I wasn’t going to find out standing in the shower turning into a prune. So, I finished washing up with the unscented bath products that all emergent prospects used and dried off with the fresh towel Ghost had set out for me. I combed out my hair to let it air dry and quickly discovered there were no clothes in here. I wrapped the cloth around myself and peeked out of the bathroom door. Both alphas had their heads bent together, whispering back and forth.
A deep, thick voice full of tar and ash that I didn’t recognize reached my ears. “We have to hold off her transition long enough to find Lex and get him out of here. If she goes into heat before we are away, it’s over. Stop playing games.”
The rasp of Ghost’s voice answered, “It’s not a game, and she needs us just as much as Lex does, if not more. Don’t forget why we’re here.”
My sharp intake of breath caused them to jerk back from one another and look at me with guilty eyes. Uncomfortable in my vulnerable state, I sprinted from the cover of the half-opened door to the walk-in wardrobe and shut it behind me. I dropped the towel and quickly shuffled through the clothes.
A vague memory told me that once upon a time, I’d known a Lex. There was no way they could be talking about Lex from my dreams, but not many soldiers had names. Their whispered conversation brought back fractured images of a smiling blond boy with eyes that looked like sun-gilded forests and smelled like acres of oak trees baked in the heat of summer. I grasped those scant memories like a mythical dragon would hoard gold, more valuable than all the riches in the galaxy.
The racks of clothing were no comfort to me. Only black soldiers’ uniforms labeled 6612 for Ghost and 5376 for Shadow hung alongside a few of my black and gold school uniforms. On the opposite side, several slinky dresses and lacy undergarments dangled, similar to what Zillarah favored. The Imperatrix spared no expense for her omegas.
I needed to go out there and confront them about what I’d heard, but I didn’t like my options. With few choices, I stuffed myself into some frilly underthings and threw on a school uniform over the top. The other selections were more revealing, and I wasn’t comfortable enough with my decoys to be that exposed.
When I stepped from the closet, both alphas stood rigidly with their hands clasped behind their backs. They looked as if they were going to their execution and were resigned to that fate.
My mouth popped open in surprise. They said nothing, patiently waiting to hear what I had to say. I could see Ghost’s eyes shifting nervously at the camera in the corner. Oh yes, that. Whatever they had been talking about, they were afraid the microphone would pick it up. They had been kind so far, and even their discussion seemed to be related to my safety and well-being. Grey said I could trust them, and there was no one I trusted more than my handler.
My shoulders dropped, and my indignant expression faded. Their conversation would have to wait until we could hide it from the camera. With nothing to discuss, I brushed past them, waving my hand in their direction. “At ease, or whatever. Don’t think we won’t be talking about this, though.”
I stomped over to my nest and tumbled into it face first.
Chapter Eight
Shadow slept propped up in a chair facing the door, and Ghost rolled up his uniform coat and used it as a pillow while he tried to sleep on the cold metal floor. We would probably get in trouble for this, but there was no way I was letting them into my nest. It was mine, my safe place, and I think they understood that. Neither asked for an invitation, as if they knew their secrets and my distrust ran too deep.
It wasn’t until hours later that I was startled awake when the cell door whooshed open. Cracking my eyelids open, I saw Grey storm in, illuminated by the sliver of a rising star peeking through the glass ceiling. “Saphyra, get up right now,” he snapped.
My decoys were nowhere to be seen, but I could hear the shower running, so at least one of them was in there. Shadow opened the door to the wardrobe, making his presence known, standing shirtless, his unfastened pants clinging to his hips. His chiseled, tattooed chest was on full display. Holy work of art, I needed to stop staring at him immediately. That was definitely not standard issue.
Grey muttered a curse under his breath, his eyes darting to the camera, making sure the soldier was out of line of sight inside the closet. “5376, please clothe yourself. We need to have a discussion. And where is 6612?”
The man in question chose that moment to pop his head out of the bathing room door. “What’s up?” He hid the view of the rest of his body by the door, but based on the water dripping from his hair and streaming down his skin, I would put money on him being naked and straight out of the shower, having heard voices.
“Ah yes, there you are. I will complete Saphyra’s daily physical while you get dressed. Then we can all have a conversation.” Grey walked to the side of my nest and set his small medical box on the table. I was all too familiar with this procedure and stuck my arm out of the blankets for his examination. A drop of blood, a temperature check, and a quick once-over later and it was done. He jotted down some notes, and by the time he finished, both alphas were standing at attention, waiting patiently. I was still snuggled in my blankets with no interest in getting out.
Grey paced once across the floor, as if considering what he was about to say. “We need to discuss the task of a decoy and why you have been assigned here.” His eyes strayed to the camera again. “You’re not fulfilling your duty and risk being replaced if this is not remedied immediately.” He emphasized the word immediately, turning to look straight into my amber eyes.
I huffed and crawled out of my nest, still in the uniform I slept in. It had been uncomfortable and was crinkled from the ordeal. Grey eyed my rumpled outfit with scorn. “Saphyra,” he said in a disappointed tone and motioned to my clothes. “This right here is what I’m talking about. You can’t avoid this. Wear the clothing provided for your sleeping attire when you sleep. Your decoys will sleep in your nest with you. Do not be difficult.”
I crossed my arms over my chest and set my jaw in the classic stubborn pose just before I dug my heels in.
“I know that look in your eyes, Saphyra. Do not test me on this. You’ve been assigned punishment.” He watched as I felt the blood drain from my face. “I thought that might get your attention. The only good news is I was able to talk Headmaster Vestris into allowing your decoys to discipline you rather than himself. I remember what happened last time and have zero interest in a repeat performance.”
I shuddered, thinking about Vestris’s roaming hands and panting breath on my bare skin. He said corporal punishment built character, which I’m sure is why he preferred to administer barehanded spankings on naked flesh instead of a work detail for the omega prospects, and would deliver reprimands himself rather than delegating it to the trainers like he would most of my other classmates.
“Public or private?” I asked. Generally, the older students were given punishments in private or assigned a particularly onerous task in place of spanking, but with the omega prospects, it seemed to be up to the headmaster’s whim. Which often put his hands on their bare skin in whatever way he could excuse as discipline.
He visibly relaxed when he saw I had accepted my punishment rather than having a tantrum. I was stubborn, but I learned my lesson a long time ago. Trying to avoid it only made it worse.
“Privately, after the evening meal tonight. I must witness and sign off that it was administered appropriately, but that is all.”
Grey had seen every inch of me in every conceivable way. I hated when he had to watch my discipline or administer it himself, but only because it seemed to make him uncomfortable. His attendance worried me a lot less than the soldiers standing behind me. “It could be worse.” I shrugged it off even though I eyed the decoys with distrust.
“Yes, it could be much worse.” He let out a sigh and shook his head in frustration. “You are going to be the death of me someday, little one. We need to get you to class, but you can’t wear a wrinkled uniform. Get dressed. There is more to talk about, but we can discuss it on the way.” Grey took a seat to wait while I grabbed fresh clothes and rushed into the bathing room.
I heard quiet murmured voices through the door, but I knew I had no time to delay. Grey wouldn’t hesitate to drag me out, ready or otherwise. On top of that, if I was late for class, I risked even more discipline. I sucked it up, mentally put my big girl panties on, and stepped into the bedroom. All three men stopped talking, and the weight of their combined gazes settled on me.