“I think you’ll find I can if you want to follow them,” she said.
And he did, because he went with her into his bedroom.
She moved to him, beginning to unbutton his shirt, revealing the hard planes of his chest. The glorious acres of muscle that his clothes spent all day hiding—a real tragedy in her opinion.
She divested him of his shirt, kissing the hollow of his throat, his chest.
“I think you’ll find yourself much happier if you take orders from me.”
And that was how she found herself lifted up off the ground and deposited to the center of his bed. She watched with hungry eyes as he took off the rest of his clothes, and then moved to the bed, a glorious predator in his natural habitat.
There was nothing uncertain about him here.
Of course, there was nothing uncertain about him in most areas of his life. It was only that the last bit of time had thrown him into something he had never dealt with before.
And she was witnessing firsthand how difficult that could be for him.
But this... Oh, no, in this he was a master. And that was clear.
He moved his hands over her clothed body, slowly. Achingly so. She felt like she was going to jump out of her skin.
She was alive with need. And it went somewhere beyond simple desire. Not that desire had ever been simple with him.
It had been bound up in restraint. The restraint of knowing she couldn’t act on it because she was his assistant. And knowing that even once she had she had to keep parts of herself back to avoid getting hurt.
What if she didn’t.
What if, for the first time in her whole life, she was honest with another person.
She was honest with herself.
What if she gave everything?
Absolutely everything.
What would happen then?
And she felt all the resistance inside herself beginning to fall away.
She felt as if a light shone down upon her.
Radiant. Honest.
She felt as if she was seeing herself for the very first time.
And she wanted him to see her too.
He kissed her neck, and undid the buttons on her dress, slowly peeling the thin fabric away from her body.
He took off her bra, kissed his way down her stomach to the center of her thighs. He fastened his mouth to her over the lace panties that she wore, and she gripped him tightly.
He seemed to delight in the act of pleasuring her. Tasting her.
And she surrendered to it. He stripped her naked, his tongue sending her over the edge, his clever finger driving her mad.
And with each stroke there between her thighs, she felt her resistance fall away yet more.
Not a physical resistance. There had never been any physical resistance to him at all. But the emotional resistance.