Page 50 of The Hive


I hated to see her go, but she’d been through a lot. Memories of what happened in that nest would play on repeat in my dreams for the rest of my life. It was the most fulfilling experience I’d ever had. Something I never thought I would want to share, but at the time, it felt like the most natural thing in the galaxy. I expected to have to tame jealous rage when I watched Axion and Valyx escort her from the room, but all I felt was gratitude and relief. No one would take better care of her than they would when I couldn’t be there.

Omen led us to the door and out into the hall. The further we strolled, the more populated the halls became, but still not like the bustle of the main corridors of the palace I’d seen on previous visits.

The prince remained silent until we entered a room lined with books with a large desk in the center.

“This is my private study. No one will bother us here,” he said as he slid the data card into the console on his terminal.

Grey spoke up for the first time. “You’ll see that it contains the entirety of their project going back multiple generations. Blood types, origin, genetic markers, current location, status, everything.”

Omen tapped the screen, and it went dark. “I’m sure it does and we’ll get to that, but there are other things to discuss as well. Your omega. I’d like to make a deal. What would it take for you to give her to me? A knighthood, a title, land? You’re a regent’s son, which means nothing if the people vote him out or choose another successor when he retires. What do you want for her?”

Grey puffed up indignantly, but I stepped between them. I was nearly as upset as Grey was, but I evened out my tone and as diplomatically as I could replied. “She’s not for sale, not for any price. Not even your crown. I don’t want anything from you, just your help keeping her safe. I think our offer is more than fair, considering your position.”

“You know, I could give her a better life here rather than your underground hovel. I can protect her. My military is exponentially larger than your meager defenses.” Omen settled in his high-backed chair behind the desk.

“Absolutely not. It’s not up for discussion. The answer is and always will be the same. She belongs with us.” I was getting sick of this line of questioning. I thought I’d been clear before.

Omen studied us both for a moment. I think he was trying to decide if he believed me.

After an extended silence, he tapped the panel on his desk, lighting up the display. “Fine, good. I had to be sure you wouldn’t be easily swayed with titles or land. I’ve known you for a long time, but people change. The Imperatrix has infiltrated my court and bought a number of my father’s counselors’ loyalty. It’s difficult to know who to trust. Sit down, we need to talk.”

I didn’t appreciate being toyed with or my omega being threatened, but I couldn’t blame him for being wary. Grey and I pulled out two chairs facing his desk and sat. Grey scowled across the surface, but Omen just grinned in that diplomatic way of his.

Once we were settled, Omen continued. “When my mother died, my father’s health deteriorated. They were Star-blessed mates, one of the last, and he did not take her passing well. As his health declined, and his mental state grew more unstable, changes were made. The Imperatrix installed her own counselors as advisors to pour poison in his ear. When I came of age, I did my best to fix the damage. I have a network in place, and the loyalty of the people, but it took years to build. I’m not willing to risk it all unless this is a sure thing.”

“It is. Let me show you.” Grey tapped on the display a few times, bringing up the roster of prisoners held on the station. “She breeds omegas like cattle, matching genetics and bloodlines. She keeps alphas like stud horses to impregnate them. If they don’t produce, she sells them as slaves.” He continued flipping through sections, illustrating his point.

Omen’s eyes scanned the information quickly, taking it in. “I see. I want to help and the potential reward is promising, but I don’t know if this is achievable. The Hive is located deep inside her territory, basically on her doorstep.”

“We found something that might be of use.” Grey flipped a few more data sets to a directory called Security. “This file has all the master override codes for the station, blueprints, troop deployment, numbers. If there was ever a time to do this, it’s now. Before they have time to alter anything.”

“How are you so certain they haven’t already been changed?” Omen asked.

Grey smiled. “Because Axion deployed code on their mainframe while we were there. Any time they make a change to the security system, rather than overwriting the previous setting, it creates a new one alongside the old. Eventually, they’ll notice and try to repair it, but that will trigger an automated response, causing malicious code to run rampant through their systems. It’ll take a while to straighten out the mess.”

“We don’t have much time then.”

Chapter Forty-Nine


When Lucas let us into the rooms, I kept an eye on him while Saphyra explored. The look of wonder in her eyes did little to lighten my mood. Lucas was a formidable alpha, well-trained and smart, but I didn’t know him well, and the way his watchful gaze followed my omega made me wary.

Deep down, I knew I was being paranoid. Saphyra hadn’t paid him much attention, and he seemed more curious about her than anything, but seeing her trapped under that red-haired drone, with tears staining her cheeks, almost killed me. I couldn’t protect my mother or my sister, but I sure as fuck was going to protect my mate.

Saphyra disappeared into the bathing room with Axion trailing behind her like a puppy. My focus turned to the auburn-haired Lucas. His brow lifted in question, but I kept silent.

“If the suite suits your needs, I’ll send up refreshments. Comms me if you need anything. It would be better if you stayed out of the halls to avoid unwanted attention.”

I nodded once in reply and he left, securing the exit behind him. The pent up strain lessened once the door was locked. It was going to take some getting used to having Saphyra around other alphas outside of our group. She was vulnerable in her unmated state and a target for opportunists.

Lucas was likely not a threat, but it suited me to be suspicious of everyone until we were all safely back on Verden, where my status meant more than just a soldier.

From my vantage across the sitting room and through a wide door, I watched Ax chase Saphyra as she laughed and kicked off the tiny slippers she’d found on the Imperatrix’s ship. I had a suspicion who they belonged to and who that nest was built for, but not why. I didn’t really care, but I wanted to get her out of those borrowed clothes for more reasons than one.

I tapped the panel to dim the lights and stalked to the bedroom, closing the door behind me. Someone would be by with food, but we’d get it later.