He really had the wool pulled over my eyes. Caspian tried to tell me in the past that biting was an option, but Dad’s argument about the venom sounded valid. How could I have been so stupid? I thought he had our family’s best interests at heart. Instead, he just wanted the money that comes with Kinga.
Poor Kinga, I know she doesn’t want this any more than I do. She’s in love with her bodyguard, a griffin shifter. I told them to run away, but her father threatened to kill Andre if she did, so she stayed, and here we are, only moments from being married to each other.
There was a commotion out in the entry, and Sissolic sent his other daughter, Klotho, to investigate. I fidget, my mind drifting to Lila’s heartbreaking reaction last night. I really fucked up. She was right, I was all over the place. I desperately wanted to be with her, but I wanted to do the right thing by Kinga before starting anything, and I came off very hot and cold. I just hope I haven’t fucked things up completely. The minute this marriage is done with, I plan on begging Lila to add me to her mates. Caspian muttered something about me needing to woo her now that I’ve been such an asshole. He gave me a list of her favorite foods and flowers, and a few suggestions on what I can get her to make things right.
Tirrian also whispered something to me about her new vault and how it needed to be filled, and as a shipping magnate, surely I had some kind of treasure that might be useful for this. Normally we would have, but if Cronus is right, and our family is broke, then I may not be able to procure anything of value for her vault.
My mother is the bookkeeper, and I just can’t see how we could be broke without her knowing about it. I would really like to have a conversation with her. I was expecting her and my brothers to be at the wedding. It kind of hurts that they aren’t, but I understand if she’s trying to keep the others safe.
Klotho returned five minutes ago, and the crowd is starting to get restless. “Go see what is taking so long. Put a hole in the bodyguard to get the bitch moving,” Sissolic mutters to one of his men, but before he can slither away, music starts up, and all the guests turn to face the entry to the church. Kinga appears in the doorway in a beautiful white dress and veil. As the music plays, she walks slowly down the aisle in time to it and mounts the steps to stand next to me. She hands her flowers to one of her father’s goons. There are no attendants for the wedding, just her father and his men making sure it takes place.
I’m tense, waiting for the others to spring their plan. I know that there are dragons in the crowd, waiting to round up all the Bravalanas, but that’s not what happens. The official starts the ceremony, which is very quick since there are no vows from either of us, and before I know it, he’s asking me if I take this woman, blah, blah, blah. My mind tunes out, and I feel nauseous. Why hasn’t the plan been sprung? I’m going to have to marry Kinga if I want my father to live. As much of an asshole as he has been, he doesn’t deserve to die in such a horrible way.
The officiant is waiting for my answer. My throat closes up, and I can’t respond. Shit, they’ll kill my father if I don’t hurry.
Kinga reaches out and takes my hand, giving it a squeeze. “Say yes, Silac,” she encourages. “Everything will work out, I know it.”
“Please forgive me,” I mutter under my breath, and her hand tightens in mine, even though it’s not her I’m begging for forgiveness. “I do,” I say, voicing the words that will seal my fate, and I hear her exhale with relief. What else was her father hanging over her that she actually wants to go through with this?
The official turns to her and gives the same spiel, and she is much quicker to respond. “I do.”
“I now pronounce you man and wife,” the officiant announces. “You may kiss the bride.”
I hesitate, and I hear her father hiss a warning, so I lift her veil and stare into the familiar eyes of my childhood friend. They glimmer with tears, and she smiles gently at me. “It’s okay, I promise,” she assures me like we both didn’t give up our chance at happiness. Andre may be alright being Kinga’s sidepiece, but there is no way Lila will ever want to be my mistress, nor would I ask that of her.
I lean in and press a kiss to the lips of the woman who is more like a sister to me. I intend for it to be short, but she wraps her arms around my head and holds me in place, licking at my lips for entrance. I gasp in surprise, not expecting Kinga to assault me like that, and she pushes her tongue in. I groan as her flavor hits my taste buds and she presses herself into my body. Her breasts rub against my chest, and her tongue strokes mine so unexpectedly, it makes my cocks rapidly harden, and I feel wicked guilt.
“Oh fuck.” I pull away and look down at Kinga in shock. Never in our relationship has she ever insinuated that she felt anything but friendship for me. She gives me a cheeky wink and wipes at her lipstick with a finger, looking very pleased with that kiss.
The crowd cheers and shouts their congratulations as we are ushered back out into the foyer and then into another area where there are tables and chairs set up for the reception. Food and drinks are brought out, and music starts up, with guests taking to the dance floor to celebrate our marriage.
Kinga and I are at the head table with her father and his men. Andre, Kinga’s bodyguard, is nowhere to be seen. I guess the commotion was her finally letting him go, just like I’m going to have to let go of Lila. I’m married now, and that might not mean anything to a lot of people, but I won’t break those vows. I will be the very best husband my friend deserves, especially if it means protecting my father. Speaking of my father, he is still in stone and being wheeled to a prime position in the room.
“Unfreeze my father,” I demand of Sissolic when I finally catch my breath. “You got what you wanted, and now it’s time to follow through on your promise.”
Sissolic shakes his head. “Not until the marriage is consummated and you bite my daughter. Getting out of a mating is way harder than a divorce. Once that happens, I will gladly unfreeze your father. He already signed Snakebite Logistics over to us.”
“Then why the fuck did you need us to marry?” I demand while Kinga stays quiet next to me.
“Leverage. You can never have too much of it. Your mother and brothers have mysteriously disappeared, and with them, the books. I need those ledgers back. They have all the account information.”
I can’t admit to him there is no money. There’s nothing stopping him from tipping Dad over and smashing him to smithereens.
“Well, there’s no time like the present. Shall we retire to our suite?” Kinga announces, standing up and holding out a hand to me. Her father smirks at her and nods his head approvingly, rubbing his hands together gleefully.
“So glad you came around to my way of thinking. Now you’re acting like a real Bravalana. I’m proud of you, my girl.”
I stare at her in horror. Despite the somewhat surprising kiss, which I will chalk up to an overabundance of emotions, I have no desire whatsoever to fuck and bite my friend. I’m not even sure I can rise to the occasion so to speak, but she ignores my look and drags me through the reception, not stopping until we get to the elevator to take us upstairs to the reserved bridal suite.
How did we get here? Everything has gone wrong. What happened to Lila and the guys and all the dragon backup?
The doors close, and Kinga approaches me with a smirk on her face. I back up, not quite sure how to react. Had she been faking her reaction to the marriage? Was she secretly going along with the plan the whole time? What happened to Andre? I thought they were together. I guess I’ve been fooled by everyone.
She slides her hands across the lapels of my jacket I’d been stuffed into. “Hello, husband,” she says, her voice husky with desire. I grimace and push her away.
“Kinga, no. How did we even get here? You know I love another. I told her this was not going to happen. I’ve broken my promise to her. How could you do this? I thought you loved Andre!” All of my inside thoughts become outside ones now that we are alone, and I can’t help the venom in my tone.
“Oh, are you sure? Wouldn’t it be easier just to give in? I’m certain we could be good together. Once we’re mated, Dad will let you continue to run your family business, and we could have snaklets, and maybe they would be nagas. I could give you anything.” She stalks toward me, and I stumble as my knees hit the back of the bed, falling on top of it.