Page 102 of Pity Parade

I put a tracking app on your phone.


Yes, but in your heart, do you trust me?




I’ll leave it up to you then. If you don’t, come on over to my table and give Tom a piece of your mind. I’ll sit back and let you. Then I’ll help you clean up the mess afterward.


And if I don’t do that? What then?


Meet me down the block in the open lot. There’s going to be a press conference at two.


Heath, I have no idea what’s going on.


I know. But if it matters, I’d really like you to let me finish this lunch with Tom before he sees you. It would be great if he didn’t lay eyes on you until the press conference.


Why is Tom going to the press conference?


I’ll explain it all to you later. Just please keep trusting me.


Fine. I’ll meet you there.

Trina stops texting after that, so I put my phone down and look at Tom. “Things are getting exciting with my new venture. Have you ever thought about doing anything with the unhoused?”

He huffs loudly. “No. Why would I?”

“I don’t know, maybe because it would be a nice thing to do.”

“Look, Heath.” Tom is not happy with me right now. “I’m not letting Trina out of the show and I’m not going to give money to homeless people, so what are we doing here?”

“Let’s just enjoy our lunch,” I tell him. “Maybe after we’re done, you’d like to come and watch my press conference.”

“Why in the world would I waste my time doing something like that?” he demands.

I take a sip of my water before saying, “I don’t know, Tom. Maybe because I think it would be in your best interest.” I add, “I assume you know how successful I’ve been in business.” And right there, I have him.

Tom Meranda has no idea what’s going on, and I’m not going to tell him yet. Even though he could walk away, I know he won’t. He’s too curious to find out what I’m up to.