“With all due respect, Your Highness.” The way Lex said it was not respectful at all. “We came to speak with your father.”
Omen’s eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly. “I’m aware of your request, but as was said before, that would be foolhardy at best. Suicidal at worst. My father and his council are staunch supporters of the Imperatrix and her reign. I’m willing to hear you out before I toss you into the sea and return her property. So tell me, what is this about? Why did you bring a stolen ship and an unmated omega to my doorstep?”
There was an uneasy shifting of bodies and poorly disguised growling, but Lex, being Omen’s political equal, spoke up. “She is mated, her scent hasn’t changed yet. We assume she needs more time.”
“Interesting theory, but that explains nothing.” He seemed skeptical about the explanation and his eyes kept wandering to the too tight dress stretched over my breasts.
The look on Lex’s face showed a sly cunning as Omen’s distraction gave him the information he needed.
“I’d heard you’ve been looking for an omega to bond. Your interest in mine leads me to believe you haven’t found one that suits you yet.” His boot nudged up against my slippered foot, urging me to hold my tongue.
I didn’t know what to expect, but it certainly wasn’t what Omen said next.
“They’re few and far between these days. Perhaps you’d be willing to trade her for whatever it was you came here for?” Omen turned his attention back to Lex now that negotiations had started.
I bit my cheek and kicked at Lex’s boot. The twitch at the corner of his lips told me he’d felt it and was amused. No one else at the table was. Chairs creaked under the shifting weight of the alphas, and I swore I could hear the grinding of Grey’s teeth next to me.
“I have something you might be even more interested in. I have information on a cache of largely unmated omegas being held against their will. We didn’t have the force or means to free them at this time, but I can tell you where they are.” Lex’s foot rubbed against mine as if to comfort me as the pieces started falling into place.
“Interesting proposition. And what do you get out of this bargain?” Omen was looking at me with a different sort of gleam in his eyes. I wasn’t the prize, I was the proof.
“It’s simple, really. Your military might against the Imperatrix as you liberate the kidnapped omegas. That will distract her from the one that got away. What’s one omega when hundreds are being threatened?”
Omen’s dark brows rose. “Hundreds? You can’t be serious. There haven’t been hundreds in one place anywhere in living memory.”
“That’s because the Imperatrix has taken all the omega bloodlines she can find and sequestered them. Holding them prisoner. We have the records. It goes back generations. Her family started on Pixys and Pyraxis and moved on to Faeren and Verden. Saphyra is proof. She took the Queen’s bloodline and Verden started to die. Look at what happened to Arden after your mother died.”
This was news to me. Bloodlines, dying planets, dead queens, no omegas. What had he hidden from me? Anger simmered in my veins, but just as I was about to open my mouth, Omen started laughing.
“You honestly believe those old legends. Those are children’s stories. Planets don’t die just because their queen’s bloodline is gone. It’s ridiculous.” Omen leaned back in his chair as his laughter subsided.
Lex looked less amused as he said, “You don’t have to believe the legend to believe that there are hundreds of omegas being held captive. We have the information you need to recover them. Your mate, the one you’ve been looking for, might be there. Or are you going to sit back while your brother claims your rightful throne out from under you?”
Omen dragged his fingers through his perfectly styled hair. “You make a valid point. If I don’t bond or marry soon, he’ll likely make a claim. Show me what you have.”
Grey pulled a data chip from his coat and slid it across the slick, glass-topped conference table.
Omen picked it up and stood. “Would your people like to get cleaned up and rest while we review this?”
I was hungry again, and the sky beyond the window was drifting toward the pink of twilight. I think Lex sensed it because he came around the table, pulling my chair out for me. Maybe Omen’s manners were rubbing off.
“Grey and I need to go with the prince. Would you like to come with us, or would you rather rest?” He offered me a hand and drew me up from the seat, leaving our fingers entwined.
I wanted to go with them, but I wanted food and a nap more. Grey knew more about the station than I ever did. They didn’t need me to review records. “I’d rather rest, and I’m very hungry if they can arrange something to eat?”
Omen heard my request and said, “Of course. I’ll have Lucas show you to rooms, unless you’d prefer to share?” He looked far too interested in the answer, especially when everyone answered at once.
“Yes, we would like to share,” I said after the jumble of voices died down.
He covered his surprised reaction well, but I saw the curiosity blaze. Apparently, sharing an omega was uncommon enough to raise eyebrows here, too.
“Very well. One suite suitable for all of you, and Lucas can have food sent up. It would be better if no one else knew you were here, so please stay in your rooms if possible.” Omen said it to me, but I knew it was intended as instructions for everyone else.
Before we left, Lex leaned down under the guise of kissing my cheek and whispered in my ear, “Don’t go anywhere alone. You aren’t fully mated and it could be dangerous to wander.”
I nodded and turned my head, stealing a sweet kiss before reluctantly pulling away and heading to the door. No communication was needed between Lex and the other alphas. They knew what was expected. We followed Lucas out.
Chapter Forty-Eight