem vaguely interested. She asks her husband, “Can you get me an Arnold Palmer?”
“Be right back,” he tells her.
When we’re alone, Faith turns to me. “So, Heath, you’re a big shot developer, huh?”
“This summer I’m just a guy looking to unwind.”
“You’ve definitely come to the right place for that.”
Before we can say anything else, Anna, the realtor from this morning, joins us. “Heath, welcome!” Another couple shows up and Anna introduces me to them—Melissa, Jamie, and Sammy—the redheaded girl from the market.
The latter smiles at me and says, “How’d your melons turn out?”
“I’ll have to keep you posted,” I tell her. “I haven’t cut into any yet.”
Tim the owner, returns with a petite blonde. I feel like I’m in the middle of old home week where everyone I’ve met in town is sitting right here at the same table.
Tim’s girlfriend is named Paige, and she shares an odd look with Anna, the realtor, after we’re introduced. I have a feeling I might have been a topic of conversation between them.
Once everyone is seated, there’s still an empty chair next to mine. I briefly wonder if we’re waiting for the checkout lady from the market. “Is someone else joining us?” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I spot the sexy Trina Rockwell walking across the lawn in our direction. “Are you waiting for Trina?”
“You know Trina?” This comes from Paige.
“I do,” I tell her.
“From the television?” Faith wants to know.
“Ah, no. I don’t have a lot of time to watch TV.”