Page 28 of The Hive

I slept wrapped around my omega, her face nuzzled into my neck, purring for her when she woke. At some point in the night, I found Valyx pressed up against her back, his nose buried in her hair and purring ever so quietly as well. He was done for.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I awoke the next morning, hot and achy between my thighs. Two large bodies sandwiched me. Ghost’s pale blue eyes met mine as I tried to wiggle, but it was no use. They were like giant, warm boulders. Completely unmovable.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Ghost grinned and pulled me against the solid wall of his chest. His pajamas did nothing to hide the firm ridge of his erection pressed against my stomach.

“I have to pee,” I whispered past the smile pulling at my lips, trying not to wake Shadow, whose breath I could feel fanning against my neck. He’d never cuddled up close to me and it was surprisingly pleasant, him fitting perfectly around me. As much as I hated to leave the warm tranquility that his gradual acceptance had made, I really did have to go.

“Fine.” He pouted, as unhappy about moving as I was, but he finally slid back so I could scoot free of the tangle of limbs.

When I came out of the bathroom, teeth clean, face scrubbed, hair brushed, and uniform on, Grey had arrived, and the alphas were busy getting themselves ready for the day.

“Good morning, Saphyra. We need to check your vitals. Have a seat.” My smokey-eyed handler motioned to the side of the nest.

Everything seemed so normal. Everyone was going about their business exactly the same way they had since they arrived. Did they not remember the ship we were boarding was leaving today? It felt like something should be different, but we agreed maintaining the routine would rouse less suspicion.

“Good morning, Greylan,” I said, emphasizing his full name to gently mock his stiff formality. Sitting down with a huff, I held out my arm so that he could complete his tests.

Grey leaned in close enough that I could breathe in his subtle citrus scent, and with every stilted breath, delicious heat rolled across my skin.

His whispered words tickled my neck as he spoke quietly into my ear. “I don’t know if I will have the opportunity to speak to you again before you leave, but I wanted to tell you that if things had been different, if you had been a beta…” He paused as if gathering the courage to go on. “I would have been honored to have made you mine.” His lips pressed against my cheek and lingered there before he pulled away to punch some data into his pad.

Tears welled in my eyes. “Come with me,” I whispered. My heart felt like it was being crushed in a vise. I didn’t want this to be goodbye. There had to be another way. He had said the words I’d waited so long to hear, but it was too late now. The plans were set in motion, and they didn’t account for bringing Grey along.

“You know I can’t.” He leaned in, pressing his forehead against mine, his eyes closed. “You are going to make a great queen.” He stood abruptly and walked to Ghost, slipping something into his pocket. Once done, he addressed the room. “Your levels are elevated, indicating imminent emergence. You are excused from your schedule. I will leave you with your decoys to complete their task.” Without a backward glance, he left.

Just like that, he was gone. My mouth dropped open in shock.

Ghost moved to block my view of the door, and his finger tipped my chin up to look at him. “Are you ready for this?”

I swallowed back my tears and nodded. I had no time to cry or even mourn. No matter how much the abrupt dismissal tore apart my already fragile heart, we had a ship to catch.

“Good girl.” His smile was nothing less than predatory.

We hadn’t talked about this part of the plan. It seemed like a significant oversight now that it was time. My pulse picked up speed. I was anxious about the unknown.

“Shouldn’t we—“

Ghost’s mouth silenced my thoughts with a demanding kiss. I could feel the barely restrained energy pulsing between us as his tongue slipped past my lips, teasing a soft moan from me. His coaxing distracted me from the hollow feeling in my heart, bringing my focus back to the solid body I was cradled against.

“Get in the nest, princess,” Ghost said against my lips.

I crawled backward toward the center and ended up kneeling in the thick bedding. Shadow leaned against the wall, watching, his arms crossed over his chest, unmoving. The flash of starlight in his black gaze was the only indication he was any more than furniture.

Ghost pulled off his uniform coat and tossed it into the nest before crawling in after me. I couldn’t stop from trembling as I anticipated what was coming next. I had a general understanding of how this worked, but the keepers left it intentionally circumspect in their lessons.

His large hands engulfed mine and guided them to the fastening at the front of his pants. With shaking fingers, I unclasped his belt and then the buttons, one by one.

“Is this what you want, baby?” Ghost’s words were soft and caught me off guard. He was reminding me that this was still my choice, but I knew what I wanted. I was going to take the opportunity while I had the chance. It might not be forever, but it was what I needed right now.

My nod of reply wasn’t good enough, and Ghost growled. “Tell me what you want, princess. Say the words.”

Swallowing back the embarrassment, my curiosity getting the best of me, I formed the words on a breath. “I want you naked, and then I want to taste you.”

He pulled the soft undershirt off over his head, unveiling the glory of his abs and defined chest. “I am yours to command, my queen.” His solemn words were so sincere. He was rarely this serious, but he was done joking.