“It’s not something that can be utilized in a large scale because of the potential to ruin everything, but to protect important meetings, it is definitely effective.” Tysar takes a seat at a long table and gestures for all of us to sit. “Tallon has video feeds to show you. The basilisks are obviously unconcerned about being discovered or have more important things to worry about, because they don’t have countermeasures.”
“These feeds are from when you first apprised us of the situation. I can confirm your father has been turned to stone, I’m sorry to say, but for now, he is in one piece,” she informs Silac, pausing on a screenshot that shows us exactly that. It’s an office, and Silac’s father is in his half form. He looks like a statue from some Greek inspired garden. “Obviously we didn’t catch what happened, because we didn’t have surveillance on them at the time, but we were able to catch what happened next.”
She fast forwards the film, and I can tell by the time stamp that it is a period of a few days. Finally, she slows down when Xavier’s parents appear in the video of the same office. Silac’s dad’s statute is nowhere to be seen. They are having a meeting with six big basilisk snakes. They are in their half form, and unlike the nagas who have a hood, they have large spike-like crests on their heads, slightly like a dragon’s and creepy as fuck, with white eyes with black pupils.
What starts off as a friendly negotiation goes downhill rather fast, and before any of us can blink, both Cronus and Xylene are turned to stone.
“How?” I mutter, still shocked. “Cronus and Xylene are mega powerful.”
“They are, but they are also arrogant because of it, and I guess they didn’t even consider it might happen to them.” Xavier combs a hand through his hair in agitation, staring at the paused image of his petrified parents. I can feel his anguish. It’s bitter and unpleasant, and it’s all I can do to stop myself from wrinkling my nose.
“That’s how quick it can be and why they must be stopped. We did some more digging and found this.” Tallon switches out the video, and I blanch at what I see. It’s a huge warehouse, and it is filled with hundreds of stone statues.
“Holy fuck, is that what I think it is?” We all lean forward, but it’s Saxon who asked the question.
“We think this is probably everyone who has opposed the Bravalanas over the years. Your parents are all stored here now.” She brings up an image of them at the front of the warehouse.
“We need to get Lila in there and everyone freed before tomorrow night’s wedding ceremony. That’s the only way we can be sure they are safe.” Brannock is in planning mode.
“I am required to present myself to the family this evening. I will create a distraction so you can do that.” Silac has a stubborn set to his jaw, and I know there is no talking him out of this. He still wants to make sure his fiancée, Kinga, gets out alright. He insists she doesn’t want this any more than he does. I’m not sure it’s the right choice, but none of us can dissuade him.
“Excellent, and once we free everyone tonight, we will crash the wedding tomorrow, rounding up all the basilisks we can.” Tysar sounds excited at the chance, as is everyone else in the room. The room practically sparks with anticipation. “It’s been a while since we could let out some aggression on a foe.”
“I’ve developed some glass with mirrored reflections for everyone. The basilisks can’t change you if they can’t see your eyes. I’ll make sure we have enough pairs for all the troops tomorrow.” Link points to a suitcase that he carried from the ship. I wondered what was in it.
“Lila, you need to fuel up for a few hours. We don’t know how long it’s going to take you to change all of those people back to flesh.”
“How exactly is Lila going to do that?” Thorn asks, sounding skeptical. I’m pretty sure he’s asking me how I’m going to change the people, not fuel up, because there is no way I want to share that I have to fuck to power up with Tirrian’s brother.
“Did you get what I asked for?” Tirrian’s gaze is on Tallon, and she nods.
“Yeah, secure in the dungeon. Shall we go there now?”
“You have a basilisk?” Link sounds excited. “Good, I can test my glasses then too.” He grabs a pair and slips them onto his face, and we follow Tallon through the mountainside complex to a lower level.
“How did you catch one if you can’t risk looking them in the eye?” Max has been mostly quiet, observing and taking everything in, so I almost jump when he asks this question.
“Tranq dart,” Tallon says wryly. “They aren’t particularly observant about their surroundings. We caught this one coming out of a fast-food place in the capital. We kept him sedated until we got here, but it should have worn off by now. Are you sure you’re going to be able to mimic him without being turned to stone?” she asks, unable to hide her concern. “The last thing we want is for that to happen, and for Tirrian and the rest of your mates to lose their shit.” She gives Brannock the side-eye. We haven’t hidden his race from the royal family, and so far, they’ve been happy to accept him, but I understand them being wary about him going berserker, even if we aren’t fully mated.
“I don’t need to look them in the eye. I can just as easily look at them through a viewing window. Do you have a two-way mirror?”
“Yes, we can activate one. We can see them, and they can’t see us. Our cells allow us to do that.”
“They are the same as the ones on Earth. The barriers are tech based,” Xavier explains to me.
“I’ll wait until Lila has mimicked him before I test my glasses. That way, she can always unfreeze me if I get turned to stone,” Link decides, and I heave a sigh of relief.
“Can a basilisk reverse the process? Do we know this for sure?” I ask as we enter the containment area.
“Yes, they can. Most of the time, they choose not to. It’s horrible, because although they are frozen, their minds are very much active inside the stone. I can’t imagine how much counseling all those people are going to need in the warehouse.” Silac sounds furious.
“We will seize all their assets and liquidate them to compensate any of the victims. By the time we’re finished, the Bravalana family will be done,” Thorn assures us.
“Make sure you are positive of guilt. Silac says that not all of them are happy to be involved in any illegal doings,” Saxon cautions.
“Kinga should be able to help us with that. The Bravalana basilisks aren’t a huge family, but they are still significantly bigger than us nagas. There are other basilisk families that live perfectly legal and normal lives.” Silac is staring at the male who is in half form on the other side of the two-way mirror. I don’t even think he knows we’re here.
I step closer, and I stare at him, giving my mimic abilities a nudge. They surge forward. I haven’t asked them to mimic any new forms for a long time, and they are almost champing at the bit to mimic this one. I feel my body shift, my bones realigning, and can’t stop the groan that leaves my mouth. I see someone reach out for me, but Saxon jumps in and stops them.