Page 10 of Spectacle

“Such a naughty girl, trying to drive your mates wild,” Xavier murmurs in my ear. “You know all of us would like nothing more than to keep you constantly round with our babies, but we know you don’t really want that—not at the moment anyway.”

I do want your babies, but not now. I do want you to fill me with your cum please. I want it, I beg, and this time they hear my voice in their heads. I want to drip with it.

I know exactly how to trigger my mates, and they don’t disappoint. All three of them pick up the pace, and I don’t know if they are communicating, but as my own orgasm rips me apart, they fill me with their seed. I swallow Saxon’s as quickly as I can, the blood and cum mix making me insatiable. He groans and pulls out of my mouth before leaning over and kissing me as my pussy and ass strangle Xavier and Cas, milking them for all their cum.

When they pull away, I’m an exhausted, dripping mess, and I couldn’t be happier.

The three of them collapse around me, kissing me all over and stroking my body, and I float like I’m in the clouds. I’m completely recharged after so many delicious orgasms and all that cum. I’m almost certain their cum helps recharge my body, and that’s why I’m so greedy for it all the time. It’s something I’m going to have to talk to the old mimic about. He did say sex was the key to our powers, but I’m wondering if cum is the icing on the cake.



Cuddling with my babies is high on my agenda today. When I exit the bedroom after showering, leaving Cas, Saxon, and Xavier to nap, and head in the direction of the living area, squeals of delight can be heard coming down the hallway, and I can’t stop the smile from spreading across my lips.

I feel like I’m probably letting the team down with how much I have on my plate, but I’m lucky to have such an amazing group of men to pick up the slack. I did have a moment of worry when I woke and all three of my original guys were in bed with me, knowing both Maxsim and Echo are in the med bay, but then I quickly let it go. I have more mates now, and it’s their turn to take up daddy duty. The others are getting a trial by fire at their new status. Brannock already knows what he’s doing, and Tirrian, well, he will either quickly get with the program or suffer in silence if he knows what’s good for him.

I’m pleasantly surprised, though, when I stop in the doorway. Tirrian is sitting on the floor, surrounded by blocks and toys and cardboard books, entertaining my three troublemakers. Cordy, Cally, and Jack are thoroughly enthralled by little smoke dragons that swoop and dive and fly around their heads. The smile on his face is kind of blinding, and I get a little starstruck. He’s usually so surly and grumpy, and seeing the joy he feels from playing with my children is nothing short of intoxicating.

When Jack stands up to reach for one of the dragons, he’s quick to snatch him up and sit him in his lap, quietly warning him that the dragons are hot. I have no idea how he’s doing it, but my inner dragon purrs with delight and coos something about being a good daddy and giving him his own hatchling. My kraken pokes her head up and murmurs her agreement. The horny bitch doesn’t care who knocks us up as long as we get a good dicking when it happens.

Settle down, there will be no more babies coming out of my hoo-ha anytime soon. You have four more coming shortly, so that’s going to have to keep you happy.

They both sulk, and I roll my eyes.

Doesn’t mean we won’t be practicing, I assure them, which seems to mollify them for now.

I push off the frame and head toward the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, but I freeze when I catch sight of a strange human in my kitchen. My heart starts to race, and I can’t decide what to do. The man’s back is broad, and he has tousled black hair. He wears jeans and a shirt that stretches deliciously across the expanse of his back, hugging his golden biceps like a lover. My eyes drop to his ass cheeks, which are perfectly cupped by the jeans he’s wearing. My gaze stops on his bare feet as my brain tries to make sense of what I’m seeing.

“Brannock, I think you are freaking out my mate with your appearance,” Tirrian grumbles.

I blink in surprise as the human man turns around and smiles at me. His green eyes sparkle with mirth, and I just about swallow my tongue. He pushes a hand through his hair and holds out a cup of coffee as I study his face. He has black stubble across his jawline, but it doesn’t hide his pouty lips that sit below an aristocratic nose and sharp cheekbones. He looks like he could be modeling some expensive fragrance in some high fashion magazine. The look on his face is so completely different from the sneer and aggression that I originally saw when he wore this glamour, he’s practically a different person.

“Brannock?” I ask, a little unsure as I take the offered cup. I mean, who else could it be? I recognize his glamour from the prison, but I’m not sure why he’s wearing it.

“Hi, I guess you’re probably wondering why I’m wearing this,” he says as the kids notice me and shout their hellos.

“Mama, look, dragons,” Jack calls and points at the smoke entertaining them. “Roar!” he growls adorably and hisses like he’s trying to blow fire. I’m not sure how he knows that’s what dragons do, but I’m sure his new father has something to do with it.

“They are great, baby,” I call, still slightly distracted by Brannock. I’m pleased that he’s here and moved in, but we still haven’t done the mate thing, aka fucked five times, and I’m kind of nervous that maybe he’s going to change his mind or that life with me isn’t what he thought it would be. It’s going to be a real trial by fire. He’s either going to run screaming or possibly throw me over his shoulder and drag me off to his bedroom so we can finish mating. I’m secretly hoping for the latter of course.

“Why don’t you come and sit down. I’m making scrambled eggs for the kids. It’s one of Chloe’s favorites, and I’m pretty damn good at it.” He points to the eggs on the counter in front of him.

“You’re making them?” I take a seat. The children’s chatter in the background provides a soothing balm to my soul. None of them seem upset about my lack of attention. “I didn’t even know we could do that. I thought the replicator did everything for us.”

I lift my cup to my mouth, swallow a large mouthful of coffee, and sigh, feeling some of the tension easing out of my body. There’s nothing better than starting my day with a mug of coffee. I think it’s because it’s familiar and reminds me of my life before everything that’s happened. It’s reassuring and comforting that despite all the changes, I’m still me.

“Yeah, you can still get things to make from the kitchen if you feel like cooking, but with no staff or deliveries at the moment, the stores are pretty bare except for a lot of stuff in the deep freeze. Eggs come from the chickens on the bio zone level. No one else is eating them, so they are going to waste. The automatons collect them every day, and I’ve been going up and moving them to the cold storage. I’ve been cracking them into containers and freezing them. I figured we can use them for baking or just get rid of them later.”

My eyes widen, and I look at this man with a whole new perspective. It hadn’t occurred to me that he would be the most like a human male. How domesticated is that? I’m not even sure Mark would have known you can freeze eggs if you crack them.

“Why this look?” I ask him. “You know I’m just as attracted to you in your other form, right?” I want him to know this. He had to hide himself for so long while he was on Earth, and I don’t want him to feel like he needs to hide here as well.

“Yeah, I know, but it’s kind of comfortable to be back in this one. I wore it for so long that it became natural. Also, I was thinking it wouldn’t hurt for people not to know you have an Aaz’axian in your pocket. The Madovians were certainly surprised by the two of us. Plus, I don’t have to worry about the children getting hurt by my spikes.”

“But I thought they didn’t hurt. They haven’t hurt me.” I think about touching him all over when he was naked. I also hugged him previously, didn’t I?

“No, because I’m attracted to you, but anyone else probably would have been damaged,” he explains. “I’m almost certain the children would be fine, since they aren’t perceived as dangerous, but I don’t want to risk it. I wore a glamour all through Chloe’s childhood, and I can do it for these children too.”