I narrow my eyes, thinking there is more to this than just that. He was happy walking around in his natural form previous to us fucking. I hope I didn’t make him feel inadequate or something.
He sighs and looks at Tirrian. I follow his gaze, and Tirrian nods encouragingly at him. What is going on? Are these two suddenly besties?
Brannock stops cracking eggs for a moment and looks me dead in the eye. “I don’t want you to feel like I’m with you because you are the only female of my species that I have come across. I like you for you and couldn’t care less if you never change into that form again,” he announces, and I blink, kind of shocked and not sure what to say. That’s certainly a declaration, but I hadn’t been worried about it, though it must be nice for him to be able to have sex without worrying about destroying a woman’s vagina.
“But you can’t orgasm in this form,” I remind him, and he winces.
“Actually, I can. The glamour doesn’t stop the barbs on my cock. It just means your insides will be ripped to shreds. I never let myself get that far with my wife. Remember, I got very good at faking it.”
I grimace at the thought. I wonder if I can change just a part of me. I know Oshan said it wasn’t possible, but I’ve been able to use some of my powers in this form, so I think it is worth investigating.
He returns to cracking eggs into a bowl. He has ten in there already with ten more waiting to be cracked. I guess he’s feeding himself, a dragon, and three hungry kraken shifters as well as me. The others can feed themselves when they eventually surface.
I get up and move around to him, wrapping my arms around him from behind and leaning my cheek against his broad back. Oh, this is nice. I sigh and close my eyes.
“Well, just so you know, I like you either way, and I don’t think you’re with me just to procreate. You’ve heard me complain enough to know there aren’t any babies being pushed out of this body for the time being.”
His body shakes with his laughter, and he stops what he’s doing and spins around so I’m pressed against his chest. Hmmm, his chesticles feel wonderful. This man is ripped in this form. I can’t actually feel any of his original form underneath him. Maybe he actually changes forms completely, so it’s not a glamour but a full change. I think about his cock—well, almost a full change. I wonder if Chloe is the same and has two forms because she’s part human. I’m nervous about meeting his daughter, but also desperate to get her out of Agent Smith’s clutches, and that is weighing on me. We need to get all of this other crap wrapped up so we can do that.
He presses a kiss to the top of my head. I’m not short, but all of these guys are so much taller than I am. They make me feel dainty, which is nice. “Oh, I am very aware of that. Now grab a seat unless you want to put some of that bread in the toaster.” I pull back and notice a loaf of bread on the counter. It has a label on it I recognize from Earth.
“What the heck?” I release him reluctantly, and he returns to crack the last couple of eggs before adding a splash of cream into the bowl.
“There are all sorts of things in the cold storage in the kitchen. There is lots of Earth ice cream too. I guess the boss men must have stocked up while we were there.”
“The cold storage must be huge for a ship this big,” I mutter as I remove the plastic tie from the loaf of bread and pop some into the toaster sitting on the counter. This all feels so normal, and for the first time since I left my apartment I shared with Susie, I feel like I’m at home. Who would have thought that it would take an alien man making me breakfast while wearing his Earth glamour to make me feel settled? Don’t get me wrong, I love all of my mates, and I feel like I have a place here, but the normal, mundane exercise of making toast just really drives home the fact that Earth is no longer where I belong.
I watch as Brannock whisks the eggs and cream before adding a shake of salt and pepper. I didn’t even know we had any of these things in our cupboards. Tirrian wrangles the children over to the table. Their chubby little legs are adorable as they all race to get there first. I pop the toast down and help Cordelia into her chair. She gives me a kiss and wraps her chubby little arms around my neck, and I just breathe in her scent. Much like Caspian, she smells of sun and sea, as well as having that delicious baby scent.
My heart melts as she claps her hands to my cheeks to purse my lips and plant a sloppy kiss on them. “Love you, Mama,” she says before I place her in her chair.
“Love you too, baby,” I tell her, brushing a hand across her mop of purple hair exactly like her father’s.
“Mama, can you watch fish movie with us today?” Cally asks as she tugs on the leg of my sweatpants. I bend down and pick her up before swinging her around and placing kisses all over her onesie-covered belly. She giggles with laughter and grabs my hair with her hands. I extract her and place her in her seat.
“Of course I can watch the fish movie with you.” I don’t really want to watch Finding Nemo for the billionth time, but it’s better than The Little Mermaid.
“Daddy Dragon and Daddy Bran are going to watch them with us too,” Jack tells me from Tirrian’s arms as he places him in his seat before sitting down next to him. “They haven’t seen them before.” He sounds like he can’t believe they’ve never seen such cinematic masterpieces. I stifle a laugh. I bet the others are relieved that there are two more men to watch movies with now. My kids are slightly OCD when it comes to what they like to watch.
“Well, they are in for a real treat then,” I reply, returning to the toast and buttering it now that it has popped up. Brannock heats a large pan on the stove before pouring the egg mixture in.
Before long, we are all sitting at the table, enjoying a nice, uneventful family meal. For a small moment in time, I forget all of our worries and enjoy just being with the ones I love. Future Lila is probably going to be annoyed at me, but I need this.
I’m in absolute bliss being surrounded by my babies as we watch Marlin, Nemo’s father not Nikos’, try to find his way to Sydney to rescue Nemo. The kids think the turtle is awesome, and they asked if they can have a pet Bruce to put into the Aquilian tank. I quickly shut that idea down, telling them that Sweetpea would be sad if we let another large animal swim in her tank when she isn’t there.
Zeydan appeared briefly to inform me he was going to sit with Liliana and give Link a break. I still don’t know where I stand with the god. He’s become slightly standoffish since we found the woman, and I wonder if he thinks he was wrong about me being his mate. He seems to have other things on his mind now, which probably isn’t such a bad thing. I just mated with Tirrian and still want to take things further with Brannock, as well as keep all my other mates happy. It’s a juggling job, and I’m not sure I’m up for the task.
He leaves, and I watch him go, his brightly colored tails waving behind him. He hasn’t let them free yet, and I wonder if they have their own consciousness or if they are an extension of him.
“He looks a little lost,” Tirrian murmurs to me. The children have rotated between the three adults throughout the movie, and both men are completely smitten with their new family. My children are expert manipulators. I wonder if that is Xavier’s doing.
“Yes, he does,” I agree.
“It must be a huge shock for him to see the goddess of life after her being gone for so many years. He said the six of them were a family.” Tirrian sounds as curious as I am. We’re all desperate for her to wake up and shed some light on the whole Lilessa-Liliana drama.