Page 30 of The Hive

“Do not knot her! She really will go into heat if you do,” Ghost snarled back.

I pulled my mouth free of Ghost. “Please, please, I need it. Knot me. I want you to.” I was desperate for more of that full feeling.

“Do not knot her,” Ghost repeated, grinning.

I whimpered as Shadow pulled out of me.

“Fine, if I can’t knot her, you fuck her.” Shadow slapped my ass, and I took that for the instruction it was.

Needy as I was, it took very little encouragement to crawl up Ghost’s body and straddle his waist. I positioned his thick crown at my entrance and pressed him into me. My greedy pussy swallowed his whole length to the hilt. When I started rocking my hips, I felt the most wonderful sensation as his knot began to swell.

“Nope, none of that,” Ghost scolded. It sounded like it pained him as much to say it as it did to make me stop.

He flipped me under him and shoved back inside me, but not all the way.

“Yes, that!” I protested. I could feel the thickness of his knot bump up against my puffy folds, only to retreat when I thought he would give me what I so desperately needed. “Please, please, please.”

“No. You will wait. And if you’re good, we’ll give you what you want when it’s safe,” Ghost said, pressing more deeply, teasing the thickness of his knot against my entrance to punctuate his point.

Shadow moved closer, running the tip of his dick over my mouth. “Open up, little omega. It’s almost time.”

My lips parted eagerly, licking my sweet slick and his pre-cum off his glistening cock. He tasted like a distant memory of campfire and the woods at night, and I was starving for it. I craved it like nothing I had ever known. My greedy tongue wrapped around him, and I heard the whoosh of our cabin door opening and closing.

Shadow and Ghost started growling. A deep foreboding sound I’d never heard, and I shivered as they increased the intensity of their ministrations, driving more deeply into me. Ghost’s knot strained at my entrance, and I felt its thickness pushing just past the boundary. Heat rushed through me, hinting at the pleasure waiting beyond the horizon. Their rough handling made my body sing, and I arched and wiggled, encouraging their savage treatment of my greedy pussy. I was so close to something. I could feel the edge of it tingle on my skin.

The murmur of voices barely penetrated my lust clouded mind, but I heard Grey’s voice say “heat,” “aggressive,” “rut,” and then the conversation was cut off as the canopy of the nest curved overhead, blocking out the room.

Once the cover locked into place, Shadow dragged himself from my mouth, but I was reluctant to let him go. “You can have more later, little omega,” he said and pulled himself free.

Ghost stopped his thrusting and stilled above me. His lips traced my collarbone up to my shoulder with reverence.

I sobbed with need.

“I don’t know how I’m going to keep from knotting you, princess, but you can’t come yet. You gotta be patient.”

“Don’t stop. Please. Do it.” I squirmed, trying to convince him to keep moving.

He chuckled against my ear. “If I had my way, I wouldn’t ever stop.”

“Did Grey give you the sedatives?” Shadow asked as he lay on his back, looking up at the milky white enclosure while buttoning his pants, gritting his teeth as if he was in pain.

Ghost didn’t immediately answer. He was too busy nibbling the sensitive skin under my ear. “Yeah, it’s in my jacket pocket. Tranquilizers and sedatives in case anything gets out of hand.”

It was strange, being stuffed full of languidly thrusting alpha cock while they carried on a casual conversation, but I couldn’t say I minded. The only thing I minded was I still needed more and the precipice that had been closing in was receding.

I huffed out a breath in frustration and flexed my hips up against Ghost. He smiled down at me.

“Such a lusty omega. We’re going to have our hands full.”

I growled, but it was halfhearted as I contemplated how I could get him to start fucking me again.

The rumble of gears turning was muffled by the dome enclosing the nest, but I felt the momentum of it carrying us elsewhere. At least the plan was working.

Ghost peppered playful kisses all over my bare skin as Shadow glowered. It didn’t take long before the platform shuddered to a halt and the canopy peeled back, revealing a plain gray-walled cell. In the corner, looking annoyed, sat my green-eyed fantasy. Lex.

Chapter Twenty-Nine
