At some point, I fell into a deep sleep. When I woke, Grey was the only one there, curled around me. His lips lingered on the back of my neck and his arm draped over my naked belly. Our clothes were nowhere to be seen, and I felt sticky. As I shifted, inspecting my surroundings, Grey’s dusky eyes cracked open.
His voice was rough from sleep but still that familiar, cultured baritone. “Good morning, little one. Are you feeling better?”
I could feel the ridge of his cock swelling against my ass as I arched back against him, groaning. The heat of his warm chuckle floated through my tangled hair as he placed a soft kiss on my shoulder.
He took my grumble for an answer and continued. “Your fever has broken.” His fingertips snaked between my breasts, finding my throat and pressing against my carotid artery. “And your pulse has returned to normal. I think you’ve officially weathered your first estrus cycle.”
I blinked away the sleep from my eyes and rolled over, luxuriating in the lush bedding. He let me slide from his arms and I immediately regretted the loss. Their scents were muted now, but I could smell a crisp ocean fog, campfire on a dark forest night, sun-warmed oak, and a twist of sweet citrus. I smelled them all over my skin. It was glorious. Yes, I was sore and tired, but I felt alive like I never had before.
“I feel amazing.” I shifted onto my side to look at him. We were both covered in thin blankets, but warmth rushed to my cheeks knowing he was likely bare beneath.
“You look amazing,” he said quietly, his words soft and reverent.
We had shared many things on the Hive. Some out of choice, some out of obligation, but I was glad he was with me. He had proven himself repeatedly, even to his own detriment, and yet here he was again. Putting my well-being ahead of his own, leaving his life behind to be with me.
My focus fell to his lips, and I slid forward through the linens until I could feel his breath on my cheeks. I craved him, but suddenly, I felt shy. On the precipice of this, I was scared to act. What if he didn’t like me the way I liked him? What if he had only done this out of duty, not because he wanted to?
He took the worry from my mind when his warm lips pressed to mine and teased them apart to delve more deeply. His tongue was dexterous and playful as he toyed with me, never pressing too hard, always making me chase him. His kiss was like nothing I’d experienced in my handful of opportunities. Every stroke was on my terms; he let me explore and followed my lead. This kiss was everything I ever wanted. He anticipated my needs and lifted me to them as his hands soothed my naked skin. A remnant of that earlier fever brushed over me, and I knew I needed one more thing.
Reluctantly, I broke the kiss, panting, and my eyes rose to meet his stark gray irises. Before I lost my nerve, I forced the words from my mouth, even while bracing for rejection. “Fuck me, Grey. Please.”
His smile was like the suns peeking over the edge of the station. Full of warmth and light. “Of course, little one. Anything you need.”
My heart swelled as he gently rolled with me so I was on my back and his hips settled between my thighs. His lips found mine again and as he took my mouth, he teased his length along my slick folds.
I groaned against his mouth and arched up to meet him as he pressed inside. His precisely measured thrusts settled into a torturous rhythm, teasing me right up to the edge and holding me there with slow, languid strokes.
His lips left mine, and he looked down into my eyes, devouring me with his stare. The depths of my emotions were mirrored back in his misty gray gaze. He knew the deepest, darkest parts of me, everything about my body and mind. And he looked at me like I was one of our suns that the whole star system revolved around, giving life to all its light touched. He had more faith in me than I did in myself, and it filled me with warmth and love.
I leaned up and caught his lips in a kiss and he followed me as I lay back on the pillows. His hand slipped between our undulating bodies to strum my sensitive bundle of nerves in time with his meticulous movements. With a calculated skill, he lifted me higher until I was moaning and trembling, his cock buried deep, and I was mindless with the pleasure he orchestrated.
I kissed my way down his throat, my cries muffled against the crook of his neck. One of his arms anchored us together as the other expertly toyed with my clit. I felt the tightening in my stomach and his thickness pulse. I was so close. Just a little more. Yes. Right there.
My teeth closed over the tense muscles where his throat met his shoulder. When that euphoric gush filled me with his seed, I bit down and the orgasm that had been building rolled over me like a wave. I was drowning in the best possible way as surge after surge crashed over me.
The copper taste on my lips drew me back to reality slowly as I panted for breath and Grey rolled to my side, still holding me close.
His hand skated over his shoulder and his fingertips came away bloody.
I gasped, not realizing I had bitten him hard enough to draw blood. “I’m so sorry. Do you need a bandage? I didn’t mean… I mean, I did mean to, but I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Panic rose within me, but his calming voice took over.
“Everything is all right, Saphyra. No need to apologize.” He pulled me close and kissed my hair. “Everything is fine. Better than fine.”
Chapter Forty-Two
I snuggled into his embrace, still nervous about what I had done. He said it was fine, but he was bleeding.
My stomach growled, interrupting my spiraling thoughts, and I realized I was ravenous. I couldn’t remember the last time I had eaten. It felt like it was days ago, but the last couple of days were a pleasure-filled blur, so it was hard to be sure.
Grey’s mouth tipped up in a smile before he pressed a sweet kiss to my lips and leaned back to look at my face. “You need to eat, little one.”
He pulled a large platter from a shelf conveniently located beside the nest and set it between us on a mound of blankets. It was piled with delicacies that I had only ever dreamed of. Chocolate, piles of ripe berries and fruit, saucers of honey and sugar, finely sliced meats, cheese, and vegetables with sauces. Not a nutrition bar in sight. I could hardly believe what I was seeing.