It would be such a terrible thing to love him.

She did love him. She had. She had told herself that as a warning that came far too late.

Alarm bells that went off after the disaster had already occurred. But why was it a disaster?

She had learned to arm herself, protect herself, because caring about people who didn’t care for you had been the hallmark of her life, and she had hated it. She had run from it.

But she couldn’t let her parents define what she was capable of feeling forever.

She couldn’t allow that to define her. To decide how happy she got to be.

Because it was all just fear. Fear that held her captive. Fear that manipulated her.

It was all it was.

She was allowing herself to be manipulated yet still. She didn’t want it. Not anymore. She wanted to be herself.

She wanted to feel herself.

She wanted to feel him.

And when he traveled back up her body to claim her mouth in a searing kiss, it was everything. The taste of her own desire on his lips, the evidence of how much he cared about that. Of how much she was able to surrender when she was in his arms.

This was honest. It was raw, it was real. It was everything. That she wanted so badly for the two of them to be everything.

She wanted to find out everything she could be. Everything she could have.

And she felt closer to that than she ever had in her life.

When he thrust inside of her, it was like the sun had come out from behind the clouds. Blinding, brilliant and clear. And when he began to move, building a symphony of pleasure from deep within her, she surrendered.

It was so beautiful it was almost painful. It was so brilliant, she could barely look directly at it.

It was everything. So was he. So was she.

They were everything. And it didn’t scare her.

Because Luca had never taken her feelings and used them against her. Because he had never sought to twist or manipulate what she felt.

He probably didn’t even know he could. Because he probably didn’t realize how much she cared.

They both suffered from the same thing. They had both been in a desert when it came to love.

She didn’t want to be. Not anymore.

She kissed him, and he growled, lowering his head and biting her neck, making her gasp with pleasure.

She exulted in him. In his power, in his strength.

In the fact that there was safety in it.

Because he would never use it against her. He never had.

She could trust him. It was like a wave broke over her, warm and excruciating all at once. She could trust him not to manipulate her. He was safe.

When had another person ever felt safe?

Not ever.