That was her first experience with just how far Luca was willing to go to get his way.

There was no end to how far.

Her employment contract had been—and remained—one of the most ridiculous things she had ever seen. She wasn’t simply a full-time employee, she was on call. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Which was how she found herself storming into Luca’s building at midnight. It wasn’t even a strange occurrence.

She entered the code in the lift that would take her upstairs to Luca’s penthouse.

She was long past being impressed by the beauty of the place.

If only the same could be said of the man.

He made her heart stop beating every time. Made her breath catch in her throat. And she saw him for extended periods of time every single day. It was still like that.

The good news about Luca was that he was so incredibly difficult to deal with that there was no romanticizing her feelings for him.

The truth was, she was in lust with him. An inconvenience, but hardly fatal.

Sure, it consumed her every waking hour, as did he, but she was aware of it. So that made it...fine.

And possibly not even her problem soon enough.

On a whim she had applied for a job in marketing at a major Milan fashion house two weeks prior. She had been shocked when they’d called her. But they had found out that she had been an assistant to Luca for the past five years and had been intrigued. From there she’d had three phone interviews, and that morning, she had gotten the call that the job was hers if she wanted it.

She was an intriguing prospect, but more than that, she had been Luca Salvatore’s personal assistant for longer than any other person had ever managed to keep the position. Luca was famous.

The breakthroughs his company had made in nanotechnology for medical use were extraordinary. And it wasn’t just a team that Luca had hired to make these breakthroughs. Many of them had come from him personally.

He was a genius. There was no question.

He was also renowned the world over for being one of the most difficult bastards on the planet.

That was the cost of brilliance, she supposed. When she was being charitable.

Tonight she didn’t feel all that charitable.

Tonight, she had a new job offer. Doing something she actually wanted to do, instead of just being Luca Salvatore’s girl Friday. Or whatever she was.

She was practically his nanny. That was the truth of it. She was in charge of running interference between him and all of the people who needed to deal with him on a daily basis. There were some days when he just simply couldn’t raise his head and be bothered to spare a civil word for people he was supposed to have meetings with, and often, it was her job to go in his stead and do the communicating.

She was in charge of procuring his food, his clothing, making sure that his hotel room was exactly as he would require it. She often went ahead of him to major events and made preparations for his lodging. She managed a massive team of people, and Luca only ever had to deal with her.

It was, he had explained many times, the only way that he could concentrate on his important work.

To minimize and streamline the unimportant details.

Her job was fashioned entirely of unimportant details.

And yet she also knew that those so-called unimportant details had to be managed with precision, or her mad genius of a boss would fly into the kind of rage that nobody wanted to deal with.

She let out a long breath, steeling herself, when the elevator reached the top floor.

And the doors opened, and she stepped into Luca’s pristine antechamber before using her key card to unlock the door.

She stepped inside. “I’m here, Luca.”

She had called him Dr. Salvatore initially. He was quite anal about that. But she had been given permission to call him Luca three weeks into the job.

It had been strange.