The elevator groaned to a halt, the doors creaking open to reveal the bustling underground city of Larakis. Tharion stepped out first, scanning for threats before motioning me forward.
I stepped out of the elevator, my senses immediately assaulted by the cacophony of the Larakis bazaar. The air was thick with exotic spices, machine oil, and the unmistakable musk of countless species. My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to take in the chaotic scene before me.
Tharion’s hand found the small of my back, guiding me forward. “Stay close,” he murmured, his breath hot against my ear.
We moved through the crowd, weaving between stalls and aliens of all shapes and sizes. A Gorgolian merchant with six arms waved us over, his tentacle-like appendages writhing with excitement.
“Fresh carnivorous plants from the moons of Xylos! Guaranteed to eat your enemies!”
I shuddered, quickening my pace. Tharion’s grip on me tightened, his body tensing as he scanned our surroundings.
“Over there,” he whispered, nodding towards a shadowy alcove. “We can regroup and plan our next move.”
We reached the alcove, tucking ourselves into the darkness, Tharion’s body shielding me from view.
“We need to keep moving,” he said, his voice low and urgent. “The spaceport is two levels up, but we can’t risk taking the main lifts.”
I nodded, trying to calm my racing thoughts. “Service tunnels, maybe?”
Tharion’s lips quirked in a half-smile. “Clever girl. I saw a maintenance hatch near one of the food stalls. If we can reach it without being spotted...”
A commotion erupted nearby, drawing our attention. A group of Krelaxian guards pushed through the crowd, their scaled faces twisted in frustration.
“Spread out!” One barked. “Don’t let them get away!”
Panic tore at my chest. “Tharion, they’re looking for us. What do we do?”
He looked at me with fierce determination in his eyes. “We blend in.”
Before I could process his words, Tharion pulled me against him, one hand cupping the back of my head as he kissed me, hungry and insistent. All I could focus on was the heat of his body, the taste of his mouth.
I gasped for air, my head spinning. Tharion’s eyes were dark with desire, but his voice remained calm.
“Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable,” he explained. “They’ll look away.”
I nodded, still dazed from the kiss. “Right. Good thinking.”
We emerged from the alcove, Tharion’s arm still wrapped around my waist. We moved through the crowd with purpose, no longer trying to hide, but acting as if we belonged.
As we neared the food stalls, the scent of sizzling meats and exotic fruits filled the air. My stomach growled, reminding me how long it had been since I’d eaten. Tharion smirked.
I rolled my eyes. “Now’s not exactly the time for a snack break.”
“On the contrary,” he replied, steering me towards a stall selling what looked like purple tentacles on sticks. “Nothing says ‘not fugitives’ like stopping for a bite to eat.”
Deftly lifting a commpad from the open bag of a passing tourist, he purchased two of the questionable snacks, handing one to me with a wink. I eyed it warily before taking a hesitant bite. To my surprise, it was delicious – sweet and tangy with a hint of spice.
As we ate, Tharion casually maneuvered us closer to the maintenance hatch. I kept my eyes peeled for any sign we were being followed, my nerves on edge despite our casual façade.
“There,” Tharion murmured, nodding towards a rusty panel set into the wall. “That’s our ticket out of here.”
We approached the hatch, trying to look nonchalant. Just as Tharion reached for the handle, a sharp voice called out behind us.
“Hey! You two!”
I froze, my heart leaping into my throat. Slowly, we turned to face a hulking Droxi security guard, his multiple eyes narrowed in suspicion.