They moved a little here and there. Her inner thigh stroked his waist and her foot rubbed his leg. She sifted her fingers through his hair and sucked on his tongue until he could have come from that alone.

He nibbled her bottom lip and her earlobe and circled her turgid nipple with his thumb. He loved how plump and swollen her nipples got when she was this aroused. They were so sensitive that his lightest touch made her breath hitch and her pussy clench around him.

“I need to come,” she gasped.

It only took a few strokes for both of them. Not even hard ones. He ground his hips into her pelvis and they were tossed into the throes of a long, incredible, simultaneous orgasm.

Chapter Eighteen

Logan went to the bathroom. When he came back and stretched out beside her, he exhaled pure satisfaction and reached for her.

Sophie snuggled into his warmth. It was a cool morning and the sex heat was dissipating from her bloodstream. She wanted the closeness, too, but as perfect as this felt, she was troubled. Unsure.

Did she believe Logan loved her? She didn’t disbelieve him, but she wasn’t ready to take on faith that they would last a lifetime. She couldn’t tie her whole future—and her son’s—to his. Not on one albeit wish-fulfilling declaration.

“I think…” She came up on an elbow and set her hand on his chest, kind of bracing him for what she needed to say. “I think I need to at least try some time on my own, the way you did when you left here.”

His mouth tightened with dismay.

“I know that’s not what you want to hear.” She set her lips against his shoulder. “But I came back for Gramps and I don’t regret that, but that hobbled me from exploring other opportunities or my own potential. I’ll still have Biyen, obviously, but I think it would be good for him to see a broader world than this one, too. Please don’t be mad.”

“This is one of those no-win situations, Soph.” He picked up her hand and wove his fingers through hers, bringing their joined hands to his mouth so he could kiss her knuckle. “I hear what you’re saying. I get it. I’m not going to lay a guilt trip on you or try to convince you differently, but don’t you dare take my accepting what you’re saying as me not caring. It fucking kills me that you would leave when I can’t.”

“Oh, Logan.” She dipped her head against his shoulder.

“But listen.” He cupped the back of her neck.

She lifted her face.

“I’ll wait,” he vowed.

The skewed sensation in her chest sharpened. “I can’t ask you to do that. I won’t.”

“You’re not. I’m telling you that’s what I’ll do. As long as it takes for you to come back to me.”

“I didn’t wait for you,” she reminded with a cringe of anguish. She had gone straight out and got herself pregnant with Biyen, maybe not on purpose, but the sex had been pursued out of spite.

“You did wait, though.” He shifted his touch so his thumb could trace her bottom lip. “You waited all through school, then gave me a chance and I blew it.”

“This isn’t a test, Logan.”

“I know. It’s not one for you, either. I’m telling you how it is for me now. I can’t imagine anyone else in my life. Maybe if you marry some other guy and start having kids with him, I’ll have to think about moving on, but I can’t see myself with anyone else. If you need to try another job or give Biyen more options or visit foreign countries purely for the experience, do it. Make the life you want for yourself. When I’m able, I’ll join you.”

“Just like that?”

“Why not?”

Because no one had ever given her that much consideration. She didn’t know how to accept it.

As she fought to swallow the lump in her throat, the sound of heavy footsteps landed on the porch, followed by an abrupt knock on the door.

“Soph? You home? It’s me.”

“Me” could have been anyone in Raven’s Cove, but they both recognized Trystan’s voice and shared a grimace. Busted.


Sophie threw on a robe, then gathered her clothes and slipped out the door and into the bathroom, calling out, “Gimme a sec.”