Page 22 of Spectacle

Ghosie doesn’t look convinced, but he does as he’s asked and clasps his hand. I hold my breath, waiting to see if and how the god reacts.

Zeydan’s eyes widen in surprise, and he grunts, his body shaking as it starts to glow green. His cock hardens beneath my head, but that is the only outward sign that he is affected. Unlike me, he doesn’t rub himself all over Ghosie. His eyes drift closed, and I feel him reach out with his power, but then he frowns, and his eyes pop open, and he releases Ghosie’s hand.

“I’m sorry, I can’t see anything. My power is too diminished in this form.” Ghosie’s hopeful look drops, replaced with one of disappointment. The breath I’d been holding heaves out as I mimic his feelings.

“Never mind. It was silly getting my hopes up.” He goes to move back to where he was sitting, but Zeydan holds out a hand, stopping him in his tracks.

“Hang on, let me change to my god form. I may be able to tell more in that.” He looks down at me and runs a nervous hand through his hair. “Can you get up please? I’m going to change, and I don’t want you to be frightened, but promise me you won’t run away no matter what you think,” he pleads, which surprises me. What about his god form makes him so worried I’m going to be scared?

I purse my lips and roll over to the side before getting up onto my knees. I take his hand and give it a squeeze. “I turn into various creatures, including a dragon and a kraken, so you aren’t going to frighten me no matter what you look like,” I assure him, but then I curse under my breath. If he looks like the Barcoa, it might be a hard pass for me, but I hold my ground. I said it now, and I won’t take it back. We can deal.

Zeydan whistles, and his tails abandon their nap and stream back toward him, flowing onto his body and reforming as tails behind him. His whole frame starts to glow green, and his body grows, expanding up and outward until he’s close to eight feet tall. His face changes, growing a muzzle, and velvet-like fur covers it, making him look like a true fox. The fur is the same red as his ears and tails. The rest of his body stays smooth, but growing up out if his back are a pair of extra appendages. Green fern fronds extend like extra limbs. I’m not sure what their function is, but they wave elegantly. Shifting beneath his skirt draws my attention to his crotch area. Something is moving under there, and my curiosity increases.

Both Ghosie and I look up at him with wide-eyed amazement. He’s like the living, breathing embodiment of Anubis from Egyptian mythology, and I am so here for it. I want to release my inner slave girl to see to his every need and press my thighs together and hope that nobody can smell how turned on I am. This is not the time or the place. Well, it might be the place, but it is so not the time.

I shove down my musings as I notice that all the sound from the game, as well as the sounds of the children, die off, leaving the bio level in anxious silence.

Zeydan in his god form is stunning, awe-inspiring but gorgeous, and not anything I want to run away from.

My kraken purrs and whispers inside my mind. Look at the size of him. I bet his cock is huge.

Shut up, you silly bitch. That cock would split us in half, I remind her, and I feel her laugh at my expense.

Your body will adjust. You are made for him. You are his mate. You need to take a ride on that very soon.

How did I end up as a mate to a god? He deserves a goddess as a mate, not a boring, slutty Skarrian.

I can feel her amusement at my thoughts, and I get the feeling she knows more than she’s saying, but she keeps the rest of her opinions to herself.

Zeydan holds his hands out to Ghosie once more. Ghosie hesitates for a moment before standing up and grasping the god’s hands. His body is enveloped in the green glow, and he lifts slightly into the air, his back arching and his mouth dropping open like he’s in pain. He moans loudly, and I jump to help him, my fangs clicking into place. Zeydan should have warned us it was going to hurt him, but I slam up against a barrier and can go no farther.

“Easy, mate.” Zeydan’s voice has deepened, and it feels like a caress against my skin. “I am not hurting him. In fact, my power probably feels good to him, sort of like what his fur does to everyone else.”

I ease back, my eyes zeroing in on his face. His eyes are squeezed shut, and what I thought was pain is actually exquisite pleasure. My gaze drops to where his cock sheath is, and my eyes widen when I find it. The sheath has contracted back, and his cock is exposed. It’s the same color as his fur and not smooth like a human cock. It has various different ridges and lumps and bumps along the length of it. I bet it hits all the magic spots on the inside. Sitting at the base of it is a nub very much like a woman’s clitoris, and I would love to know what the function of it is.

“Teddy!” Cally screams, and my head wrenches in their direction. Shit, they probably don’t need to see what is going on. I’m hoping they are far enough away that they can’t see his cock. Eric is quick to grab her and hold her close, whispering words of comfort to her.

“He’s okay. Zeydan is just trying to see if he can make him feel better.” I guess that’s as good an explanation as he can give. None of the others really know what we’re doing, just that Zeydan’s god has appeared.

“Zeydan is trying to see if he can do anything about the curse on the Carevasta bears,” I announce loudly for everyone, and I can see the rest of my family visibly relax. They were all on high alert at the appearance of Zeydan’s godly form, which I don’t blame them.

The men return to their game, and I hear John suggest to the children that they go see if the orchard has any fruit on the trees. That is enough to distract them.

I turn my attention back to the god and bear and find both of them floating slightly off the ground. Zeydan’s power creates a jaw throbbing pulse in the air, and I grit my teeth and hold my ground. Eventually, it seeps into my skin, changing from terror inducing waves into something more sensual and pleasant. I sigh and allow it to flow over me, but it doesn’t last long. The frown on his face tells me that whatever he was attempting isn’t working.

They both lower to the ground. Ghosie’s frozen muscles relax as Zeydan draws his power back into himself. He shakes his head, looking frustrated as he holds out a hand to steady the bear.

“I’m sorry. Much like the block on Liliana’s mind, I can’t force your DNA to rewrite itself. It will take the goddess who laid the curse or the god who is responsible for their creation to do that.”

Ghosie seems to sink in on himself, but he nods, even though his disappointment is visible. “I understand. Thank you for trying. I think I’m going to call it a day. I’ll see you all later,” he says, cupping his hand across his still erect cock. Without waiting for a reply, he departs.

I watch him retreat and take a step to follow him, but Zeydan puts a hand out to stop me.

“Give him a moment. He was so hopeful.” He sounds disappointed that he couldn’t help him.

I whirl to face him. “So were you able to tell who laid the curse?” I ask, my hands on my hips. “Who was the Carevasta bears’ creator? Obviously it wasn’t you.”

He shakes his head, and I watch as he allows his god form to recede. “No, it wasn’t me. Market is responsible for the Carevasta bears’ existence. If we ever find him, he may be able to help him, but with all our powers diminished, it just may not be possible, unless we can figure out why they are. I could tell it was Vivax who cursed them, but if she’s as diminished as the rest of us, it may not be possible either.”