He did everything he could to imprint himself on her.

Take me. Have all of me. Everything.

That willingness to give up all of himself rang bells of alarm within him, but the receptive tag of her tongue sent pure lightning into his groin, emptying his brain. He reacted in a borderline barbarian way, excited by how eager she was.

Yes, she was a potent and dangerous woman. She could strip him of all his hard gains, but in this moment of carnal greed, he didn’t care. Her nails curled into his jacket as she dragged him closer, demanding more of him. He was beyond willing to let her drain him dry.

Hell, he was ready to have sex with her right here in the middle of the dance floor with her parents and the rest of the world watching.

Was that all this was for her, though? A show?

He dragged his head up, mouth burning, gaze on the lipstick smudged across her mouth.

“You’re using me.” It wasn’t an accusation. It was a statement of fact, but he kept her hips pinned to his, both to hide and soothe his raging erection.

“Not entirely,” she breathed against his chin. Her curves pressed willingly against him. She blinked in a way that suggested she was as blown away by their kiss as he was. “I wanted to know how that would feel. Making a scene while we did it was icing on the cake.”

He wasn’t sure he believed her, but his focus had narrowed to a very basic, libidinous desire to mate with her. Right now.

“Come with me.” It was a command, but it was also a question. A test. Was she really as carried away as he was? Would she quit showboating for these pearl-clutchers and take this to its next steps?

“I thought you’d never ask.” She slid her hand down his sleeve to clasp his hand, then led him from the ballroom, ignoring the gasps they left in their wake.

He was likely nuking any chance he had at finding a business partner among them, but he didn’t care, not when she had become his entire reason for existing.

Thankfully, he was staying in the hotel’s penthouse. It was an extravagant move, given how overleveraged he was, but it had been another means of reducing friction when he entered the ballroom. He tapped his card to the elevator mechanism and they shot upward.

“Who are you?” he asked her.

“Do you really want to talk?” She slid into his arms.

He did not. He had never had a blind hookup in his life, always careful he wasn’t leaving a flank unprotected, but as he succumbed to the urge to kiss her, he understood how Troy had fallen. Power and lust were two sides of the same coin. Spend one, lose the other.

He fought allowing lust to win, but she was taut against him again, and this barely there dress of hers was almost like stroking her naked skin. Everything in him wanted to claim her. If he’d had a condom on him, he would have had her in the elevator.

The doors slid open with a ping and he dragged her down the hall and into his suite, prepared to shout, “Get out!” if he saw a single maid, but it was empty.

He pressed her to the wall and discovered exactly how well matched they were as they both gave in to this devastating passion. His body ignited, prompting him to yank at the buttons of his new jacket, possibly tearing them as he fought to free himself.

She pushed the jacket off his shoulders, then began searching for the buttons between the pleats of his shirt.

Her skin was much easier to access. He dragged up the cobweb of her skirt. There were yards and yards of the stuff, but it was deliciously cool and soft. Almost as delicious as the smooth thigh he eventually found.

She broke away from their kiss to gasp for breath.

“No?” He would die.

“No. I mean, yes. Touch me,” she said in a voice that shuddered with want.

He couldn’t help the rumble of an animalistic growl that resounded in his chest. She was so soft, so smooth, warm and undeniably feminine. He found the thin line of a flesh-toned thong at her hip and watched his hand as he followed it.

The sheer purple of her skirt bunched against his wrist as he arrived at the crease next to her mound, so warm and smooth. So sensitive and responsive her breath shook as he drew light patterns there. She bit her bottom lip, eyes heavy lidded.

“You want this?” His voice was lost in the well of his chest.

“I want everything,” she whispered. “Except talking.”

He snorted. “Tell me if you need me to stop, then. Otherwise, I’m taking us all the way.”