Page 38 of Spectacle

“They meant nothing to me. I had to portray a certain position to get the basilisks on board. None of them are faithful to their partners.”

Silac shakes his head. “And to think I was impatient to get back and save you. I should have Lila turn you into stone again.”

I push my way through and glare at the man who recovers his fight and sneers at me. “And who is this basilisk bitch that you’re throwing everything away for? What’s the difference between this one and the one I arranged for you? I’m sure you had fun sticking your cocks into her to get her to cooperate.”

“Oh shit.” Xavier snickers. “Please, Silac, let Lila show your father what she can do. Please. I promise when it’s your turn to have babies, I’ll look after them once a week so you can have one-on-one time with Lila.”

I glare at my husband before turning my attention to Silac. I can see all his hurt and anger, not to mention feel it viscerally with my warlock powers, which must be reacting to the other three warlocks who are here.

He sighs. “Go ahead, Lila. Show my father exactly what I have thrown away my chance with Kinga for… what I am so very happy to throw it away for if you will ever forgive me for being such an ass and pushing you away until this had been dealt with. I was trying to be honorable, but now I know how ridiculous that was, considering my father wouldn’t know honor if it bit him on the nose.”

I’ve never changed from one form to a new form before, but I don’t even have to think about it. I loosen the reins on my mimic powers, and I feel the power rush over me. My tail changes slightly, growing thicker and longer, and the horned ridge on my head shrinks and I feel a hood form. Something happens in my pelvis region, but I don’t get a chance to check before the mist fades. I look down to make sure my breasts aren’t exposed to Silac’s dad in this form, but sure enough, like the basilisk, I have scales covering my chesticles. I’m the color of all my other creatures, the same as the dragon eye stone.

“You’re gorgeous,” Silac whispers reverently while his dad stares at me in horror. “Dad, I’d like you to meet Lila, whom I’m hoping will do me the honor of being my mate if I haven’t fucked everything up too badly. Even if I couldn’t bite her to change her, she can mimic my form, and we can continue the naga line without any question.”



Idon’t stay in my naga form and change back to my basilisk quickly. Silac’s dad alternates between yelling at him and pleading for forgiveness. The man doesn’t know if he’s Arthur or Martha at this stage. I think the dragons would like to arrest him and throw away the key, and the warlocks are of the same mind. Silac said it was up to his mother to make that decision, but he wanted nothing more to do with him.

After about ten minutes, I couldn’t stand it any longer, so I used the basilisk power to petrify him again.

The sighs of relief as silence descended on the warehouse were almost comical.

“Lila, can we talk?” Silac corners me after they move his father to one side, and I get started on unfreezing the rest of the captives. The first five are reanimated, and the rest of my gathered men and family are trying to calm them down and ascertain where they need to be returned to. This is going to be a long ass night, and I only just started.

“Not now, Silac. I don’t have the time if we want to get this finished and still make it to your wedding. In fact, weren’t you supposed to be heading there now?” I ask, just wanting him to go away, and he grimaces.

“Yes, Xavier is about to take me over there, but I was hoping we could talk before I go.”

“I’m sorry for all you have learned today, and I respect that you made the decisions you did, but the whole hot and cold is wearing on me. Come see me once you officially break everything off with Kinga, and then we can talk.”

He looks devastated, but now he knows how it feels. Only minutes ago, he was refusing to help refuel me, which I completely understand, but it doesn’t make me feel good. Does that make me cruel? Maybe, but I don’t have time for head games, and that’s all I feel like our relationship has been. After showing me all that affection one night, barely letting me move off his lap, he went back to giving me the cold shoulder. I don’t have the emotional fortitude for that shit. I’ve dealt with people who were indifferent to me all my life in foster care, and I’m not allowing those behaviors to be a part of my life anymore—not when I have people who want to be a part of my family.

He must realize how serious I am, because he leaves me be when Xavier tugs him away from me. The two of them teleport to wherever Silac needs to go, but Xavier will be back to help with this clusterfuck.

Tirrian called in more dragon guards to assist with the process. I unfreeze ten people at a time, and they guide them off to the side where the rest of my mates and Tirrian’s and Xavier’s family work to gather their information. It’s then the warlocks’ job to transfer them to the dragon compound so arrangements can be made to transport them home or, in some cases, to jail. Xylene and Cronus are scanning all their minds to make sure they are innocent victims and not more trash that need to be taken out. Some of them are rival criminals the Bravalana have taken care of. We check records and outstanding warrants, and if they have none, we let them go with a warning. If they have them, then we contact the relevant authorities and transport them to the dungeons of the dragon keep to await collection.

This process takes way too long. I’ve reanimated approximately two hundred people nearly three hours later, and I’ve been pushing the last few lots. I feel my basilisk form fade away and I groan, needing blood, food, and sex.

“Lila, are you okay?” Saxon asks as the rest of my men surround me.

I shake my head. “No, this is going to take a lot longer than I thought it would. I can’t hold my basilisk form anymore. I’m going to have to feed,” I say quietly under my breath, but of course my father-in-law won’t stand for that.

“What’s wrong with Lila?” Cronus demands. “Can we do anything?”

Xavier chuckles while I blush.

“Thanks for the offer, Dad, but Lila’s problems can’t be solved by you.”

“Actually…” Maxsim turns to the warlock king. “Would you be able to teleport me back to the dragon keep? I want to organize some food for Lila. She needs to keep up her strength. Maybe you and Xylene could show me exactly what someone with lots of power needs to eat to increase their strength.” He guides him away, and I say a small prayer of thanks to the gods for my alpha mate. He distracted the nosy warlock for now as he ruminates on the best food for power levels.

Tirrian smirks at me. “How about I gather our troops and have them do a perimeter check to ensure no one is sneaking up on us, and you and Brannock can make use of that office over there? It’s not much, but it will provide a bit of privacy.” He gives me a kiss before rounding up the dragons and hustling them out the door.

“But Brannock can’t power me up,” I argue.

“No, but it will get a few more of those pesky orgasms out of the way and closer to bonding him permanently.” Aww look at him being a team player. “Xavier or I will tag in after and provide you with a power boost, or do you need more than one of us?” Saxon asks, and I shake my head.