Page 39 of The Hive

Scrambling across the cell, I fell over the top of him, shielding him with my body. “Please, stop. He was looking for someone and tried to stop himself. They did something to him. He’s hurting.”

Shadow snarled, unconvinced. “He threw you into a wall.”

I wasn’t going to move so they could abuse him more. “He was trying to get away from me. His instincts were being used against his will. I think they took his mate from him.”

That seemed to sober the room.

“We don’t have time for this,” Lex said. The command in his voice afforded no option for arguments. Everyone stopped and turned to him as he knelt down beside my cowering form. “Saphyra, only because of the circumstances am I willing to entertain your request. You seem relatively unhurt, all things considered. We’ll leave the alpha alive and unharmed, as you’ve asked. But make no mistake, if anyone hurts you or violates you in any way going forward, they will die in the most horrible of ways.”

He held out his arms, giving me the choice to go to him. As soon as I moved toward him, he scooped me up. “Let’s go.”

Lex cradled me close, pressing my cheek against his chest as he purred, which soothed the now constant ache into a dull thrum.

“Doctor, do you have any more suppressant?” Lex asked as another painful cramp locked up my muscles.

“The only suppressant I had, I gave to Saphyra in the drone cell. It’s long since worn off. I gave Axion sedatives, in case of emergency, but that ended up in 6667 if the empty syringes are anything to go by.” Grey sounded as worried as he did amused.

“We’ll just have to hurry then.” Lex’s long stride carried us into the circular hallway that linked all the cells in this cluster.

I made the mistake of peeking over his shoulder. The carnage that greeted me took my breath away. Piles of beta guards were strewn all over the floor like broken dolls, and the walls were red and oozing as if the station itself were bleeding. I saw the nondescript handler that Lyrah hated slumped in a lake of blood with a precise wound traversing his neck. I trusted my men had their reasons, but I didn’t want to see the morbid toll paid to retrieve me.

Ghost and Grey led the way through the halls with Shadow covering our backs as we moved through the corridors and then down into the dim maintenance shafts.

After another agonizing wave seized my muscles, Lex called up to Ghost, “How much farther?”

He grinned like this was the most fun he had had in ages. “We’re almost there, and I have a surprise for you.”

Moments later, we exited the gloomy shafts, rushed down a hallway, and entered a plush parlor. I heard the lock click behind us as we entered, barring anyone from following if they figured out our plan.

I didn’t have time to gawk, but I saw that it was full of priceless furs and shining golden accessories. Even the tables and chairs were made of expensive, rare wood, unlike most of the metal furniture in the rest of the station. As quickly as we had arrived, we exited another door that led into a quiet shuttle hangar. In the center of the otherwise empty bay sat a gorgeous, sleek aurinium-plated ship with black filigree designs artfully scrolled all over it. The hatch was open with a set of steps arranged as if it were just waiting for us to arrive.

Ghost howled with mirth as he, Grey, and Shadow raced up the stairs and returned shortly, carrying a scrawny older gentleman by the arms. He was dressed in the formal livery of the Imperatrix and flailing around, trying to get away.

“Put me down or the Imperatrix will hear of this!”

“Don’t worry, my friend, she already knows,” Ghost said, and they dropped him at Lex’s feet. “What do you want to do with him, boss?”

“We don’t have time for games. If he gives up his codes, let him live.”

Ghost’s eyes turned to me and then back up to Lex. I wasn’t aware of what was conveyed in this silent communication, but thought they didn’t want me to see, or hear, what was about to happen to that man. Lex nodded and headed back toward the lounge. Before the door closed behind us, he added, “Clear the ship, make sure it’s safe.”

Lex settled into a plush lounge with my back resting against his chest and my legs draped over the outside of his. I could feel the hardness of length against my ass and it made my mouth go dry with want. The rolling vibration of his purr helped steady my nerves, but I was half delirious with lust. His scent taunted me, teasing between the overwhelming, copper tang of blood. I turned my head, nudging my nose into his throat and taking a deep inhale. The acrid odor of gore was strong, but not in this spot. Here, I only smelled oak trees in summer.

“We’re almost away. You’ll feel better soon,” he said between gentle purrs.

That was hard to believe. It felt like this would never end. The only relief I found was when they were inside me, feeding me their cocks and filling me full. I hoped next time they would rut me for real. The suppressant had held off the worst of the symptoms, but now that it was gone, the strain had built to an unbearable fever pitch.

The heat radiating off my body was sweltering, but his touch was cool on my skin. A pathetic whimper slipped from my throat. His jaw clenched, and he dropped his hands away into fists. His frustration was clear, and he was obviously trying to restrain himself, but that was the last thing I wanted.

Despite my discomfort, my lips found his neck and I wiggled in his lap, willing him to hold me again. “Please.”

“Just a little longer, love. I don’t want to sully your skin with this filth.” He pressed a kiss against my hair to soften his words.

“It’s so hot, Lex. It hurts.” A cramp shuddered through my body, and despite his hesitation, his arms wrapped around me, steadying me.

He huffed out a frustrated breath as his palms ran down the length of my arms to cover the back of my hands. His fingers guided mine between my thighs. “I don’t know how this is going to work between all of us. I don’t want to share you.” His words were mumbled as if he hadn’t intended for me to hear them.

It hurt to consider the possibility of losing any of them, but we might not live long enough for it to be a problem. If we did manage to get everyone out of here alive, we would find a way. For now, I let my eyes close, and he took control, directing my movements. His fingers settled over the top of mine, pressing them against my drenched panties. Blissful warmth bloomed in my belly and I gasped. Yes, yes, more.